August 31, 2009

Pot Garden Discovered at Sierra Nevada National Park "At Least $36 Million"

Posted at August 31, 2009 3:39 AM

Smokey the Bear?

Posted by: Baboo at August 31, 2009 4:38 AM

The Times They Are A'Changin'!People see the mess the damn politicians have made and think F**k it!We wanna Party and Have a Good Time an We Wanna Get Loaded!!!!!FTW

Posted by: IBBO666 at August 31, 2009 5:05 AM

what did thy do with the pot?

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 5:38 AM

My wife is there fighting the fires...She called me and said they put fire line on the outside of it and let it burn after they evacuated the fire fighters.

Good for them, drugs make you as stupid IBBO666

Posted by: Andy at August 31, 2009 5:59 AM

hell the government probably planted it there them selves to make money off it by charging the owners, their crooked that way!

Posted by: Dianne at August 31, 2009 6:13 AM

Now we know why it's so dry

Posted by: michael at August 31, 2009 8:10 AM

36 million dollars. Legalize it collect tax on the 36 million.

Posted by: c at August 31, 2009 8:18 AM

So for every dealer/ grower/ supplier there's hundreds of folks waiting to get a piece of the pie..So lets keep spending millions of dollars to fight a war that has no end...Tax payers money had a work..

Posted by: Smoke at August 31, 2009 8:52 AM

legalize it

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 9:13 AM

legalize it TAX it

Posted by: Bobby at August 31, 2009 9:30 AM


Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 9:43 AM

Use that 36 million as income, sell it, tax it and make our government some money! This is God's gift to us, it grows, from God' soil. It's a seed, not a man-made entity.

Posted by: April at August 31, 2009 9:52 AM


Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 10:02 AM


Posted by: DDIJ at August 31, 2009 10:03 AM

get the money for it;anduse it to detox all the users at least it would be put to good use.

Posted by: nana at August 31, 2009 10:10 AM

Straight out Marijuana isn't a drug. It's just illegal and why it's illegal i don't know but Cal. did the statisics on it and it would be over a billion dollars in taxes that would go to the gov. It confuses me on why our government is so closed minded that it can't see it.

Posted by: Nick sanchez at August 31, 2009 10:21 AM

So they should send the pot to Louisiana. We need some fresh good sh*t down here. We are at the bottom of the boot! Legalize that sh*t and save us from the garbage that makes it through.

Posted by: Killa K at August 31, 2009 10:24 AM

Legalize it already! I want to repsect the police and I want to repsect my country, but until leaglization and taxation occurs, I can't overlook the hypocrisy, and I'm left with nothing but contempt for those who try to tell me what's best for me, while their fat asses shovel alcohol, fried foods, soda... into their bodies.

Posted by: Josilyn Cox at August 31, 2009 10:50 AM

what's the diff anyway? alcohol is the same difference as pot. they might as well and booze and cigs too. shit they are all drugs

Posted by: H at August 31, 2009 11:02 AM

Well, the govt. still collects a tax on it because there is still a tax from many, many years ago. So it's illegal, but they'll still tax the shit out of you for it. Plus with privatized prisons, they need all the prisoners... er... I mean money they can get!

Posted by: Bee at August 31, 2009 11:11 AM

Yeah lets burn 36 million, our government is the biggest bunch of bumbling idiots. It should be legalized. I have smoked for 40 years it just makes me happy. I hate drunks and I hate them on our roads. Why don't we ban liquor and use all the alcohol for fuel for our cars? God our gov sucks! When you find out who much their paychecks are, you would be pissed off and what do they do exactly? Another thing I have seen so many big Power Ball Jackpot won. The last was 260 million dollars. If the guy took the cash he gets 88 million. Where does the rest they took out go? It was supposed to go to the schools. They all still have the same complaints lack of supplies under paid under staffed. Shouldn't that money help that situation? It's going into someones pocket. I have 40K worth of Lehman bonds I lost it all why cant it go into a fund to try to help payback some of the people that got hosed on that deal. Oh yeah you can trust this bank its been in business for 138 years. BS!!!!

Posted by: Paul at August 31, 2009 11:27 AM

Legalize It, Don't Criticize It!

Posted by: Rory at August 31, 2009 11:29 AM

I agree, make it legal, make the money.

Posted by: misty610 at August 31, 2009 11:32 AM

Once and for all... LEGALIZE IT!!!!!!

