July 11, 2010

Edward Norton: Ambassador for UN!

Edward Norton, one of the most respected actors, is now getting so much respect that he's actually become an ambassador for the United Nations.

Norton will be a goodwill ambassador for biodiversity, thanks to his long histroy of working on environmental conversation and sustainable energy. "I think that (goodwill) ambassadors in many ways can play a role in highlighting the models of success that the UN is promoting around the world."

Biological diversity is a key issue for the future of the planet, but it's one not as many people are well informed on. Biodiversity is a measure of the variety of life forms within an, or across the entire Earth. Biodiversity is often used as a measure of the health of biological systems. Biodiversity on Earth consists of many millions of distinct biological species, but many key species are now endangered or have already gone extinct as we run out of energy sources and keep exploiting the planet for more. The year 2010 has been declared as the International Year of Biodiversity.

Edward Norton Ambassador

American actor Edward Norton, who has starred in films including "The Incredible Hulk," "Fight Club," and "Kingdom of Heaven," has a new role -- United Nations goodwill ambassador for biodiversity. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon made the announcement, noting that Norton and his family had long been involved in issues related to sustainable development and conservation. Norton said he hoped he can use his celebrity to boost awareness of the UN's ideals and activities in environmental conservation.

Edward Norton Ambassador

Posted at July 11, 2010 6:37 AM