September 22, 2010

Kristin Chenoweth Return, Glee! (VIDEO)

As seen in the link below, the great Broadway and movie star Kristin Chenoweth is set to return to Glee, as they start the new season of everyone's favorite musical nerd TV show!

Chenoweth is returning in the role of April Rhodes, which she has lit up the screen with in previous appearances. The mastermind of Glee, Ryan Murphy, is not giving out details, but fans are hoping that Kristin could be getting a regular spot on the show.

She's long been known as a top musical theater performer and she proved to be a perfect fit for this show. Here's hoping we'll see much more of her on there!

Kristin Chenoweth Return, Glee!

I didn't think we'd seen the last of boozy old gleester April Rhodes, and now it's official. Kristin Chenoweth is reprising her role on Glee for at least one more episode, to air in early 2010. Creator Ryan Murphy didn't divulge any more info about her role, so there's no telling if she'll spend her time getting Kurt drunk again, or if she actually learned a lesson from her last visit and found happiness in Branson. What's interesting is that Chenoweth has made no secret about her desire to return to Glee, perhaps in a permanent capacity, so could this second visit be paving the way for a place in the cast?

Kristin Chenoweth Return, Glee!

Posted at September 22, 2010 6:05 AM