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July 29, 2009Michael Jackson: Operating Room Anesthetic Killed Him?
Propofol? What Killed Michael Jackson? Maybe. Here's the story. It's been speculated ever since Michael Jackson died that he was killed by the misuse of fan operating room anesthetic called Propofol. It's already been confirmed that propofol was one of the many ill-advised drugs that Michaek Jackson kept around,and now it is becoming clearer that propofol may have been administered earlier in the day of Michael Jackson's death, by the already notorious Dr. Conrad Murray. It is very likely now that Dr. Murray will face manslaughter charges for letting Michael Jackson use an operating room anesthetic like it was a sleeping pill. Underniably MJ himself bears responsibility for his choices in life. But I certainly hope the doctor will be held accountable, and this will be a cautionary tale for the many doctors out there who operate with such low morals. Posted at July 29, 2009 4:45 AM Comments
i think he should be held responsible for giveing michael the drug at the end o the day he killed him by giving him it in the first place Posted by: gloria at July 29, 2009 6:28 AM He should be held responsiable. "The drug killed him"! Posted by: jeeva at July 29, 2009 6:40 AM He should be made to pay for what he did, he should have known better as a health care professional. Posted by: Anonymous at July 29, 2009 6:45 AM I’m sure Michael searched for this doctor and got what he wanted. Adults make their own choices in life. Most people have to live with their choices. Some people died from the choices. That's life... Posted by: Carl Begley at July 29, 2009 6:57 AM I’m sure Michael searched for this doctor and got what he wanted. Adults make their own choices in life. Most people have to live with their choices. Some people died from the choices. That's life... Hazard Posted by: Carl Begley at July 29, 2009 6:58 AM I believe the doctor should be held accountable he should of practiced good morals instead of being an enabler instead of giving Michael the drug he should of tried to help him through either rehab, family intervention, or refusing to addminister the drug. I do believe justice will be served. Posted by: >f`ly on the wall< at July 29, 2009 7:13 AM MJ has had plenty of these so called doctors around him for many years. This shows a blatant mis-use of drugs that have been made all to available to a man with underlying problems. Surley the blame must not only be leveled at the doctor, but also to those around the troubled man. How many so called friends of MJ allowed this to happen. Posted by: Anon at July 29, 2009 7:25 AM i believe that Michael wanted the drugs, but that dont give te doctor the right to distribute it to Michael. I believe that the doctor should be held responsible and accept the consequences, because it's alot of doctors out here that is doing such things, I feel that this should be shown to other doctors that it is not ok by making an example with Murray. Michael might have had problems with drugs, but doctors are suppose to help addicts, not up held them in such habits. Look at the outcome we lost a great person I personally love Michael and i miss him already, I dont know him personally, but his music makes me feel like i do and his kind heart. "JUSTICE SHOULD BE SERVED" Posted by: melvina brown at July 29, 2009 7:26 AM We all make choices and if actually this drug was administered to MJ which i strongly believe was then Dr Murray has an explanation because from all indications,he was the one who administered it.I don't know what the law is waiting for to book him in..............He killed MJ out of recklessness. Posted by: Rossi at July 29, 2009 7:31 AM mj has been taking drugs and other medicines Posted by: andrew at July 29, 2009 7:46 AM The junkie got what he deserved. Pump that crap into your body and you will die sooner or later. It's only too bad that he didn't get it sooner, the children of the world would of benefited. