hip hop music

July 21, 2009

Chris Brown Apologizes in Video to Rihanna (VIDEO)

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Something just doesn't taste right about this Chris Brown apology. Maybe it's the 6 long months it took him to finally give it, maybe it's the teleprompter-y reading of a statement with a lot of lawyer-y segments in it, maybe it's the Star Trek ensemble he's wearing while he delivers it. I'm not sure. But my gut says he hasn't earned a return to the spotlight yet. I don't feel like Chris Brown ought to be banned from working forever, everyone deserves a chance at redemption. But this just feels a little too soon and too caclulated, IMO. If he apologizes and doesn't follow it up with a new album this winter, I'll be able to credit it a lot more.

Chris Brown Apologizes in Video to Rihanna

Singer Chris Brown has finally addressed his assault on Rihanna in a Youtube Video. Brown, looking directly into camera [video below], spoke on the matter, saying, "Since February, my attorney has advised me not to speak out, even though since the incident I wanted to publicly express my deepest regret and accept full responsibility."

Brown indicated he would participate in interviews in the future. "I felt it was time for you to directly hear from me that I am sorry. I have tried to live my life in a way which can make those around me proud of me - and until recently, I think I was doing a pretty good job.

"I wish I had the chance to live those few moments again - but unfortunately I can't. I cannot go into what happened, and most importantly I'm not going to sit here and make any excuses..."

Chris Brown Apologizes in Video to Rihanna

Posted by jsmooth995 at July 21, 2009 4:19 AM

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