November 26, 2009

Pets Go Homeless, Recession

So many people around the country are being hit hard by the recession. it's easy to forget the invisivble victims who may suffer most of all.

The thousands of pets who go homeless in the recession, as their caretakers decide that cannot afford to care for the animal anymore, and often just dump it on the humane society's doorstep and run away. For the ful sad story see below:

Pets Go Homeless, Recession

A spokesman for the Humane Society of the United States said...there is anecdotal reporting from members organizations of increases in pertys going homeless since the recession started. And press reports on overloaded shelters from Tampa to Albuquerque, and Houston to Bangor, Maine suggest it's a broader trend. With as many as 600 or 700 animals arriving each month -- sometimes 30 animals in a single day...

Pets Go Homeless, Recession

Posted at November 26, 2009 4:24 AM

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