October 28, 2009

Anonymous Phone Call Sparked YFZ Raid

As Raymond Jessop gets set to begin his trial stemming from the raid on his religious sect, we are now all revisiting the details of that strange case, including the anonymous phone call that sparked rte YFZ raid.

The raid, that led to numerous arrests and hundreds of children being carted away, was allegedly sparked by an anonymous phone call from someone pretending to be a 16 year old girl who was pregnant and trapped inside the polygamist sect. It led to authorities investigating the YFZ ranch, where they believed they found evidence of abuse and continued the case even though it later became clear the original call was a fake. For more details on this hot mess of a case, read below:

Anonymous Phone Call Sparked YFZ Raid
deseret news

Someone pretending to be a pregnant 16-year-old named "Sarah" who was trapped in an abusive, polygamous marriage called a family crisis hotline in San Angelo, Texas. Similar calls were made to hotlines in Utah, Arizona, Washington and Florida.

Anonymous Phone Call Sparked YFZ Raid

Posted at October 28, 2009 3:34 AM

Why is polygamy illegal? If the people involved agree to such a set-up between them, what right does the American government have to say "No?" As with most things in the USA, conform to the self-serving law-makers or be persecuted. Hitler's got nothing on the Ameican government and ruling class. I don't think I could become a memeber of the political brotherhood and fraternity (yes you, Obama) even if it was offered to me.

Posted by: P T at October 28, 2009 1:22 PM

You say that, because you are probably one of those pervs! What if it was your 16yr old daughter. SICKO!!!

Posted by: Jane at October 28, 2009 2:14 PM

The laws are set to protect a persons right within a community. The biggest issue was was not polygamy, but the sexual abuse of a minor or minors. That is the biggest case. I agree with Jane, put yourself in a situation where you are a child being forced to be a sexual plaything for an adult. What if it was you or a your child? The tune always changes when the shoe is in the other foot. An ignorant person who compares our government to the death of thousands in the hand of a Hitler should seriously consider therapy. Or a brain in their empty head.Dont worry Obama is not going to come knocking on your door. The last thing he needs is an ignorant Jackass in his political brotherhood.

Posted by: Janet at October 28, 2009 2:27 PM

If it's such a concern then they would go raid the vatican and all christan churches. Oh wait thats right the molestaion of kids by them is o.k. because they have lots of members and money so it's ok. 98% chance jane and janet are christains.

Posted by: don at October 28, 2009 2:45 PM

Don: It doesn't matter the religion. It was about the children. They came down hard on Catholic priests a few years ago. It was so bad that there were reports on the news that people were converting to other religions. And Catholics are technically Christians. Maybe when Catholics and Christians build isolated compounds that house hundreds of children and happen to be suspected of wrong-doing, they would likely raid them too. Get over the raid. Think of the children like any concerned, compassionate adult would. Thumbs up to Janet & Jane

Posted by: Vanessa at October 28, 2009 2:56 PM

Oh dear lord. Are Don and PT idiots? If Don and PT really agree with letting childern be kept in such surroundings, why don't they let their babies go there, for say, summer camp? I agree, government blows...of this there is no doubt. If there were no children in there this place would never have even been noticed. Let adults play around. We can do that because we have had the experiences in life to decided what we really want for ourselves. Children's minds are not fully developed and therefore should not be put into situations like that. This is why we as adults are responsible for them until they are of age. After that, they can dedide for them selves. Don, just because you do not like the government, don't be stupid! And PT, get some thearapy!

Posted by: Michael at October 28, 2009 3:18 PM

No child should be forced to marry a man two or three times her age. If these men were in a normal society, they would be considered pedophiles. These men think they are God but someday the real God will bring them down. Keep praying.

