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September 15, 2009Jon Gosselin to Launch "Gosselin Gear"
Big news in the fashion world (ok not really) as Jon Gosselin sets to launch his "Gosselin Gear" clothing line. So if you want to look like the man America hates, you may soon get your chance! Jon Gosselin had been rumored to be starting a line with Ed Hardy, but now he denies that connection and says he is setting out on his own wit hthis clothing line. No details are in yet on how the Gosselin Gear clothes will look exactly, but given Jon's love for that tacky Ed Hardy style, one would expect similar tackiness... Gosselin Gear will be the go to brand when you want your clothes to tell the world "I've got terrible judgment in life, and you really shouldn't be paying attention to me, but somehow everyone keeps watching me. Go ahead and try to stop, you can't!" Posted at September 15, 2009 1:03 PM Comments
You wants to look like a douche bag like him. I would never buy anything that he will profit from in any way. His 15 minutes are well over. Posted by: Brenda at September 15, 2009 1:56 PM Hahaha, Have you seen pics of this guy's style? Pathetic, no one is going to buy his cloting, what a joke... Posted by: Chris Tran at September 15, 2009 1:56 PM HAHAHAHAhaHAhaHAhaHA! Good one Jon -- ok, seriously..... (you're not, are you?) Posted by: mary at September 15, 2009 1:58 PM umm - he looks like he has down syndrome. Why would anyone want to look like this douche? Posted by: noelani66 at September 15, 2009 2:00 PM I am so exmosited about these ther clothing Jon is cuming out wit. I buy all ofdem. they go good wit my babyfat jacket and lil mama shoes. gosslin gear is great. Posted by: Watermellonisha at September 15, 2009 2:02 PM Well at least he will not be bashing his ex for a while, dont think that his clothes are going to be that popular Posted by: terra at September 15, 2009 2:07 PM I think John is just trying to make some money just like the rest of us. He has a horrible bit** for a wife and needs something to stay busy. I just feel bad that he couldnt have gotten out of the marriage sooner. Posted by: Heather at September 15, 2009 2:12 PM Enough of this guy already. Both him and Kate deserve each other. It really is getting old Posted by: Tammy at September 15, 2009 2:12 PM Was the down's symdrome comment really necessary? Posted by: Lorraine at September 15, 2009 2:16 PM no wonder Kate was such a bitch look what she was living with. Lynda Posted by: lynda at September 15, 2009 2:19 PM The person that said he looks like he has down syndrome is as bad as Kanye. We all know what the President said about Kanye. Posted by: guess12 at September 15, 2009 2:25 PM Hey, leave the guy alone. His wife has the books, tv show(s) etc. Let Jon do something he may or may not be proud of. Kate really took his manhood from him in a public way. She publicly disgraced him in front of millions. Let the man have his day, whether it works or not. Posted by: Sam at September 15, 2009 2:25 PM I think Kate was a bitch a long time before she met Jon. I say more power to him. He deserves a break after putting up with that witch. Posted by: Becky at September 15, 2009 2:26 PM He's obsessed with Kate. I bet he'll come out with a print of her face on the first of his shirt, and expect everyone to buy into this line. Posted by: Tamara at September 15, 2009 2:27 PM Jon get over yourself, you are getting a divorce and you move to New York City instead of living somewhere close to your children in a place where they can actually visit you? Then you go on national television and say you dispise your ex. Not just that you are no longner compatible with her but you dispise her. Jon the children will google that in the future and how will they look at you then. You have done this to yourself and I wouldn't buy one thing to support your lifestyle as it is now. Posted by: Stas at September 15, 2009 2:28 PM Jon get over yourself, you are getting a divorce and you move to New York City instead of living somewhere close to your children in a place where they can actually visit you? Then you go on national television and say you dispise your ex. Not just are not compatable with her but you dispise her. Jon the children will google that in the future and how will they look at you then. You have done this to yourself and I wouldn't buy one thing to support your lifestyle as it is now. Posted by: Stas at September 15, 2009 2:28 PM I am a senior citizen and I think Jon should slow down. I would never bad mouth him because he got enough of that from Kate the witch in the ten years he was married to a she devil,no man needs to be treated like that and I am by the way a female. Posted by: jEAN at September 15, 2009 2:33 PM I think he's a jerk. The way he talks about his wife, the way he moves to New York away from his kids, the way he flaunts himself with his new girlfrined. The only reason he's on the show Jon & Kate is for the money.......Once the "novelty" of the show wears off......he probably won't even be around