July 12, 2010

Jennifer Lopez Faces Lawsuit

As she tries to rebuild her once thriving career, Jennifer Lopez has faced a lot of obstacles, and now she's got possibly her biggest one yet: a $40 million lawsuit!

Lopez is being sued by a luxury hotel in Cyprus, who claim that J-Lo cancelled a major concert gig there for "political reasons." The area of Cyprus where the hotel and casino complex is has become a contested political issue, as it is now controlled by Turkey while Greece also controls other parts of the island.

Lopez is a longtime star as an actor and singer, but in recent years has had trouble making hits in either field. This concert at the resort vacation spot was going to be a major score for her but she and her management decided it might not be in her best interests.

Jennifer Lopez Faces Lawsuit

A hotel in Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus has threatened Jennifer Lopez with a 40 million dollar lawsuit after she cancelled a concert there for "political" reasons, press reports said Sunday. The chief executive of the Turkish company which runs the hotel and casino complex said Lopez still had time to change her mind about the July 24 gig. Lopez drew the wrath of Greek-Cypriots in the southern half of the divided island after the new Cratos Premium hotel and casino complex announced the singer would perform there on her 41st birthday.

Jennifer Lopez Faces Lawsuit

Posted at July 12, 2010 5:06 PM