October 30, 2009

Cholesterol Drugs & Flu: Breakthrough!

New information is coming in about possible connections between cholesterol drugs & flu, and if you care about your health you'll want to listen up!

Latest studies show that drugs designed for reducing a patient's cholesterol may also increase people's chances of surviving the H1N1 swine flu. The drugs, that are commonly used as Lipitor and other brands, are known as "statins", and as quoted in the article below, an expert in this medical field said "there are relatively few downsides to trying statins" and that research is promising so far for the prospects of using these drugs to treat swine flu as well as other illnesses. Hopefully it can also reverse my baldness, have you figured that out yet? Well, I guess preventing actual deaths is pretty worthy also.

Cholesterol Drugs & Flu

A new treatment for swine flu may already be on pharmacy shelves -- cholesterol-lowering statin drugs like Lipitor and Zocor. A large study found that these drugs taken for seasonal flu when hospitalized made one twice as likely to survive than those who were not on such medicines...

Cholesterol Drugs & Flu

Posted at October 30, 2009 3:15 PM

every article written on drugs or possible remedys
always stae .. it may help never posative that it will

Posted by: mitch at October 30, 2009 9:06 PM

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