August 12, 2009

Octogenarian Sisters' $500K Drama!

This is just sad. These two sisters, one 83 and rthe other 87, not only fighting but actually filing lawsuits over $500,000 in powerball lottery winnings.

Apparently the siblings used to gamble and wager on varous things all the time, and had an agreement that they would always share winnings, but sometimes in the past they had fallen out of touch. So when one sister hit it big with Powerball, she didn't give her sister any thought, but the sister had other ideas and wants to enforce their old agreement.

It never ceases to amaze how money can tear apart even a family bond like this. But I'm surprised these sorts of disputes don't happen even more often when it comes to lottery money..those winnings must constantly spark strong feelings in friends and loved ones. I know if I ever win the lottery I'm just buying a house in the woods and not telling anybody! Well, except my mom.

Octogenarian Sisters' $500K Drama!

"A passion for gambling shared by two once-inseparable octogenarian sisters has ended up dividing them, with the Connecticut Supreme Court ruling that one can sue the other for a share of a winning $500,000 lottery ticket..."

Octogenarian Sisters' $500K Drama!

Posted at August 12, 2009 7:10 AM

This really bothers me. People fighting over money. If I had 59,000.00 I would be on cloud nine. I could help my daughter save her restaurant that she has poured every penny in to. Get my rent caught up so I have a place to live, and pay my bills so I can have lights, gas to get to the doctor and live a normal life. 50,000 to some people is just a drop in a bucket, but to me it means life. Thanks for letting me struggle with life

Posted by: Penny at August 14, 2009 5:20 PM

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