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June 2007 Archives

June 11, 2007

CFFC 5: Ray Mercer vs Kimbo Slice

It seems Kimbo is finally getting his shot and will be fighting former Heavy Weight Champion Ray Mercer on June 23, 2007 in Atlantic City. This fight is apart of CFFC 5, so this will be an MMA fight, but my guess is there will be no arm bars in this fight.

I'm really pulling for Kimbo here. Good luck man.

June 18, 2007

Bill O’Reilly kicked out of Mets clubhouse

YES!! This is double sweet for me. As a life long Mets fan and a Bill O'Reilly hater, this just made my week.

from The New York Daily News:

O’Reilly, the FoxNews Channel talking head, got inside the visitors’ clubhouse before Stadium security realized that he was not wearing a credential granting clubhouse access. He and his party then were escorted out of the room.

According to a reporter from The Record of Hackensack (N.J.), the Big Righty complained to the security officer, “You don’t have to escort us out - we’re going.”

Coincidentally, If there is some irony surrounding the incident, it’s that MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann was in the Mets’ clubhouse before Friday night’s game. Olbermann hosts the left-leaning “Countdown” on MSNBC and he and O’Reilly have frequently exchanged barbs on their respective programs.

Let's go Mets!

June 22, 2007

Olbermann Blows O'Reilly Up

Keith Olbermann is my new best friend. Just watch as he blows Bill "Must Die" O'Reilly up about his "reasoning" behind not reporting on the war in Iraq:

June 26, 2007

Kimbo Slice VS Ray Mercer

Any true Kimbo fan would have already seen this video, but there's no way I could have not posted this. It's classic Kimbo baby.

I would really love to see Kimbo fight an MMA fighter next.

About June 2007

This page contains all entries posted to The Inane Asylum in June 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

May 2007 is the previous archive.

July 2007 is the next archive.

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