Posted by: Dexter at August 31, 2009 11:36 AM

legalize it

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 11:38 AM

Leagalize it already. We spend rediculous amounts of cash to fight a winless war on something people want, while we encourage spending on prisons, law enforcement, lawyers, and fuel an insatiable appetite for prescription meds that would largely be un-needed if pot were legal. The goverment is not anti drug as they would have you believe, they just want you to buy their "sanctioned" drugs. And you will, and you do. Make em change it. Collect the taxes. It's a win win for the country.

Posted by: RJS at August 31, 2009 11:38 AM

Leagalize it already. We spend rediculous amounts of cash to fight a winless war on something people want, while we encourage spending on prisons, law enforcement, lawyers, and fuel an insatiable appetite for prescription meds that would largely be un-needed if pot were legal. The goverment is not anti drug as they would have you believe, they just want you to buy their "sanctioned" drugs. And you will, and you do. Make em change it. Collect the taxes. It's a win win for the country.

Posted by: RJS at August 31, 2009 11:39 AM

to paul at 11:32-you are so right on!!

Posted by: misty610 at August 31, 2009 11:39 AM

I've seen may freinds die from booze but have yet to lose anybody I know from smoking pot!!!! What is worse????? Do the math and let us know.

Posted by: Tom at August 31, 2009 11:45 AM

Legalize it!!! Why can't the dumb assholes in Washington let the people vote to legalize it or not? It's time you sons-of-bitches give the country back to the people.

Posted by: governmenthater at August 31, 2009 11:52 AM

You ever notice that the Pot-Smokers are the angriest people when they are not stoned?

It's because weed messes with your body chemistry, making you more easily agitated.

Posted by: Ryan at August 31, 2009 11:55 AM

drugs are ilegals so keep it that way for are own good. how many of you wish to get out of drugs, and having it in front of you ain't going to cause no reation god bless you all and peace on earth.

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 11:59 AM

they don't legalize it 'cos they make money out of it, those fucking bastards! that's what they're...
as long as they live a 'quite' life....

with all the money that could be made by taxing mariujana, less money to football players and so on and so forth...we won't have anymore problems...

we're in a big movie....and we are the actors...

ps: who said that mariujana is a drug? i thought it was a plant...and that could fuel cars, could be used to build cars and be used to make clothes...and be used to build objects...drug? i've never heard of E fueling a car...

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 12:00 PM


Posted by: Mike at August 31, 2009 12:00 PM

drugs are ilegals so keep it that way for are own good. how many of you wish to get out of drugs, and having it in front of you ain't going to cause no reation god bless you all and peace on earth.

Posted by: omar at August 31, 2009 12:01 PM

im not a big smoker but they should legalize it and tax it,i maybe smoke once every 6months if even that,but it is safer than alcohol and wont kill you. the only thing i have against it is u legalize it and kids think its ok to do and its not,just like they think alcohol and prescriptions ok cuz they're legal. although i would rather one smoke a little herb than drink a case a beer,it doesnt damage all your inards like alcohol and it is not a gateway drug.if someone has an addictive personality theyre gonna do the hard stuff, youre more likely to do something when your drunk

Posted by: BONSEY at August 31, 2009 12:01 PM

drugs are ilegals so keep it that way for are own good. how many of you wish to get out of drugs, and having it in front of you ain't going to cause no reation god bless you all and peace on earth.

Posted by: omar at August 31, 2009 12:02 PM

alchohol kills people, meth kills people, gangsters kill innocents, policemen stand aside and enjoy the show. Weed isn't even close to any of these. its nature, one of gods gift, yet you label it as something thats not good, evil, and bad for our health. take a look around, 60% of the people are obese from consuming poison, (fast food, alcohol, soda, & pollution in the air). who the hell are you to think the way you do. f$ckin idiots. think about it.

Posted by: earthly being at August 31, 2009 12:03 PM

You guys should be sending these letters and comments to your represntatives. You are preaching to choir here evidently.

I say , If it's good shit , you must acquit . LOL

Posted by: Starbandit at August 31, 2009 12:04 PM

In the Bible it says God gave us all manner of herbs
for our use. Marijuana is an herb and is of great benefit to suffering ill people and a source of pleasure for many others. Let us legalize it and
control its use by minors and use the tax dollars
generated to help bail our country out of debt or
any other need we have.

Posted by: Linda at August 31, 2009 12:08 PM


Posted by: NIG at August 31, 2009 12:09 PM

first of all the gov is making money off pot,and any other legal drugs( presc,alcohol,cigs) thats the sick part.Also propation for people busted for pot. WOW are gov. puts people that smoke pot in prison with murderers. As far as pot smokers being the angriest people when their not stoned, I'v never seen that to be true. I work in a rehab. facility and actually the angriest people are people who are trying to stop smoking cigs.

