November 12, 2009

Three Tennessee Football Players Arrested

Three Tennessee football blayers were arrested this week, as the three college freshman were accused of attempted armed robbery, of all things.

According to arrest reports, the three freshman football players walked up to a car in front of a convenience store, and attempted to rob the three men inside at gunpoint. But when the men showed their empty wallets and claimed to have no money, the robbers ran off and drove away, and when police went after the car they found the three football palyers in it, along with one other woman. Perhaps it's possible they found the wrong car, but if not, what a massively boneheaded move by these young men, wasting an opportunity millions of kids would love to have. They will need some serious legal help to salvage their future after this.

Three Tennessee Football Players Arrested
seattle PI

Three Tennessee football players were arrested Thursday morning in Knoxville on charges of attempted armed robbery. Janzen Jackson, Mike Edwards and Nu'Keese Richardson -- all freshmen -- were charged Thursday after an early-morning incident.

Three Tennessee Football Players Arrested

Posted at November 12, 2009 12:13 PM

a bank would be better

Posted by: Anonymous at November 12, 2009 2:59 PM

take a thug of the street and give him a uniform and he's still a thug. Tenn now recruting rocket scientist,lol

Posted by: mike at November 12, 2009 4:08 PM

take a thug off the street and give him a uniform and he's still a thug. Tenn now recruting rocket scientist,lol

Posted by: mike at November 12, 2009 4:08 PM

And one of those players is the one Kiffin had so much fun saying he recruited him away from Meyer.

Posted by: Bullgtor at November 12, 2009 6:07 PM

what a couple of idiots, i cant stop laughing!!! Good Lord, if you are going to break the law-- do it right-hit a bank.

Posted by: futbalblah at November 12, 2009 7:39 PM

OMG.. these thugs go to college free off scholarships.. get drafted if they havent already messed up and get paid million of dollars and then they still do something like this. Please.. doesnt being an upstanding citizen matter in the game of football !! Give me a break!!!!

What thugs !

Posted by: Annie at November 13, 2009 12:40 AM

OMG.. these thugs go to college free off scholarships.. get drafted if they havent already messed up and get paid million of dollars and then they still do something like this. Please.. doesnt being an upstanding citizen matter in the game of football !! Give me a break!!!!

What thugs !

Posted by: Annie at November 13, 2009 12:41 AM

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