anymore. Posted by: Jo at September 15, 2009 2:42 PM Jon said he hated being in the spot light, but yet he is making himself bigger news now, and its not good news. Jon you should feel very sad at the way you have left your family. Posted by: connie at September 15, 2009 2:55 PM LOL, I'll wear it with pride Posted by: jon rouse at September 15, 2009 2:56 PM I have seen plenty of guys that are full of themselves dress just like this guy, so he may sell some shirts or pants or whatever it is he is going to "create". But I think if he does not make something original and tries to use the popularity of these Ed Hardy designs to do more of a spinoff he will go nowhere fast. Posted by: Ken at September 15, 2009 3:05 PM I used to watch the Jon & Kate show all the time, thought it was cute. Then when it clearly became nothing more than an outrageous money tree for both Jon & Kate and less and less about the kids, I QUIT. I guarantee you that those kids were much happier back in the smaller house with two parents around all the time. They need to get over themselves, drop the show and get it all back together before those poor kids get emotionally wrecked. I refuse to contribute anymore to their quest for money, fame and fortune at the expense of those cute kids. Jon's behavior is ridiculous and disgusting, his immaturity is really showing these days. Posted by: Disgusted at September 15, 2009 3:08 PM Are you serious? That's hilarious. This guy says he is a local from Hawaii....HA! He only visited there once and has an aunt there, Are you having an identity crisis? Get over yourself. Grow up and be a man. Posted by: Gwen at September 15, 2009 3:13 PM Why are so many of you upset about what Jon said about how he feels about Kate? She called him worst names and treated him terribly in front of millions! Looks like many of you have your opinions mixed up with the wrong person. Kate says she has to travel and do all the extra stuff to earn money for "her Kids" why can't Jon do the same. I for one wish him luck in what ever he wishes to do for whatever his reasons. Back off of him and let both work out their business in private. If you had a chance to make that kind of moola you would in a heartbeat. Sooooooo leave them all alone. It's none of our business what either of them or anyone for that matter does. Posted by: jonfan at September 15, 2009 3:15 PM I think everyone should just stop picking on Jon as well as Kate. Just because Jon is out and about in the public living his life does not mean we should ridicule him for having fun, everyone messes up EVERYONE if your life was followed by cameras then you would see evrytime you do, no one is perfect,and the kids will be fine. Posted by: Lisa at September 15, 2009 3:17 PM Jon stop complaining and making negative comments about Kate. Be a FATHER to your children and stop running far away from your responsibilities. Those children love you and need you to be apart of their lives. Posted by: Kae at September 15, 2009 3:19 PM why didnt ever think he was a snazzy dresser. these people really need to go away. I need some extra cash. How bout I get a show and a clothing line. Im better looking and a much better dresser. Posted by: c at September 15, 2009 3:23 PM Jon, You keep saying you want what is best for your kids. Since you left Kate, what have you done that is so good? Lets see! 3-4 girl friends, hanging out at the bar and with bikini clad women, moved to New York several hour from your kids and hanging with Michael Lohan(loser). That sounds to me like what is best for you and not the beautiful family you have. This new life you are living will get old. By the time you grow up and realize it, your wife and kids will have moved on to the life they deserve and you will be a lonly man wondering why! You are living in a fantasy world. Go get a respectful job and quit whinning. No wonder Kate was hard on you. She did need another child. Posted by: lee at September 15, 2009 3:30 PM You all need to get a life. Who cares what they do. I think everyone whos calls him a loser, or douche bag should take a good look at their own lives. You all are so critical of both of them. If he starts a clothing line don't buy any. I no longer care for the show myself because of their behavior. How do I express this by not watching the show. what right do I have to pass such harsh judgement and resort to name calling when I do not personally know them. I say leave them alone and they will eventually go away... Posted by: MN at September 15, 2009 3:31 PM You all need to get a life. Who cares what they do. I think everyone whos calls him a loser, or douche bag should take a good look at their own lives. You all are so critical of both of them. If he starts a clothing line don't buy any. I no longer care for the show myself because of their behavior. How do I express this by not watching the show. what right do I have to pass such harsh judgement and resort to name calling when I do not personally know them. I say leave them alone and they will eventually go away... Posted by: MN