Posted by: lynn at August 31, 2009 12:11 PM

Perfect answer Linda! Genesis 1:29 Rocks!!!

Posted by: Bob at August 31, 2009 12:13 PM


Posted by: NIG at August 31, 2009 12:14 PM

Get rid of the reefer madness mentality, and roll another one.

Posted by: space cowboy at August 31, 2009 12:15 PM

hey if you have any problems finding drugs,come down to mexico ,here you will find a great variaty of pot,coca, crack,etc,etc you name it and we even have stores near by for you own convenince so come on down and visit mex.

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 12:15 PM

im a cigarette smoker and those things are far more addictive than what weed is,ask yourself how many people gotta stop smoking weed for one reason or another and they just do it,but how many people really stop smoking cigs that easy, that goes to show how shits messed up make weed legal and make cigs illegal they kill people anyway

Posted by: starrlaysha at August 31, 2009 12:17 PM

Is there really a problem with smoking "POT"? When do the people get to decide what the people want? The government is in control of the country not the people. The more it goes on like this the U.S.A. will continue to sink into a hole that we can't get out of. Why not start selling "Marijuana" in stores... You all sell cancer in stores but that doesn't seem to bother anyone!

Posted by: Adrian at August 31, 2009 12:18 PM

@Ryan, "You ever notice that the Pot-Smokers are the angriest people when they are not stoned?
It's because weed messes with your body chemistry, making you more easily agitated."

You sir are incorrect, marijuana does in no way make you anymore easily agitated then life in general. In fact your sentence is contradictory; you say that when we are not stoned we are easily agitated because of when we get stoned. So now we’re agitated stoners. Sounds like your just another one of the contributing members of the mass ignorant population. You should really pat yourself on the back, go ahead , right now, pat yourself on the back, and congratulate yourself too for being someone who does not know the meaning and importance of good honest research. We applaud you.

Posted by: Kregg at August 31, 2009 12:19 PM

PLease !!! just legaliz it for god's sake!!! we all said it is not a drug , it wont kill u...IT IS A F@$KEN HERB...U WON'R OVER DOSE...SHIT..OBAMA KNOWS IT TOO...SO DOES BUSH!!!

Posted by: anna at August 31, 2009 12:33 PM

You are all stupid azzes weed kills everyone and there mothers go to hell

Posted by: DUMBAZZ at August 31, 2009 12:36 PM

36 Million? These Estimates are never right Probably like 36k....they overestimate by 10million percent-thats standard ;/

Posted by: kirby at August 31, 2009 12:48 PM

coming from someone calling themselves dumbazz, if your a non smoker, then your clueless.Say that to the families who's loved ones are suffering from diseases, and use pot as a way to cope with, well dying!!!!!!!what a genius.

Posted by: lynn at August 31, 2009 12:53 PM

I Agree,where is all the lottery money going? We're still coming up short with school supplies.I have a question to ask, have there every been any type of report that smoking Mariujana causes cancer,make you hyper or even sucider? as for as I've know i have never heard of that happen,but we can sell cigaretts,alchohol and go to any doctor and get a prescription for any type of drug and its cool.I'm not a racal person,but come on ppls wake up,we have been sayin for years that we all live in a white man world and most of us belive that God is white,but we need to take time out and see the real picture here.anthing made by white man it's legal right? but anything made by a blk man it's illegal?so tell me is God white or blk?

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 12:55 PM


Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 1:00 PM

Legalize it! The government complains and makes us suffer through recessions because we don't have enough money. If they would legalize weed they would make billions a year,period. Plus weed is nothing but an upper,its not an additive,it doesn't mess with your body or brain chemistry,all it does it make everything a little more enjoyable. People die everyday from Alchol,can get poisoning,die in a wreck,and other ways. How many people a year die from weed? Worse thats gonna happen is your gonna fall asleep for a few hours. And people are not cranky when they're not high. Its the fact that its illegal to have the weed,for no real at all mind you,that angers us. Give me one real legit reason to continue to make possesing marijuana illegal.

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 1:00 PM

I have read the comments lets vote all the bumbs out shut down the gov until they start listening to the people again.

Posted by: ls7337 at August 31, 2009 1:02 PM

herb is illegal because our pharmacutical companies can't compete with god.

