January 10, 2011

Grown man gets Justin Bieber tattoo!? (PHOTO)

Many people get regrettable tattoos when they are younger, but how often do grown men get huge tattoos of tween idol pop stars? At least one man has done that recently, as he got an almost life-size tattoo of Justin Bieber's face as a bonafide permanent tattoo.

The man has a humongous tattoo of Justin Bieber's face on his thigh, and from the expression on his face in this photos the man may have done it "ironically" which I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse. Justin Bieber "Baby" and other hit songs have topped the charts and itunes sales, and Justin Bieber Concert tickets also sell throguh the roof to his adoring fans.

Grown man gets Justin Bieber tattoo!? (PHOTO)

See a photo at TMZ.

Grown man gets Justin Bieber tattoo!? (PHOTO)

Posted at January 10, 2011 9:56 AM