Posted by: Joyce at October 28, 2009 3:20 PM

NO CHILD SHOULD BE HARMED BY ANYONE!! polygamy is wrong and very strange. If i heard a child was being harmed i would do like i hope most people would and get them some help out of the situation. The only reason i came to this page was it said "Someone pretending to be a pregnant 16-year-old ". I thought That's the way it always seems to go down they find a false way to gain entry and "then build" a case to prosecute. Let's see what we can stir up with as little of effort as possable and wow look at all those angy people lol.
Now when it comes to Catholics or Christians priests who have molested children they don't seem to get as much coverage. Anyone who gives money to a corporation like the vatican(do some research) Catholic or Christian churches who hide it's molestation with payoffs is saying they support it.(i have a relative who had this happen to him and no money did not help him or the 16 others) You and i know every sunday people flock to pay the Catholic and Christian corporations so don't think you aren't helping them YOU ARE! just because they don't keep you in a compond doesn't mean your not falling for itor helping. Now thats real power to control from a distance.

For the record i don't belive in any religion i think something or someone created us but thats as far as i go.yes i have read the bible and well what a f-ing joke it's the same story told by the Egyptions just differnt names. I have no kids i just don't think you shoud have kids just to have them ,you should wait until you can provide for them . So many people have kids and just end up on welfare. Thank you all this was fun and interesting. I do find it kinda sad that i can easily manipulate a group of people from a key pad by just useing a couple key words but that was my point to the class. Thank you all for your unknowing participation this was a fun study have a good day. Michael i don't see that i said i hate the government that must of been in your angry subconscious? sorry but i'm going to use you as my prime example for this study..congrats i think?

Posted by: Don..maybe lol at October 28, 2009 5:09 PM

EVERYONE AGREES NO CHILD SHOULD BE HARMED...but when is he or she a child? jews say a barmitz at 13 (becoming a man) hispanics 15 (qunice) anglos call it sweet sixteen...but because its not what YOUR CUSTOM does it's wrong?? hmmmmm...... I DO NOT AGREE WITH IT AT ALL!!! but makes your think how much of a hipocrates we are....

but thats me........

Posted by: opened minded at October 28, 2009 6:53 PM

PT you're a completely gross person and how would you feel if your girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband was happily married to someone else and then they where just seeing you on the side? HOW WOULD YOU FEEL!!!!!!!!!! And having sex with someone is gross if they are like 30 years younger than you. And it's against the law. In this country we women have thiis little thing that other women in other countries don't have. You want to know what it is? It's called rights!

Posted by: Anne at October 28, 2009 8:27 PM

Unless you consent to sexual relations, it is RAPE-no matter what your age.

Posted by: cb at October 28, 2009 9:29 PM

We live in a day and age when two people can live together without marriage, a time when same sex relationships are considered okay (of which I don't), and multiple sexual partners are as common as eggs for breakfast. But if a man or woman is wedded to more than one person, it's considered perverted and discusting. I myself would never want to have more than one spouse, I think that it is the constitutional right of all to worship as they please. I donnot, however, condone the molestation of children. There are plenty of adults who will consent. Leave the kids alone.

Posted by: David Tibbetts at October 28, 2009 9:47 PM

Yay for the raid. As American's we are well with in our right to go in and grab children from abusive situations, but I wonder... does everybody think that the White House is the only gov't in America? Catholic's, Jahova's, Polygomist's etc.. all these cults have gov't. They're (not all religions) installing beliefs in their children's minds that sexual relations are alright between adualts and children and that's not even the end of it. They have their own rules and laws, and handle them in house. We have no idea what punishments fit the crimes.

Don.. run a survey for idiots who get online and play games... but call them surveys. I'm sure you'll be at the top of list. You pretty much say you knew you would get angy responses.. why do it then? Sounds like the survey has already been done. Get original buddy. You must teach preschool. If you teach anything higher then you're students are not learning much. Please spare your students from becoming idiots and step down from your position of lower education.

