February 25, 2009

Obama Speech 2/24/09 VIDEO

Obama Speech 2/24/09 VIDEO

FULL VIDEO: Obama Speech to Congress 2/24/09 - Part One

FULL VIDEO: Obama Speech to Congress 2/24/09 - Part Two

FULL VIDEO: Obama Speech to Congress 2/24/09 - Part Three

FULL VIDEO: Obama Speech to Congress 2/24/09 - Part Four

FULL VIDEO: Obama Speech to Congress 2/24/09 - Part Five

Obama Speech 2/24/09 VIDEO

Posted at February 25, 2009 2:57 AM

Hip Hop Music.Com

OBAMA's speech was certtainly incredibly uplifing. I am one of those Americans who is drowning in debt, with many sleepless nights due the economy. I will not waiver and my spirit is not broken and I am defenitely not a quitter. I appreciate all of those who particpated in posting Barack's speech it is sincerely a blessing to listen and be able to have access to view on your website the peoples President.
Regards, Dolores Harris

Posted by: Dolores Harris at February 25, 2009 6:29 AM

This was an historic speech and we are amazingly fortunate to have Barack Obama as our President.
He came out of nowhere and I believe he is on the right track. We need to support him. He offers hope without pointing a finger of blame to those who caused all this mess with our regulatory system.

Posted by: Rev. Jack M. Copas at February 25, 2009 11:40 AM

I just really respect Obama. As a person and a president. He has a terrible job ahead of him, cleaning up people's messes, but here he is, taking it on and doing a good job of it. Our last president was more of a playboy, he went on more vacations than any other president. Even during 9/11. Obama is here for us 100%, and has done more work in one month than Bush did in 4 years. I just hope people see how hard he is trying, and how hard he is working for the people. All of them.

Posted by: Bree at February 25, 2009 11:40 AM

This was an historic speech and we are amazingly fortunate to have Barack Obama as our President.
He came out of nowhere and I believe he is on the right track. We need to support him. He offers hope without pointing a finger of blame to those who caused all this mess with our regulatory system.

Posted by: Rev. Jack M. Copas at February 25, 2009 11:40 AM

This was an historic speech and we are amazingly fortunate to have Barack Obama as our President.
He came out of nowhere and I believe he is on the right track. We need to support him. He offers hope without pointing a finger of blame to those who caused all this mess with our regulatory system.

Posted by: Rev. Jack M. Copas at February 25, 2009 11:40 AM

This was an historic speech and we are amazingly fortunate to have Barack Obama as our President.
He came out of nowhere and I believe he is on the right track. We need to support him. He offers hope without pointing a finger of blame to those who caused all this mess with our regulatory system.

Posted by: Rev. Jack M. Copas at February 25, 2009 11:40 AM

What a fabulous speech, presentation and president of the United States of America!! amazing. God bless him and all of the U.S.

Posted by: Madison at February 25, 2009 1:16 PM

What a fabulous speech, presentation and president of the United States of America!! amazing. God bless him and all of the U.S.

Posted by: Madison at February 25, 2009 1:16 PM