April 6, 2010

Holly Madison Benji Madden: Still Hot?

Holly Madison & Benji Madden contnue to make news with rumors of their romance together, but the details are still cloudy. What's the real deal with these two hot young starlets?

A witness a few months ago saw them and said: "Benji stood next to Holly with his arm around her. He was rubbing her lower back and the top of her butt, and she was hanging on his shoulder. They were laughing and flirting the entire time. They couldn't take their hands off each other!"

But reps for the randomly famous duo say that they are still in the friend zone, despite still being seen together again this weekend. "They are still just friends," said one rep. "Benji happened to be here in town this last weekend so they got to spend more time together than usual."

Holly Madison Benji Madden: Still Hot?

Holly Madison and Benji Madden are new Hollywood dating partners. Life and Style is the first to bring the news to attention, claiming the pair has been spotted acting romantic during an outing at a Starbucks near Benji's DCMA office last Wednesday, December 3. The rumored lovers were waiting for their drinks when an onlooker witnessed that "it was obvious something was going on between them." The onlooker recalls...

Holly Madison Benji Madden: Still Hot?

Posted at April 6, 2010 3:34 AM