Posted by: JSB at October 28, 2009 10:37 PM

Um, interesting. PT muses why is polygamy illegal and everyone jumps all over it bring children into the discussion. Read it again, nowhere was children in that original comment. He asks why is *Polygamy illegal*, not why is sex with under age minor children illegal. Same sex relations not so many years ago, and probably still is in some communities, was illegal. Now we are debating if same sex couples should get the same rights as hetro couples. Why not? If someone wants to have a RELATIONSHIP with multiple parties and who also have SEX, why is it any of my business? KEEP IN MIND THIS IS NOT ABOUT CHILDREN, this is ABOUT FREEDOM AND PERSONAL CHOICE, ME, YOU, THE GOVERNMENT has no business being involved in a private matter between CONSENTING ADULTS (legal age, we dont need to debate what constitutes leagal age this is pretty clearly defined by LAW, based on your community. Get a grip the US was founded on the ability of COMMUNITIES TO ESTABLISH WHAT THEY deemed APPROPRIATE. If your old enough you would remember BLUE LAWS, right, some are probably still on the books even, but that is defined by the local COMMUNITY laws. While I may have my own views of what works for me WHO am i, you or ANYONE ELSE, to tell CONSENTING ADULTS (legal age, dont pull the children back into this concept as a, real and valid issue, but for the topic of Poligamy AMONG LEGAL ADULTS is a straw man argument) if they can have sex together or not if its 2 or 10.

Posted by: RTFP at October 29, 2009 12:01 AM

Let us not forget that polygomy is illegal (as well it should be) in this country. Therefore, the government needed no false report to investigate this group. They are opening breaking a law and should be prosecuted under current law. However, the children should not be returned, since there parents are blatant lawbreakers who have no intention of following the law, not to mention the abusive situations they allow their children to live in.

Posted by: Cindy at October 29, 2009 12:22 AM

Let us not forget that polygomy is illegal (as well it should be) in this country. Therefore, the government needed no false report to investigate this group. They are openly breaking the law and should be prosecuted under current law. However, the children should not be returned, since there parents are blatant lawbreakers who have no intention of following the law, not to mention the abusive situations they allow their children to live in.

Posted by: Cindy at October 29, 2009 12:23 AM

You might also want to read some of the writings by former members of these sects, like Carolyn Jessop (particularly the women). You will find the treatment of women and children shocking and there is no "freedom" in this sect. It is not as simple as "two or more consenting adults."

Posted by: Cindy at October 29, 2009 12:28 AM

Wow, what are you people, religion haters? Seriously. People are people and everyone does bad things even when they believe in a religion or not. I can't imagine how life will be for these women and children. It is wrong what they have had to go through, but it will also be very hard for them to incorporate themselves into society when they have only ever known this. Don, there are a lot of organizations that support bad things that are not Christian. You seem to only put your hatred toward one though.

Posted by: Carly at October 29, 2009 1:12 AM

As for those who were talking about molestation in churches...I am a Christian and I find it dispicable that the Catholic church did not remove the priests involved in such behavior. It really is an outrage. It is never okay to let the thing slide. As for the Christian churches I know, they do background checks on anyone wanting to be involved in children's ministry. I haven't heard of any scandal that happened where someone working with the kids molested them and then the victim's family got paid off to silence them. It may have happened, but, if so, I'm not aware of it. I am sure that the molestation happens sometimes though, which is sad. It's an unfortunate fact that where ever kids are, molesters will try to get access to them and sometimes will, whether it's Sunday school or day care. But please don't pretend that all churches act so deplorably as those that have hit the headlines. Such is not the case. Some churches actually take action to protect children.
And I agree with Carly when she said, "People are people and everyone does bad things even when they believe in a religion or not...Don, there are a lot of organizations that support bad things that are not Christian."

Posted by: Laura at October 29, 2009 2:35 AM

Sorry Don, i could've swore you mentioned the government but it was PT. But nevertheless, for some reason i do not believe you were running any experiment. You just didn't like the responses to your blog and decided to make yourself look good; even if only to yourself. But in the unlikely event that your are an educator and running an experiment i have to tell you i was and still am not angry. I just thought i would point out what idiots PT, and i am sorry to say, you are. And i say that w/o anger. Just calling like it is. But it sounds like you got angry with me so pls include yourself in your experiment. If you paid attention you would've noticed that PT mentioned the government...he was only about two blogs ahead of yours. Which i believe you were aware of but needed to strike back. So again, include yourself in your results. And yes, no problem being the prime example that proved even the one who orchestrates gets caught up in his own crap. Good luck with the experiment and hope it teaches the kids something.