Posted by: shawn at August 31, 2009 1:02 PM

how often do you smoke a bowl or a blunt maybe every hour or 30 min? or maybe 5 hr or more but cigareetes i need one every fu(kin min thats addictive weed aint no drug its a plant it just grows like that but if u just happen to set it on fire ! there are some effects HUNGRY HAPPY SLEEPY THATS IT! OH YEAH AND CONCENTRATED DRIVER AS WELL!!!!!!! now aspirin !!! aspirin is perfectly legal now take 13 of them mo fu(kas and that will be your last headache lol you will over dose on aspirin nd not weed lmfao this govt is full of piece of shyt politics and democrats tax it make money idiotsssssssss!!!! i would profit you guys a good 22million off of me every year dunt look for me you wont find me! lmfao oh yeah and by the way alchohol can be used for gas u freakin idiots ban that and legalize my mary jane i got bluebeerrrry cush hawaiin honolulu haze! lets make some money!

Posted by: gio at August 31, 2009 1:04 PM


Posted by: Roncha at August 31, 2009 1:14 PM

If you're still smoking that crap, you're an idiot. There will be wards for you when you get old and decrepid where you can keep preaching to each other about how they should legalize pot. Happy Trails...

Posted by: LF at August 31, 2009 1:14 PM

you may make money but you help the downfall of our kids wanting to go to school and make something of themselfs. Lets all take the easy road and grow and sale weed and God is white

Posted by: gioisdumb at August 31, 2009 1:18 PM

Damn fine use of public land if you ask me...

Posted by: blue greenie at August 31, 2009 1:19 PM

S.T.O.P. state tax on pot& state tax on poontang. Legalize both.

Posted by: space cowboy at August 31, 2009 1:20 PM

Make it legal already! mmmmmmmmmm WEED!!! ;-)

Posted by: Jules at August 31, 2009 1:22 PM

Even if we didnt tax it or legalize it.. that 32 MILLION still get put into the economy whether on a new set of rims for some king kong speakers in the trunk.. or at the grocery store, gas stations anything you can think of.. dealers don't get taxed but they do spend money and all of that 32 Million would make its way back into society and eventually be taxed.. you know the saying Better Late than never.. that is going to be the name of my head shop once these ignorant politicians get off their asses and realize we have a cash crop that grows on our own soul that we should/could/would be capitalizing on if it weren't for their foolish views on POT!!!

How many people were killed last year in direct result of Marijuana use? uuummm... 0, yup that's right 0, the plant grown from the earth cannot kill you.. oh and that number is WORLD WIDE!!! Number of Alcohol related deaths.. Anyone, anyone?? approximately 79,000 deaths annually attributable to excessive alcohol use. In fact, excessive alcohol use is the 3rd leading lifestyle-related cause of death for people in the United States each year. hhmmm.......

Posted by: Chad at August 31, 2009 1:23 PM

I sure could use that pot. This country needs to legalize pot.

Posted by: ron at August 31, 2009 1:25 PM

What really cracks me up is when people say that grass is a "gateway drug". I was at a party once and an anesthesiologist (no less), with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other was complaining to me about his son smoking grass. I told him,

" smoke marijuana and I'm ok..."

He brushed me off saying "Its a gateway drug."

" What you have in your right and left hands are the two biggest gateway drugs there are. How many people do you know who smoked grass BEFORE they smoked cigarettes or drank beer?"

The conversation sorta ended there.

Look...grass is not good for you. You're better off not doing it. But it is NOT as bad for you as drinking and smoking tobacco. If you're going to do something (and most people do have their poisons) I urge you to consider marijuana as a less unhealthy alternative to gin and tonics and Marlboros. And if you have the means to eat marijuana...making brownies and such...definitely a better choice that smoking it.

Posted by: blue greenie at August 31, 2009 1:37 PM

How does the government tax something that anyone can grow in a pot or the back yard? "Tax it" is stupid.

Posted by: G.T. Woods at August 31, 2009 1:43 PM

I cannot belive that you are all saying "$36 millon, tax it"

Read up on the article and educate yourself . . .

Nearly all of the marijuana had already been harvested before the rangers dropped in. The value of the pot plants grown at the site, including what was already harvested, was estimated at least $36 million."

The pot was already harvested and the dollor amount they added was from what they did not get. they only got the male plants and some extra's. so what did they burn? prolly nothing worth more than mabye one good college week, for a frat.

Posted by: Simple Jack at August 31, 2009 1:44 PM

This Government is so backwards.They really need to get their heads out of their asses and realize the facts.

