June 24, 2009

Welcome, Marion & Tabitha Broderick!

Here's the scoop on how they picked their names. They seem like one of the cooler couples in Hollywood (or New York, to be precise.. I saw Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick on Mott Street the other day..). They seem like they'd be great parents too.

Marion & Tabitha Broderick: How They Picked Their Names

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick dug into their family roots for the names of their twin daughters. The middle names of Tabitha Hodge Broderick and Marion Loretta Elwell Broderick are both family names on Parker's side, according to publicist Simon Halls...

...The girls were born on Monday afternoon at an Ohio hospital, said Simon Halls, a publicist for the couple. Marion Loretta Elwell Broderick weighed 5 pounds and 11 ounces, and Tabitha Hodge Broderick weighed 6 pounds.Hodge and Elwell are family names on Parker's side, Mr Halls said. Photos of the twins Marion & Tabitha Broderick are expected soon, or at least so the world hopes! How could they not be beautiful babies...

Welcome to Earth Marion & Tabitha Broderick!

Posted at June 24, 2009 8:48 AM

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