Posted by: Michael at October 29, 2009 8:45 AM

Polygamy is not the big issue, as stated by many of you. In many modern societies, polygamy is still practiced, and for those people it is a way of life and not at all perverse. If fact, many great Biblical leaders were polygamous--Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines! IF one chooses to live in that situation, then so be it. The way this sect lives is conducive for a multi-woman, large family household. So raising the children in this environment will surely allow them to believe that this type of living is the norm--or at least not at all strange. The problem lies, of course, when a girl does not want to take part in the marriage.
But we must remember that society is different for the members of this ranch--we were raised with the awareness of individual freedom and personal rights, but unless american culture is infiltrated into their lives, these young women (and men, too) will not know another way.

As for corruption in the Catholic and Christian churches, plenty is covered in media. Yes, corruption exists. It has always existed in any religion or group of people. Fortunately, both Catholicism and Christianity are based on the belief that despite human wickedness, hope in something better is possible. Admittedly, no one is perfect. While just punishment should be expected, it is the Christian and Catholic (and I'm sure in many religions) responsibility to forgive, and most importantly, love.

Posted by: Madison at October 30, 2009 4:19 AM

First of all you need to leave religion out of this.If you review this sect.you will probably find this is all middle age men living out the fantasy of having sex with young girls and getting away with it.They know they could not get away with this in our society today.How can these men allow there daughters to be exposed to this.These girls are brainwashed and there lives are ruined before they even begin.I can find no room for mercy for these men.Hanging would be to easy a death for them.Stoning sounds more appropiate.

Posted by: Linda at October 30, 2009 7:22 AM

So much of this discussion has been centered on the practice of polygamy. The intensity has been such that it seems as though polygamy and child molestation have become synonymous in this discussion. I suppose this generally happens when so many individuals speak from emotions and not practical reason. Child molestation is absolutely deviant and wrong. However, polygamy is quite another issue.

Polygamy is illegal in the United States as a result of religions pressures being brought to bear by dominant Christian factions. The Bible has been referenced as substantiation for polygamy being illegal. It might behoove a few people to reread their Bibles.

Polygamy is found throughout the Bible and so is the marriage of persons in their middle teen years. If anything, the Bible tends to agree with some of the practices of such relationships. Also, the Bible seems to condone the notion that a man is the master in a relationship and that a woman is his helpmate/lesser half. Such was the thinking of the ancients, regardless of their religious or cultish affiliations.

Condemning polygamy or adult group intimate activities is more of an aberrant Puritan attitude that was rampant in the time of witches and Scarlet letters. Unfortunately, distorted versions of these attitudes have crept into the laws of our country such that we are not as free as our founding fathers had envisioned us to be. It is as if the idea is that if a government/religion can control the sex lives of its constituents, then it can wield stronger control over every other aspect of their lives.

It was cited that polygamy is against the law and that it should be dealt with to the full letter of the law. It must be kept in mind that far to many of the laws of our land were passed by prejudicial and narrow minded legislators who claimed that they had the best interests of the general public in mind. Unfortunately, they seem to have had an agenda of their own that appears to include wielding control over the masses in the guise of moralistic and religious principles. What happened to the notion of separation of church and state?

Just because a statue has been deemed a law does not mean that it is a just, fair, or practical law. Unfortunately, most legislators seem to be too feint of heart to tackle the vast problem of repealing such ridiculous laws in order to provide the inhabitants of the land and home of the FREE true religious, social, and personal freedoms.

Posted by: Steve at October 30, 2009 8:36 AM

You know I wish someone would have believed me when I was a teenager about the atrocious things that happened to me by a male relative. They put me in a detention center and they did nothing to him. They said it was all my fault at barely 14 years of age. Even if that call was a fake, it got the ball rolling to see actually was happening and again, I am so glad someone listened. Children are our most prized possessions and it is up to us to protect them. The men who did these things need to have their " chopped off. The closer I have in my situation is that he is dead. I know that doesn't sound nice, but I cannot help it. I thank the police and social workers for taking action in protecting those children.