at September 15, 2009 3:31 PM I don't approve of every decision Jon Gosselin has made, however, he did tell Kate that he didn't want to continue with the show as it was interferring with their lives and the lives of their children. I think she should have listened. I think Kate loves the limelight and the lavish lifestyle that she can now afford because of the show and isn't willing to give ANY of it up, not even for the sake of her children. If she yelled, screamed, and publicly humiliated Jon on camera, just think what things were like when the cameras weren't rolling. If I yelled at my husband in public and constantly put him down in front of the cameras and our children, he would have left me years ago! There are always two sides to every story and I think Kate uses every opportunity she can to put him down and cast all the blame on Jon. It takes two!! Posted by: Cindy at September 15, 2009 3:34 PM Jon, You keep saying you want what is best for your kids. Since you left Kate, what have you done that is so good? Lets see! 3-4 girl friends, hanging out at the bar and with bikini clad women, moved to New York several hour from your kids and hanging with Michael Lohan(loser). That sounds to me like what is best for you and not the beautiful family you have. This new life you are living will get old. By the time you grow up and realize it, your wife and kids will have moved on to the life they deserve and you will be a lonely man wondering why! You are living in a fantasy world. Go get a respectful job and quit whinning. No wonder Kate was hard on you. She didn't need another child. Posted by: lee at September 15, 2009 3:35 PM The Jon Gosselin "look" has been done! Wal-Mart...Clearance Rack! Posted by: Russ at September 15, 2009 3:43 PM The first year during a divorce brings out the worst in people. Give them time to get over the bitterness and move on. Then see what type of parents they will be. (Seems like most of the time Kate was yelling at Jon was when he wasn't paying attention to his parental duties and then got upset when she lost her temper. You need to walk a mile in her shoes. Getting through the first five years with 6 babies is an incredible feat.) Posted by: Mindy at September 15, 2009 3:50 PM Jake-that's what we call him now after he retrieved his gonads from the nasty Kate-has blossemed since he escaped the claws of his soon to be x-he has suffered so! I wish him much success and I will look forward to buying his garbs-Go Jake ,the Love Machine!!!PS -his new show will be called "Jake hates Kate" !! Posted by: richard at September 15, 2009 3:56 PM i would never buy anything from this guy. he needs to fall on his face for what he has put his kids through... i think it should be kate + 8 and leave john out of it... Posted by: teresa at September 15, 2009 4:03 PM I'm with everyone else I'm sick of hearing about both of them. The show is a pathetic way to make a living and I wish they would go away. Posted by: Jimmie at September 15, 2009 4:05 PM Seriously Jon? Get over yourself. I have lost all respect for you. Am I the only one who wants to know why he isn't be called an adulterer? Where I live if you ARE MARRIED and flaunting your 'girlfriends' around in public you are committing adultery. Look it up jerk. You have 8 beautiful children who can see how you're acting. Thank God they have a mother as caring as Kate because it's obvious you care more about your young 'girlfriends' more than your own young children. Telling a reporter you love her more than you ever loved Kate? Would she love you if you didn't have the 'fame' and money from the show? If you want off the show get off and get a real job and support your children. The show is better without you anyway. See how many young chicks want to hang out with you then. SHAME ON YOU! Posted by: S Carter at September 15, 2009 4:07 PM Hey Jon fan, get with it... ever seen pictures of this jerk off post-breakup? Yeah, that's right... he's either got a blond on both arms or a drink in both hands or BOTH. Now, ever seen him with the kids? Didn't think so. Regardless of what happened between them, he should still want to be a loving, supportive father and so far I don't think anyone in America has seen that from him whether it was magazine pics or tv. I've never even seen the show but can tell from all the hype and BS exactly what is going on here, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to look straight through him. Very, very sad for the kids... but at least mom is with them. Despite her doings with him, she is always with them smiling and having fun for god's sake. Christ, last picture I saw of daddy time he had a beer in mouth with one kid next to him. Whatever, what a prick. Nice job dad, start saving for my therapy bills later. Good for her for at least thinking of their feelings and being with them all the time, proving once again that women are the stronger sex no matter the circumstances. Posted by: Anonymous at September 17, 2009 2:01 AM Post a comment |
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