MJ is proven to have health benefits.Studys have shown THC actually has anti-cancer effects by actually eating cancer cells! This is FACT! (Look it up people, see what Spainish researchers have found.) But there are countless studys to support the many other cures/treatment of other ailments as well. Yet why are we being denied the cure?

No documented case has been recorded that the stuff can kill you. as opposed to REAL drugs like alco, cigs, etc. Which of course, is legal poison

Pot is still the #1 cash crop in Cali. Why not tax it and help the state/country.This is obviously something WE the people want. If we didn't, it wouldn't be profitible for these
cartels. Legalize it, tax it, and get this country's economy out of the toilet for God's sake. Stop creating positions and wasting our money on a "war" that will never end. How the hell can it ever be "won?" Would it not be logical to go after the real criminals?

Don't be bamboozeled people. I encourage people to educate themselves to the TRUTH.This country is great, but its real issues like this leave me to question the powers that be.

After all, aren't we talkin about a plant here?

Posted by: The Truth at August 31, 2009 1:46 PM

yeah the guy on top of me makes sense it will make more gas and lower gas prices and its 20 million times better he dude if you see this let me know if you wanna smoke 1 ;]

Posted by: jessica at August 31, 2009 1:47 PM

Personaly i think the government should do a 180 and instead of fight the drug trade they should just turn around and start selling it. same with cocane because it is grown too.

The world looks kindly of hypocrites . . .

Posted by: Simple Jack at August 31, 2009 1:52 PM

Who is going to tell the emporer he's not wearing any clothes?

Posted by: Ben Waiting at August 31, 2009 1:54 PM

If all the folks that are writing "legalize it, tax it", got off of their stoned asses and got together as one would happen. I recently wrote an email to my congressman..and to my surprise, he emailed me back. I asked why not legalize da herb...keeping it illegal is a fallacy.
What he had to say in response was soooo much bullshit.narcotic this...federal that...yes,and the old stand by..."gateway". wow...this country has it's head up it's ass.

Posted by: sean stevens at August 31, 2009 1:56 PM

If they cannot legalize it then they must start thinking about legislations to make tobacco and alcohol illegal . These are the biggest direct and indirect killer. Have you ever seen what the PDG of the tobacco industries drives and their life styles... and the kick back legislatore receive from them. They are just putting up shows that they are fighting the weed but take a closer look and you will be surprised how many of them have their hands in it... Don't be fooled the same weed will be back in the market... lol.

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 1:56 PM

hey Lf I know people that are 90 plus years old and has smoked pot all of their adult life.swears that they would have not survived without it. refused to take mans drugs.vicodin eats holes in your mucles.morphine drives you crazy.consult and we will see who the idiot is that don't smoke herb. take mans drugs and we will see who winds up in the ward.happy trails to you.

Posted by: shawn at August 31, 2009 1:58 PM

too much of anything is bad, but weed in moderation is the best thing.. way better then alcohol, n y do a weed suplyer get the same sentence as someone who robs a store???? there is no justice in this country

Posted by: Claire at August 31, 2009 2:04 PM


Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 2:11 PM


Posted by: MAF-TOWN REPREXANTER at August 31, 2009 2:12 PM


Posted by: MAFTOWN REPREXENTA at August 31, 2009 2:13 PM

Marijuana was never an illegal substance until the 1920's or 30's. The only reason it was made illegal was because the government did not want people to make money off it. The government had no way to control it, since you can grow it anywhere. They made more money arresting people and making them pay fines and putting them in jail. The excuse they claimed for making it illegal was that it made people crazy and made white women want to sleep with black men. STUPID, its time to make it legal again and stop arresting people for stupidity! It is available everywhere and they will never stop pot! MAKE IT LEGAL CONGRESS AND OBAMA!

Posted by: DENNIS at August 31, 2009 2:13 PM

Marijuana was never an illegal substance until the 1920's or 30's. The only reason it was made illegal was because the government did not want people to make money off it. The government had no way to control it, since you can grow it anywhere. They made more money arresting people and making them pay fines and putting them in jail. The excuse they claimed for making it illegal was that it made people crazy and made white women want to sleep with black men. STUPID, its time to make it legal again and stop arresting people for stupidity! It is available everywhere and they will never stop pot! MAKE IT LEGAL CONGRESS AND OBAMA!

Posted by: DENNIS at August 31, 2009 2:15 PM

People have been murdered over pot in my area. Drug dealers prey on the people walking out of the smoke shops

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 2:17 PM

the people that don't agree with cannabis legalization are retarded and need to have an independant mind to decide what really makes sense. If they refuse to accept it, I personally don't care if they die from alcohol poisoning or lung cancer from 'legal' substances.

