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February 2007 Archives

February 5, 2007

Sundance Episode 6: The Parties

It seems my posting about Episode 6 got lost as jsmooth moved everything over to a new host, so I'm posting it here just to keep the collection complete.

Sundance Episode 7: It's a Wrap!

Episode 7 is out. It's their final episode and it's a solid one.

February 15, 2007

Got Bilk?

Those crazy Japanese are at it again. This time they're mixing Beer and Milk. It just doesn't seem right, but the people seem to love it.

From reuters:

Got milk? Got beer!

TOKYO, Feb 13 (Reuters Life!) - Great news for beer and milk lovers: A liquor shop owner in Japan's largest dairy farming region has stopped crying about local spilled milk and started making beer from it instead.

"We came up with the idea after hearing about surplus milk," said Chitoshi Nakahara, head of the Nakahara liquor shop on the northernmost island of Hokkaido.

Milk consumption has been declining steadily in Japan, and Hokkaido disposed of nearly 900 tonnes of milk last March due to over-production, according to the Japan Dairy Association.

Nakahara's new brew, "Bilk" -- a combination of "milk" and "beer" -- is about 30 percent milk. It also contains hops, and the production process does not differ much from that of regular beer, he said.

His shop started selling Bilk, which apart from a slight milky scent looks and tastes like ordinary beer, on February 1 after spending about six months developing the product with a local brewer.

Bilk is only available at six local shops or by mail order, but Nakahara is currently out of stock due to heavy media attention.

Don't worry if you can't get hold of any, though: Nakahara also sells beer brewed from another major Hokkaido product -- potatoes.

February 27, 2007

Robotic Beer Launching Fridge

No words necessary. Just watch the video. I need to make one of these for myself.

The Hole - video powered by Metacafe

About February 2007

This page contains all entries posted to The Inane Asylum in February 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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March 2007 is the next archive.

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