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November 2006 Archives

November 2, 2006

Is Bush an "Idiot"?

Uhhh....yes, but here is an actual debate about this on MSNBC.

November 14, 2006

Samsung’s $200,000 Machine Gun Sentry Robot (VIDEO)

from techeblog.com:

Samsung’s $200,000 Machine Gun Sentry Robot

Samsung has partnered with Korea University to develop a machine-gun equipped sentry robot, which consists of “two cameras: one for day-time and one for infrared night vision, zooming capabilities, a speaker for notifying the intruder, sophisticated pattern recognition to detect the difference between humans/trees, and a 5.5mm machine-gun.”

Didn't these people watch what happened with the ED-209 in Robocop?!?!

November 15, 2006

KFC's logo first to be seen from space

From the KFC news release:

The "Face from Space" took more than 3,000 hours to create from inception to launch and was built by Synergy, a leading event company.

The logo consists of 65,000 one-foot by one-foot painted tile pieces that were assembled like a giant jigsaw puzzle: 6,000 red, 14,000 white, 12,000 eggshell, 5,000 beige and 28,000 black.

The logo took 24 days, working around-the-clock, to manufacture and ultimately produce. It then took six days on site to construct the logo, during which time the logo design pieces were kept hidden and under cover from identified and unidentified flying objects.

The Simpsons Movie

The trailer is out...

About November 2006

This page contains all entries posted to The Inane Asylum in November 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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December 2006 is the next archive.

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