January 10, 2011

Marriage Database for China Cheaters!

As many in China worry about what they think is an increase in marital infidelity, the country is taking measure to hold cheaters accountable, including a new marriage database that keeps track of those who cheat!

The database hopes to have a record of everyone who has caused divorce lawyers to be brought in, or marriage counselors, or any of the other ramifications that come from cheating on your spouse. As the economy does better and lots of new wealth comes into China, the same money that lets you by an expensive engagement ring or wedding ring can bring new temptation to pay for a mistress or find other ways to cheat. See below for more.

Marriage Database: China Cheaters

China's exploding wealth has created a culture of secret mistresses and second wives. Now officials are putting marriage records online so lovers and spouses can check for cheaters. State media on Wednesday said Beijing and Shanghai will be among the first places to put marriage databases online this year. The plan is to have records for all of China online by 2015. But the Ministry of Civil Affairs a few years ago said such a project would be operational by last year. Officials have not explained the delay, but not all areas have their databases ready yet. Ministry numbers show 23 of the country's 22 provinces, four regions and four municipalities do.

Posted at January 10, 2011 10:05 AM