August 9, 2009

Jenny Sanford Moves Out!

Cue the Billy Joel! This weekend Jenny Sanford said "if this is moving up than I'm moving out" and packed up her belongings to leave the Governor's Mansion and take her 4 sons to Charleston.

Her husband, Governor Mark Sanford, infamously announced his affair with an Argentinian woman in a recent press conference, going on to say this mistress is his "soulmate," and having other gory details revealed in a series of leaked emails. His wife Jenny Sanford has refused to play the usual "loyal wife" role and made it clear she was unhappy with her husband's antics, and I say more power to her!

I've seen many people, especially Chris Matthews on MSNBC, expressing their sympathy for Mark Sanford because he was "in love" and love makes you do crazy things, and so on.. but I'm much more inclined to have sympathy for his wife and kids, whom he brazenly disrespected, puclicly shamed and left hung out to dry (on Father's day!) in the name of "following his heart" or whatever he was doing. (I'm not sure his heart is what he was following, exactly, but we'll keep this PG rated and move on).

Jenny Sanford says they are still working on "healing" their family relationship, and even though it's hard to imagine patching things up at this point, I wish them all the best.

Jenny Sanford Moves Out

"After much careful and prayerful consideration," Mrs. Sanford wrote, "I have decided to move back to our home in Charleston with our sons for the upcoming school year." Mrs. Sanford was photographed Friday removing baskets of belongings from the governor's mansion. She said she and the children would be returning to Columbia often...

Jenny Sanford Moves Out

Posted at August 9, 2009 3:33 PM

Sounds as if you are listening to God now--instead of what you want Him to say.

Posted by: Dee at August 10, 2009 6:25 PM

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