January 6, 2011

Witches Curse: Income Tax Revenge!

Controversy in Romania as new classes of people have now been targeted for income tax collection, including witches and fortune tellers, who perviously had not been considered traditional jobs or professions that had taxable income.

The move comes as Romania continues trying to crack down on income tax evasion in their financially struggling country. Astrology and embalming are two other professions that will now have to seek tax advice.

One representative of the new taxpayers said "This law is foolish. What is there to tax, when we hardly earn anything? The lawmakers don't look at themselves, at how much they make, their tricks; they steal and they come to us asking us to put spells on their enemies."

Witches Curse Income Tax

Everyone curses the tax man, but Romanian witches angry about having to pay up for the first time are planning to use cat excrement and dead dogs to cast spells on the president and government. Also among Romania's newest taxpayers are fortune tellers. The new law is part of the government's drive to collect more revenue and crack down on tax evasion in a country that is in recession. In the past, the less mainstream professions of witch, astrologer and fortune teller were not listed in the Romanian labor code, as were those of embalmer, valet and driving instructor. Those who worked those jobs used their lack of registration to evade paying income tax.

Sgt. Matthew Neu and Threat Against the President

Posted at January 6, 2011 8:26 AM