Posted by: Kathi J.P. at October 30, 2009 10:09 AM

You know I wish someone would have believed me when I was a teenager about the atrocious things that happened to me by a male relative. They put me in a detention center and they did nothing to him. They said it was all my fault at barely 14 years of age. Even if that call was a fake, it got the ball rolling to see actually was happening and again, I am so glad someone listened. Children are our most prized possessions and it is up to us to protect them. The men who did these things need to have their " chopped off. The closer I have in my situation is that he is dead. I know that doesn't sound nice, but I cannot help it. I thank the police and social workers for taking action in protecting those children.

Posted by: Kathi J.P. at October 30, 2009 10:09 AM

Sometimes people amaze me. I don't understand why anyone would want to have sex with a child. It's wrong.

I completely agree with Steve, though. For some reason now, people associate polygamy with child molestation. Polygamy is a different matter. They're not related. As long as it's between two CONSENTING ADULTS that's their own choice. If adults want to have multiple life partners among adults, who am I to say no?

Child abuse must be stopped. Because of these men and zealots of their own religion, so many of these girls will never be the same.

Posted by: Lexa at October 30, 2009 10:15 AM

I don't really care if one man has a 100 wives or if one woman has 100 husbands, as long as they are adults and marry of their own free will. In some of these (maybe even all of them) these young girls are being forced to marry these older men whether they want to or not. some girls are married and having babies at 14 or maybe even younger. I don't care what religion or non-religion you are that is wrong.

Posted by: K at October 30, 2009 10:37 AM

jesus love u all

Posted by: amanda at October 30, 2009 10:40 AM

Yes Solomon did have more than 700 hundred wives and other leaders had many wives. But if you had read the Bible correctly you would have seen that this was not God's plan for mankind. The scriptures are in Leviticus 18:1-5, 18,Prov.30:8-9, Deuteronomy 17:17, Genesis 2: 21-22,Proverbs 5:15-19,Malachi 2:13-15, Matthew 5: 31-32
,Matthew 19:3-6 & 9,1 Timothy 3:1-2,Mark 10. In all of these scriptures it says "wife" and not "wives." And if you read about the people with many wives they had many unhappy things happen to them. I'm going to put it plainly, why would you want more than one wife in the first place? I know how I get around that time of the month and I know how women get when they are going through menopause, why would you want to suffer through more than one woman going through the changes of life?

Posted by: Darla at October 30, 2009 10:47 AM

wow, open minded? seriously you think you can say someone is a man at 13? thats a custom of the jews yes, but do they let them get married at 13 or drive a car, its just a custom! human beings aren't fully developed till 18-20 yrs of age, you can read that info. anywhere take a f'n psych. class! anyway polygamy is wrong by most peoples standards, even in the Muslim community you can't take more than 3 wives and barely anyone does that. but J&J are right its more about the children, underage is underage and against will is against will, lets put Mr. open minded in a room w/a 45 yr. old man and a fictitious priest and see what happens, maybe you'll call the cops too, dumb ass.

