January 1, 2010

Nostradamus 2010 Prophecy!

Of all the psychics and prognosticators of history, none has more fame or fascination than Nostradamus, and every year people look back to his prophecy to find out what may be in store for the new age. So what did Nostradamus predict for 2010?

According to his words, which are open to many interpretations, it seems one story will revolve around the death of a virgin. There will also be a nefarious leader who rises up and is elected, but goes on to do great evil, possibly leading to something called "Satan's arch of fury". And apparently there is also a prediction of many problems with trade and finance, which at this point seems like a no-brainer. Do you believe any of this Nostradamus prophecty stuff, or is it just all spiritual mystical mumbo jumbo? Guess we'll have to wait and see. Below is a link to many more predictions from the man:

Nostradamus 2010 Prophecy!

Nostradamus seemed to have predicted Nuclear War in this decade, sometime between 1999 AD and 2012 AD. This "window of time" fits into many predictions in The Bible Code and agrees with the base Time Frame found in MATT:24:32, The "Parable of The Fig Tree". Nostradamus predicted that The USA would go to War in Afghanistan and Iraq, in the hunt for Bin Laden, and this War will escalate into World War III...

Nostradamus 2010 Prophecy!

Posted at January 1, 2010 11:00 AM