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Posted by: daHawk at July 29, 2009 8:33 AM why is it, that only when a person pass away, we start ot talk about what things that should said and done when they were alive, every time i see a article about michael jackson it hurts, because so many people know that he was taking these deadly drugs and one do or saying any thing about it, where was his mother, his brothers and sisters, where was his friends, his lawyers, to say look michael i know you are an adult, but if you dont stop taking these drugs i am going to declear you unfit, when does a person life, celebrates or not become more important that privacy, how does we as human being see someone going down a freeway 180 miles and dont call for help, yes as adult me are reponsible for our own action, michael will forever be miss, but i am also disappointed in him for not knowing better, i also think that every one that know that he was taking all these drugs and do nothing about it should hold accountable for his death, his nutritionist, his lawyer, his friends and yes his family, now three children are left without a father, and a nation must mourn a great loss. Posted by: sandra at July 29, 2009 8:39 AM He didn't deserved to die.He did not do any thing to those kids.The doctor killed him.He is the king not the king of pop king in music. Tressy Posted by: tressy at July 29, 2009 8:46 AM ur all a bunch of idiots man. micheal made his own choice he was an addict. the doctor just helped him out. micheal fucked up. hes dead now let it go. plus he was weird as hell anyways Posted by: bastian at July 29, 2009 9:22 AM Any professional knows that if Propofol is given, it is used in a controlled environment. That would consist of a cardiac monitor,crash cart and constant physical monitoring, just to name a few. If Dr. Murray did obtain Propofol, he should be prosecuted and his license should be taken away for good. Posted by: Judylynn at July 29, 2009 9:47 AM michael was a wonderful entertainer and such a great joy to watch. He could dance like no other. he will be sadly missed. i grew up listening to him. so, of course i loved him. yes michael had problems, we all do. but... in the end let's be real,, michael could only ask for what ever drug he wanted, or thought that he needed, but the doctor whom took an oath knew right from wrong. the doctor should of told michael NO, and kept to his word. you know yea, michael might of gotten mad, and might of even tried to find another doctor to give him what he wanted,, but let's face it,,, he may not of succeded in finding another one. and then he would be here today. so, the doctor should pay, if in deed that is what happened to michael. evendently the doctor liked the money more than his profession, cause now he could lose everything, including his freedom. if he is , and i'm not saying he is, cause we will have to wait til the toxicology report's come back, but if it prove's that this was the reason michael jackson died, then i hope and pray that the justice system does the right thing, and not just a slap on the hand's, or probation. there has been alot of great losses out there due to negeligence, if this is the case with michael, then please let this be the last. the doctor should pay for what he did. it won't bring michael back, but this way he won't be able to take some one else's life. Posted by: judy at July 29, 2009 10:00 AM It's unfortunate that society allows a talented individual(s)with so much money power do what ever he chooses when the actual need for genuine love and strenght from others is to say No!. Michael needed someone to tell him No,No,No.......and mean it! No one is invinsible not even the Michael Jackson as he thought he was.... I hope the world has learned from this. "Say No To Drugs" Posted by: teresa morgan at July 29, 2009 10:43 AM HIS family is as much to blame as the doctor. they knew he was addicted. you could tell by looking, something was wrong with him, but nobody did anything. Now they are interested because of money. they make me sick. i have to believe, "What goes around, comes around". to the Jackson family, quit counting the money and acting for the TV camera, you knew! Posted by: marlene at July 29, 2009 10:54 AM The drug Propofol has been abused by others and it isn't because people want to sleep. Look up ... "meyler's side effects of drugs 2000. 14th edn amsterdam pp. 330" Posted by: Maudie at July 29, 2009 11:19 AM The Doc should go jail as soon as possible before hi cause more damiges toother people Posted by: kristina at July 29, 2009 11:48 AM When it is all said and done, 1. MJ was a great entertainer (The King of Pop!) 2. He was found "NOT GUILTY" by a Court of Law (and a jury of his peers!!!) 