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 2:18 PM

black people fu*k up the pot seen they over glammorize it

Posted by: obama at August 31, 2009 2:20 PM

I just read through all the comments so far, and I wanted to say some things. Most of your comments are badly worded, and hardly readable with all the misspelling. Some of us, who partake of the beautiful hemp plant, are very inteligent people. For me personally I smoke all the time. It makes me feel creative and happy. I love being outside. The colors seem brighter and the butterflies floating in the breeze, I sometimes envy. I can't understand why pot is illegal either. Alcohol is so much worse for you.

Posted by: Donna at August 31, 2009 2:21 PM

leaglize it. tax the shit out of it. people will smoke it no matter what, so why should we lose out on the profit of taxing it. everyone is trying to find a way to make more money and help us throught this tough time....hellooo!!!! it's right under your fucking nose! we could make so much more money with legalizing it. people are so fucking closed minded. how can alcohol be legal and not weed. no one gets violent when they are high. haha the world would really be a happier place if it was legal.

Posted by: Nichol at August 31, 2009 2:24 PM

Nichol, your exactly right. The world would be much happier!

Posted by: Donna at August 31, 2009 2:31 PM

I don't understand the massive ammounts of money that the government spends yearly to fight a war on Marijuanna, don't you think that money could be used more effectivey fixing our broken down economy? I mean come on, Billions of dollars, Yes BILLIONS of dollars every year, think of what that money could do for all of us!!!! Tax it and get it over with, it's just plain stupidity!!!!!!Real Pot Heads are NEVER going to stop smoking weed so stop wasting tax payers dollars to prevent something you cannot prevent!!!! Didn't they do the same thing with Alcohol? Thats what should be Illegal!!!!!

Posted by: Tammy at August 31, 2009 2:35 PM

I am 56 year old and love smoking Pot. I have been smoking since I was 15 years. You got my vote to legalize. Please let this happen before I die!

Posted by: I love Pot at August 31, 2009 2:39 PM

I am on board, the only reason I am not doing it right now is it is illeagle. Therefore, very hard to find.

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 2:41 PM

Personaly i need to understand why people make posts that have nothing to say other than their wants. the fact of the matter is that if pot is leaglized there would be farmers that would switch from food to pot just because of the income it would inishally bring the grower. Pot plantations would initally start a huge boom, taxed or not what would that do to the produce prices? (Little hint: they would go through the roof)
If you guys do not notice, fresh produce is already at an all time high --why is that you might ask-- because farmers are already losing there farms due to the current economic times, food is starting to be scarce even in America.

Please, if your going to post something here atleast make some sence and post some-type of reason other than acting like a 8 month old; "I WANT THIS!"

Posted by: Simple Jack at August 31, 2009 2:42 PM

I don't like drink and I only smoke pot when I get home from work I use it as a cocktail to relax. I don't smoke pot and drive, I am too paranoid...hahaha I just love this conversation..let's take a vote

Posted by: I love Pot at August 31, 2009 2:46 PM

This battle between good(weed)and bad(un-educated rah-tards) will continue for some time. Although we have made leaps and bounds towards decriminalizing weed, we are a long ways from actually seeing this happen across the board. Weed does not affect people as the "TRUTH" commercials show. Prohabition has streotyped weed into a "drug" catagory which it is not. I have found most often that the people against legalizing pot are 1. old 2. unexperienced in smoking pot 3. finally any corporate entity that benefits from weed continueing to be illegal (specifically pain relief drug companies). Please believe this debate will end one day, continueing to flush tax payer money down the drain on a never ending war on drugs is pointless. How do you even compaire weed on the same level of "drug" as alchol and cigs, both of which cause superior amounts of damage compaired to weed, both of which are legal??? You want to stop a huge amount of drug related violence and over crowded prisions? The awnser is not a hard one to find. Legalizing will allow the US to regulate and tax (both positive income streams, something hardly ever heard of when refering to government) i know they can spend the shit out of my money, but for once why not see a postive income stream, rather a return on my investment? Weed is not a gateway drug as it is made to sound, if you want to try something mary jane didnt make you any more inclined to try it. I encourage all of you who support the legalization of weed to write your state representitive. The next stage in this battle is to make it known how the people feel. And yes this subject is getting more attention and focus, but continual support of this issue will keep it a front page issue. When the dust settles and the facts revealed the government will have no choice to but to legalize it. It just doesnt make sense not to. So to all supporters i light this joint for you and i promise you one day that this debate will be over and we can all smoke in peace. until then be easy, kennyg.

