April 11, 2010

Henry Kissinger Assassination Case: New Scoop

One of the biggest political mysteries of the 20th century was whether Henry Kissinger was truly involved in the assassination of of a former ambassador in Chile. Now some newly uncovered government documents suggest he may indeed have had some connection.

A non profit research center, the National Security Archive, has found documents indicating that Kissinger stopped a message from being sent, that would have gone out to Chile and two other nearby countries, warning against carrying out political assassinations.

Allegedly, American officials had learned of assassination plots to be carried out by Chile as part of their Operation Condor program of political repression, executed in partnership with Argentina and Uruguay, and were sending out a warning to stop these killings, but Kissinger stopped the warning from going out, thus allegedly playing a part in letting the assassinations take place..

Kissinger's representatives said he would have no comment, but others are sure to pick up this debate more forcefully than ever!

Henry Kissinger Assassination Case: New Scoop

As secretary of state, Henry Kissinger canceled a U.S. warning against carrying out international political assassinations that was to have gone to Chile and two neighboring nations just days before a former ambassador was killed by Chilean agents on Washington's Embassy Row in 1976, a newly released State Department cable shows. Whether Kissinger played a role in blocking the delivery of the warning against assassination to the governments of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay has long been a topic of controversy.

Henry Kissinger Assassination Case: New Scoop

Posted at April 11, 2010 4:28 PM