3. One accuser is now recanting his story (that MJ molested him) 4. He was a great father 5. He was a Human Being (who cared about the environment and wanted peace in the world) who deserves our sympathy. Sympathetic Sandy. Posted by: Sandy at July 29, 2009 12:08 PM Yes Michael made a bad decision,and may he R.I.P. I hope they prosecute Dr. Murry to the fullest extent of the LAW. And to daHawk go jump in the lake. Posted by: Niecie at July 29, 2009 12:29 PM Though I realize MJ and people like him (in a position of power and money) have the ability to get what they want, they still need to rely on others for assistance. With this, I believe the Doctor and all other parties who knowingly turned a blind eye should be held responsible. Posted by: Janet at July 29, 2009 12:34 PM Upon becoming a doctor, one must swear an oath Posted by: DB at July 29, 2009 12:34 PM I totally agree with Judylynn. If Murray was a real Dr. he would have been monitoring MJ with a cardiac monitor, etc. When he fell asleep, he must have been dreaming about his 6-figure salary and not taking proper care of Michael. I hope the rest of his un-licensed life is utter HELL. You stupid idiot--of course from TX. Houston. Posted by: Que Pasa at July 29, 2009 12:36 PM I totally agree with Judylynn. If Murray was a real Dr. he would have been monitoring MJ with a cardiac monitor, etc. When he fell asleep, he must have been dreaming about his 6-figure salary and not taking proper care of Michael. I hope the rest of his un-licensed life is utter HELL. You stupid idiot--of course from TX. Houston. Posted by: Que Pasa at July 29, 2009 12:37 PM WFC Posted by: andy at July 29, 2009 1:09 PM MJ was a freak,an addict, and a pervert. He thought he was abouve the laws of both god and nature. His misuse of plastic surgery, drugs, and money, no matter how much he had or, as it appears didn't have, led directly to his demise. Look at what his face looked like. No matter what his notarity bought for a verdict, you don't have that many accusations of molestations and not be true, Where there's smoke...! As for the doctor, he knew this drug was to be used in a controlled enviorment,and should be held accountable. But face it, MJ would have found another greedy, self serving MD to give him what he wanted. Posted by: old biker at July 29, 2009 1:47 PM utimately it was michael's choice.......from my understanding, anyone that tried to intervene and help MJ...he would distance himself from them...even his own family....I agree the Dr should be held accountable...shame on him, or any other doctor that would put money before human sickness. Its sad, but if it wasnt Dr. Murray, MJ most likely would have found another...the law needs to step in before this happens again...to many are dying from prescription drugs (ledger, anna nicole, MJ. Posted by: jaynier at July 29, 2009 1:56 PM I want to know who made the 911 call... Posted by: Denise at July 29, 2009 2:32 PM LEAVE THE DOCTORS ALONE! MJ KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING! Posted by: Brenda at July 29, 2009 3:35 PM All this bad talk about MJ.Anyone without faults cast the first stone.It just bothers me when people try to judge,we were not put here to judge cause we are all sinners.let him rest in peace,he was a good person at heart,more than i can say for about 99% of the world..... Posted by: Anonymous at July 29, 2009 3:40 PM Ultimately the doctor violated the law and the oath he took as a doctor to protect life and as with every case when a doctor makes a mistake, he must suffer the consequences. In this case, loss of his license to practice medical and a very long jail sentence for the death of MJ for the misuse of a controlled substance. Posted by: Tony at July 29, 2009 3:53 PM he should put him to justice. I really felt bad till now so that all doctors stop using this drugs to anybody. Posted by: sheila at July 29, 2009 3:55 PM How come everyone keeps saying he is a good father? Just because his daughter who of course is going to say nice things about him said it? Good fathers dont hang their kids over balconies......good fathers dont take drugs....good fathers dont molest children....duh! Posted by: Nancy O at July 29, 2009 4:02 PM To hold this doctor accountable is probably a good thing,but this happens all to often with the rich and famous..So lets nail them all. Hold the drug companies accountable for their damages to the body with the poisons they dispense.Also hold the regular doctor too because he should know what he is prescribing.How about the FDA now saying there is no danger with Mercury fillings. Posted by: Robert Reading at July 29, 2009 7:31 PM This physician violated all rules of his Hippocratic oath by providing a substance in the home setting that is basically not administered outside of a hospital setting without the appropriate monitoring devices. There could be no justifiable rationale for a physician, especially a cardiologist, to administer such a drug! If he failed to utilize better medical judgment than he demonstrated with his treatment of Michael Jackson, it would be appropriate