Posted by: kennyg at August 31, 2009 2:46 PM

i agree with the guy kregg about researching before you talk and ill gladly pay a two-hundred and some-odd percent tax on my bags knowing they might have money to fix and supply our schools, not the dune-coon schools we blew up!!! TAX IT AND LEGALIZE IT. SHIT' Salvia is legal and that shit is retarded!!

Posted by: Spada at August 31, 2009 2:46 PM

i agree with the guy kregg about researching before you talk and ill gladly pay a two-hundred and some-odd percent tax on my bags knowing they might have money to fix and supply our schools, not the dune-coon schools we blew up!!! TAX IT AND LEGALIZE IT. SHIT Salvia is legal and that shit is retarded!!

Posted by: Spada at August 31, 2009 2:47 PM

In the 60s and 70s I knew people who drank but didn't smoke and people who smoked but didn't drink. The smokers were definitely a nicer group of people to be around. But neither group needed to be behind the wheel of a car after an evening of indulgence. (This was college and we walked everywhere, so it wasn't a problem.) Also hard to keep out of the hands of minors because it is so easy to grow. Legalizing and taxing makes the most sense, but steps still have to be taken to assure safe roadways and safe children.

Posted by: Deborah at August 31, 2009 2:52 PM

In the 60s and 70s I knew people who drank but didn't smoke and people who smoked but didn't drink. The smokers were definitely a nicer group of people to be around. But neither group needed to be behind the wheel of a car after an evening of indulgence. (This was college and we walked everywhere, so it wasn't a problem.) Also hard to keep out of the hands of minors because it is so easy to grow. Legalizing and taxing makes the most sense, but steps still have to be taken to assure safe roadways and safe children.

Posted by: Deborah at August 31, 2009 2:53 PM

Simple jack is a dumb-assed red-neck who got his farm taken by the bank. stop smoking meth and drinking moonshine and pay your bills like the smart farmers who would grow pot and stop blaming society for your problems. the world is a hustle, grow up and get yours!!

Posted by: Spada at August 31, 2009 2:55 PM

If they make it legal who will the growers sale their crop?

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 2:56 PM

I completely agree our roads need to be safe to drive on, but riddle me this.....why would legalizing weed put any more high drivers on the road??? anyone that wants to get weed can still easily get it. it is a personal decision that is made at the end of the day to get behind the wheel or not. i am not saying that getting behind the wheel while high is a good idea, but you cant ingnore the stats when being drunk is far worse than high. kennyg

Posted by: kennyg at August 31, 2009 2:56 PM

I agree with simple jack when he says that our posts do need more substance than just "a want". we need to have substance behind our struggle not some first grade arguement that can be easily disputed. As for the rest of what Simple Jack talks about relating to produce, he is just plain wrong. Legalizing will not hurt the produce industry trust me just because weed is legal doesnt mean that we will all of a sudden one day need less produce, WE WILL NEED THE SAME AMOUNT. what legalizing will do is create NEW jobs not destroy old ones.

Posted by: kennyg at August 31, 2009 3:02 PM

kennyg is a rightful and knowledgable stoner. i like your syle brotha. 90% of habitual marijuana users choose to smoke in the vehicle due to the easy ventillation of the windows. legalizing it wont make it worse because its not a problem. alchohol and salvia are not for behind the road, but i can get those on my way to work everyday. the gov't is a hipocritical machine.

Posted by: ZSpada at August 31, 2009 3:06 PM

in response to Anonymous, the crop would be sold to store owners who would have the legal right to sell weed. Just as a store owner gets a liquor lisense or cig lisense. It would work the same way, if you violate the terms of the liscense by selling to underage you would loose that liscense. next question please. kennyg

Posted by: kennyg at August 31, 2009 3:07 PM

Im so sick of the idiots that call weed a gateway drug. The gateway drug is alcohol, as everyone I know got drunk before they got stoned.

When are we going to stop letting those conservative IDIOTS continue to make bad decisions for our government.

Add lost tax revenue+drug inforcement+prosecution, and prison time I don't think anyone is looking at the numbers. IDIOTS!!

Posted by: bill at August 31, 2009 3:09 PM

Im so sick of the idiots that call weed a gateway drug. The gateway drug is alcohol, as everyone I know got drunk before they got stoned.

When are we going to stop letting those conservative IDIOTS continue to make bad decisions for our government.