Posted by: manda at October 30, 2009 10:49 AM

I think this raid was a waste of money,a waste of time, and a cruel tease to these kids that were taken from their parents. You would think that if you were going to repeat history that you would change the out come. In 1953 Short Creek a FMLA community was raided by over 100 Arizona officers. 263 children were taken from their homes and placed in foster care and 122 men and women were arrested. By 1956 the last man involved in the raid was released from jail and reunited with his family. (BY this time the children and most other men and women were back with their family's.) Guess what nothing happened well besides the $600,000 dollars that taxpayers paid towards a worthless cause. (Not saying that helping these women and children is worthless just said trying to help them and failing them is worthless.) So tell me did this raid actually help anyone did it help the children that are trapped and brainwashed into believing that they are property, did it help the adult women that are also brainwashed? Did it help anyone? These kids were taken from their parents, they were put with strange people who most likely cared less about them and just wanted a government check. (I am not saying that all foster parents are like this because my sister has foster children who she cares for greatly but it seems like every time she has a child stay with her over the age of 9 they tell my sister how mistreated they were by previous foster parents and I hate those people for that GET JOBS YOU WORTHLESS PIECES OF CRAP THESE CHILDREN HAVE GONE THROUGH ENOUGH. Sorry guys frustrations over) Anyway's all I am saying is it didn't help. It made these kids uncomfortable, it made them feel helpless, and right when they are getting the idea that they are people or that maybe they were brainwashed they are given back to their parents to start the cycle again. All I can hope for is that the women that want to stay and be with the husbands can be I do not agree that they should not be able to have the lifestyle the want because I think everyone should do what makes them happy. I just don't believe that we should 1) Pay for them to have multiple wives because by not being legally married by the state each wife can get government money. The polygamous communities receive more than 6 million dollars a year in public funds. 2) Allow them to have their children taught in private schools. I think that it is their right to have kids but these children need to be educated by people that are not living in the polygamous community, so they can learn what is right and wrong in order to make their own decision, and 3)NEVER EVER ALLOW a child to marry a man against her will or even with her consent. If she really wants to marry him and it is her decision she can wait until she is of age...!

Posted by: Kassie at October 30, 2009 11:23 AM

To each his own, as many as that may be. The constitution gives everyone the right to express themselves freely. Furthermore, one of the building principles of this nation is the pursuit of happiness. I can not concieve why one man is drawn towards another man or why one man wants multiple wives, but I am not doubting that those things occur. Just because I do not agree with them does not mean that they are wrong, and as long as I am able to do what makes me happy, they should be able to as well.

Posted by: dak at October 30, 2009 11:24 AM

To each his own, as many as that may be. The constitution gives everyone the right to express themselves freely. Furthermore, one of the building principles of this nation is the pursuit of happiness. I can not concieve why one man is drawn towards another man or why one man wants multiple wives, but I am not doubting that those things occur. Just because I do not agree with them does not mean that they are wrong, and as long as I am able to do what makes me happy, they should be able to as well.

Posted by: dak at October 30, 2009 11:25 AM

something people forget is that Catholicism is not "Christianity". it claims to be the only true church, and therefore cannot be grouped with any Protestant group or any "true Christianity" unless it is THE true church.

however, that is not the issue. unconsenting sexual relations is rape. children were abused. one man is guilty. that's what happened. that's the issue. He's in jail. end of story.

my question is: how did he get access to hundreds of children and get away with it for so long?

Posted by: Hawke at October 30, 2009 11:40 AM

I just want to applaud Steve for his very educated response to the issues at hand. He is the only one who actually looked at the situation and didn't plug his own religious beliefs into his argument.

As for everyone else, try arguing your point without using the Bible as a reference. You forget that not everyone believes in the Bible. Do some actual research next time in the history of this country and maybe you will see the issues that people have with polygamy being illegal.

As far as child molestation is concerned, the use of a child for sexual relations is NEVER ok. Does not matter what religion, culture, or society you live in. Children are not fully developed mentally, emotionally, or physically until around the age of 18. Adults should never take advantage of a minor and it is absolutely disgusting if anyone thinks otherwise.

Posted by: Candace at October 30, 2009 11:57 AM

I just want to applaud Steve for his very educated response to the issues at hand. He is the only one who actually looked at the situation and didn't plug his own religious beliefs into his argument.

As for everyone else, try arguing your point without using the Bible as a reference. You forget that not everyone believes in the Bible. Do some actual research next time in the history of this country and maybe you will see the issues that people have with polygamy being illegal.

As far as child molestation is concerned, the use of a child for sexual relations is NEVER ok. Does not matter what religion, culture, or society you live in. Children are not fully developed mentally, emotionally, or physically until around the age of 18. Adults should never take advantage of a minor and it is absolutely disgusting if anyone thinks otherwise.

Posted by: Candace at October 30, 2009 11:58 AM


Posted by: Mr. Poo Trooper at October 30, 2009 12:16 PM

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