October 18, 2009

Gardasil: OK for Boys

Gardasil, already widely used as an HPV vaccine, has now been approved by an FDA Advisory Panel for use on young men and boys as a treatment for [last chance to click away if you are eating] ....genital warts.

Gardasil is already approved for other uses in many other parts of the world, but the FDA can be more conservative about approving drugs, and still says they want to study Gardasil's effects further. But for now it got a 7-0 vote for approval.

The drug was said to be 89% in treating the warts, and adverse side effects were generally limited to ever and headaches. So if you suffer from this condition that I'd rather not type out again, Gardasil may be the thing for you! Just don't talk to me about it, I am feeling queasy already.

Gardasil: OK for Boys

An FDA advisory committee voted to recommend approval of the vaccine Gardasil for males ages 9 to 26 to prevent genital warts. Gardasil targets four strains of human papillomavirus, commonly called HPV. Males can carry HPV and transmit it sexually to their partners. HPV can cause genital warts and penile and anal cancer in men. Each year, about 200 out of 100,000 males are newly diagnosed with genital warts...

Gardasil: OK for Boys

Posted at October 18, 2009 3:45 AM

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