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July 2007 Archives

July 9, 2007

Music Industry Shaking Down Coffee Shops

Somebody please tell me this is a joke.

from floridatoday.com:

Music licensing companies come calling for royalties

A restaurant owner who doesn't even offer live music was approached for payment for having the TV on while the Monday Night Football theme played. And if the owners pay up to one licensing company, all of the others start harassing them, calling four times a day, demanding payment too. It sounds like they don't even check whether any copyright violations occurred, they're just sending bills to any business that may or may not have live music.

This is getting a little out of hand now. Downloading mp3's without paying anyone - fine. But playing TV in your bar?? Are you kidding me?!

July 17, 2007

Who is Jonathan Hoenig?

I'm not sure, but he is a Fox News contributor, which by itself usually means I'm not going to like him. And now I have reason not to like him.

from thinkprogress.org:

Fox Guest Smokes On-Air, Says Taxing Tobacco To Fund Children’s Health Is Like Racial Discrimination

Fox News contributor Jonathan Hoenig called the proposal “discrimination,” analogizing it to “all blacks” or “all Christians” having “to pay a surcharge for kids health care.” He also argued that smoking “harms nobody but the smoker,” proceeding to light up a cigarette on-air to prove his point.

July 18, 2007

Xzibit & Tom Green Freestyle

This is worth a couple of laughs...

July 24, 2007

Bush is not an expert

July 31, 2007

Futurama Movie Coming Soon

from tvsquad.com

Comic-Con: Futurama panel report

Futurama is back, and now we know in what form. The show will return on November 27th as a full-length high-def film sold on DVD. It will be followed by three additional films, and each film will be divided into four episodes each to be aired on Comedy Central. So, that's 4 DVD movies or 16 new episodes depending on how you look at it.

About July 2007

This page contains all entries posted to The Inane Asylum in July 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 2007 is the previous archive.

August 2007 is the next archive.

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