that he be admonished for his actions which certainly seem inappropriate in this case, and against better judgment. As a physician, he is bound to provide safe, appropriate care, and not to satiate a patient's desire, whatever that may be. He used poor medical judgment in administering this drug, and should face the consequences for it. Shame on him!!! Posted by: Christine West at July 29, 2009 7:42 PM This physician violated all rules of his Hippocratic oath by providing a substance in the home setting that is basically not administered outside of a hospital setting without the appropriate monitoring devices. There could be no justifiable rationale for a physician, especially a cardiologist, to administer such a drug! If he failed to utilize better medical judgment than he demonstrated with his treatment of Michael Jackson, it would be appropriate that he be admonished for his actions which certainly seem inappropriate in this case, and against better judgment. As a physician, he is bound to provide safe, appropriate care, and not to satiate a patient's desire, whatever that may be. He used poor medical judgment in administering this drug, and should face the consequences for it. Shame on him!!! Posted by: Christine West | July 29, 2009 7:41 PM Posted by: Christine West at July 29, 2009 7:43 PM This physician violated all rules of his Hippocratic oath by providing a substance in the home setting that is basically not administered outside of a hospital setting without the appropriate monitoring devices. There could be no justifiable rationale for a physician, especially a cardiologist, to administer such a drug! If he failed to utilize better medical judgment than he demonstrated with his treatment of Michael Jackson, it would be appropriate that he be admonished for his actions which certainly seem inappropriate in this case, and against better judgment. As a physician, he is bound to provide safe, appropriate care, and not to satiate a patient's desire, whatever that may be. He used poor medical judgment in administering this drug, and should face the consequences for it. Shame on him!!! Posted by: Christine West | July 29, 2009 7:41 PM Posted by: Christine West at July 29, 2009 7:45 PM we cannot judge people based on what we hear or see...what happened to MJ and Dr. Murray is just only the consequence of thier "Choice of Life"...let us be open don't be so judgemental because all of us here on earth has its own limitations, because we are not perfect, by this fact who gave us the authority to judge other people, shame on all of our own weaknesses!!!you people don't be so judgmental! because niether you or I are perfect! Posted by: bel at July 29, 2009 8:22 PM I cannot say how much I am mourning for the loss Posted by: Sue at July 29, 2009 8:39 PM Get a life people. He was an adult. He killed himself. Was this drug forced upon him? Was he a minor? Did he take it at gun point?No, he chose to take the drug and is dead from his own decisions. I certainly don't judge him for it but we all must take responsibility for our actions. If he got it from a drug dealer in the alley, we wouldn't be saying it was the dealer fault, would we? Posted by: alan at July 29, 2009 10:25 PM I agree that people with money and lots of it can get what they want and when they want it..MJ was a grown man and knew what he was doing because he was warned by Uri Geller his one time friend for one ... Posted by: Joyce at August 1, 2009 7:02 AM I agree that people with money and lots of it can get what they want and when they want it..MJ was a grown man and knew what he was doing because he was warned by Uri Geller his one time friend for one ... Posted by: Joyce at August 1, 2009 7:03 AM i think that Michael over the years when michael had his hairon fire he was introduced to pain killers but god love his heart he loved his children and that is so gtreat as if any one makes bad remarks are crazy if you never bennon pain killers your lucky as i take morphine for my back if i dident i would not be able to work or have alife thanksto my wife sheia=s here for me so please dont be quick to judge untill all the facts are in thanks Bob Posted by: bob power at August 1, 2009 8:49 AM dr murry should be charged for what he did to micheal if he was a real doctor he would not have give it to micheal so i hope dr murry is charge so micheal jackson can rip love you micheal , micheal at least you are in heaven wont havw to worry about getting those bad drugs from dr murry sally Posted by: sally knauer at November 18, 2009 7:43 AM Post a comment |
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