December 1, 2009

Florida Lawyer & Investment Fraud

Is Scott Rothstein the Bernie Madoff of Florida? The prominent lawyer in Florida is facing serious charges for investment fraud, as RICO laws are being used to pursue a case proving he ran a billion dollar financial investment scam.

Rothstein allegedly promised investors huge returns on lrgal settlements he was seeking, but in reality the settlements did not exist, and Rothstein was getting his Ponzi on. The alleged big money swindler is now facing up to 100 years in prison. In the meantime he has already lost his luxury yacht, mansion and luxury sports cars, all seized by the government.

Florida Lawyer & Investment Fraud

A once high-flying attorney was arrested Tuesday on federal racketeering and fraud charges alleging he operated a $1 billion investment scheme that used phony legal settlements. Lawyer Scott Rothstein was arrested on five charges, including a violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations or RICO law often used against the Mafia and other criminal organizations...

Florida Lawyer & Investment Fraud

Posted at December 1, 2009 5:21 PM

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