October 17, 2010

Jillian Michaels: "An actress playing the role of fitness trainer"?

Could it be true that the trainer and star of the Biggest Loser Jillian Michaels is a fraud? That's the accusation from some people recently, including some published in the Los Angeles Times.

In recent months she has been facing several lawsuits over her dietary supplements, with some people claiming they do not offer the diet and fitness benefits their health conscious creator claims.

The response from Jillian Michaels: "Apparently I'm an actress. Shame on the Los Angeles Times for saying I'm a fraud and not a trainer. I currently own two certifications, one of which doesn't expire."

jillian michaels "an actress playing the role of fitness trainer."

The tanned and toned star of the hit TV series "The Biggest Loser" may be famous for whipping fatties into shape, but an op-ed piece published by the Los Angeles Times says she isn't a fitness trainer at all - merely "an actress playing the role of fitness trainer." Ouch. "Typical viewers think she's great," James S. Fell wrote in the piece," yet the collective jaws of professional trainers hit the floor after witnessing her regular displays of poor technique and unsafe training practices." Fell questioned Michaels' credentials as well, saying she had some "introductory fitness certifications" but that her website doesn't say anything about her education as a fitness trainer.

Posted at October 17, 2010 6:12 AM