February 22, 2010

Truckload of Marijuana, Up In Smoke! (NEWS)

A report indicates that a truckload of marijuana, worth over a million dollars, somehow disappeared right under thre noses of the police who had captured it. Perhaps happy news for somebody out there, but bad and disturbing news for the authorities seeking to stop illegal drug traffic.

According to sources, police officers acknowledge they saw certain vehicles pulling up to the tractor-trailer they had apprehended and kept parked in Louisville, saw them leave, then come back, and then leave again.But then when police checked the truck, it was empty, the sources said.

How is this possible? No answers have been given yet except to say that it is being inviestigated. Hopefully better answers will be found to help both drug addicts and the many other people affected by the drug trade. I'd like to see more addiction/recovery drug rehab facilities, and less money thrown into the revolving door of arresting people.

Truckload of Marijuana, Up In Smoke! (NEWS)

A truckload of confiscated marijuana that could be worth more than $1 million disappeared somewhere between Memphis and Louisville, Ky., sources say. The more than 1,700 pounds of pot went missing during a controlled drug delivery going from Memphis to Louisville, The Memphis Commercial-Appeal reported Sunday. A Memphis Police Department memo obtained by the newspaper said the drugs -- confiscated from a semi Feb. 10 -- were escorted to Louisville by Memphis police and Shelby County sheriff's deputies...

Truckload of Marijuana, Up In Smoke! (NEWS)

Posted at February 22, 2010 1:34 AM