March 4, 2009

VIDEO: Kendall Beard "This One's For the Girls" American Idol

Kendall Beard with the country rocker for the night. Not bad I guess!

VIDEO: Kendall Beard "This One's For the Girls" American Idol


Kendall Beard sang "This One's For the Girls." She's really funny because she has a really tinny annoying speaking voice, but her singing voice is vastly richer and different. It's not a perfect performance, but she's different from everyone else who performed tonight, and I think that could get her far. Kara says that Kendall Beard had some issues, but she likes her personality. Paula says she did a good job and is adorable. Simon says that it got a bit "shrilly" toward the end of the video. Randy says it wasn't her best vocal performance, but that she told them who she is. Kendall Beard looks likely to ride this country train home.

VIDEO: Kendall Beard "This One's For the Girls" American Idol

Posted at March 4, 2009 3:11 AM