December 18, 2009

Food kids should not eat

What should kids eat, what should kdis not eat? There are a lot of conflicting sources on the topic of healthy food for children, but Web MD has some answers as far as the best approach to providing proper nutrition for your child.

According to the book, Eat This Not That For Kids, a lot of foods recommended for kid aare actually not healthy for them. The link below offers some help on figuring out the real nutrituin guidelines for your kid.

Food kids should not eat

Eat This, Not That for Kids is not a diet book, but a wake-up call to parents to start feeding their kids healthier foods. After the wildly popular Eat This, Not That book, aimed at helping adults make smarter food choices, authors David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding followed with this sequel.

One of the book's most shocking revelations is just how much fat, calories, sodium, and sugar are lurking in many favorite kids' dishes.
Food kids should not eat

Posted at December 18, 2009 5:23 AM

your site sucks, I thought by clicking on the title of the article " food you kids should not eat" you would explain that instead you are just advertising for a book. Very miss leading and a I hope you don't sell a thing from your misleading site. Everyone should stay way from this site

Posted by: Shawn Gray at December 19, 2009 12:06 PM

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