Add lost tax revenue+drug inforcement+prosecution, and prison time I don't think anyone is looking at the numbers. IDIOTS!!

Posted by: bill at August 31, 2009 3:10 PM

Im so sick of the idiots that call weed a gateway drug. The gateway drug is alcohol, as everyone I know got drunk before they got stoned.

When are we going to stop letting those conservative IDIOTS continue to make bad decisions for our government.

Add lost tax revenue+drug inforcement+prosecution, and prison time I don't think anyone is looking at the numbers. IDIOTS!!

Posted by: bill at August 31, 2009 3:10 PM

Crops would probably be sold to distributioners like camel or marlboro like tobacco crops. they'd be weighed, cleaned, portioned, rolled, and packaged. and just like tobacco you'd be able to but the big bags for pipes and roll-your-owns.

Posted by: Zspada at August 31, 2009 3:12 PM

Okay, first off the government will PROBABLY NOT ever make herb legal- Being as its already been illegal in the U.S. since 1938. if we legalized it the government would have to hear about all the money they wasted since 38' on prosecution, surveilance, and all the outher aspects that the miserable failure of the "war on drugs" wasted.
I believe decriminalization is as far as its going to go, yes if they made it legal they would get billions in taxes but they dont want to admit they were "wrong".......... the U.S. govt is fuct, they made cocaine illegal because they thought african americans would run crazy and rape white women if the got ahold of it (look it up) as well as issuing the 45. instead of a 38.super..... cus everyone knows.......... a negro high on cocaine is like a "rabid bear"

Posted by: Tha420Kid at August 31, 2009 3:14 PM

I almost died of alchohol poisoning YEARS before i ever touche a doobie.

Posted by: ZSpada at August 31, 2009 3:15 PM


Posted by: jason at August 31, 2009 3:16 PM

wow tha420kid can use google while he comments. good one

Posted by: ZSpada at August 31, 2009 3:18 PM

Legalise it,make some income in tough times,it's plant no drugs.

Posted by: newton at August 31, 2009 3:19 PM

Look we all know the pros and cons of leaglelizing the stuff. The concerns. It would give the goverment more money, only to spend more. Look at the lottery. It was suppose to fix the schools and it only went into someone else's pocket. The concerns about our kids. They are already smoking it behind our backs. Kids can get anything they want regardless if it is illeagle or not. Pot is an unmotivator. I smoked it for years when I was young. I started out partying with it. Weekends became week days. All my friends became those that smoked it. All I wanted to do is smoke it as soon as I got off work. My memory became foggy. I didn't have any motivation to better myself. Any extra money went for weed. 30 years later, I'm better off without it and wouldn't want to go back. However, alcohol and cigerettes is the same thing. Any addiction, whether it is these three or TV, sex or food. If your using to escape then your addicted.

Posted by: embraces at August 31, 2009 3:20 PM

i started cig. at 13 and at 27 i still smoke cigs. at 14-17 raging alcoholic and i stopped heavy drinking and still drink a beer every so often i smoked MJane from 15-25 and quit completely with no questions asked just quit not a big deal.
so cig. are highly addictive, alcohol well i still crave a beer sometimes and MJane dont have a hankering for it at all... so they know how to keep you hooked on stuff and what they need to keep from you to make the money they want they need to seriously reevalute for the good of the country their polocies there killing us for money (slowly) and closing our voices out if they are going to run this country they need to put the voice of the country first

Posted by: chandra at August 31, 2009 3:21 PM

pot should be legal. if doctors can keep perscribing adderal and ritlin to kids, and xanax and painkillers to adults, then they should also be able to perscribe somthing that WONT kill you

Posted by: bjorn256 at August 31, 2009 3:22 PM

Embraces i agree with you about addiction, but not everyone is the same.i've been smoking my whole life, both medicinally and recreationally. i make it through my entire day using. i have no worries, anger issues, or debt. my son is happy and taken careof. i have a vehicle and a job. i dropped out of highschool because of alchohol and ecstacy and ruined the early part of my life, but one thing i would never give up now or then is a good old marijuana cigarrette.

Posted by: ZSpada at August 31, 2009 3:26 PM

Anything that you inhale isn't good for you. I choose not to smoke or drink because there are better uses for my money

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 3:35 PM

bjorn256 is right, what would beso bad if instead of gettin percs or oxys in moms pain medicine, the kids found a buncha doobies. you know anyone who ever overdosed on weed?? did you hear about the old lady who od'd n died on robotussin??

Posted by: ZSpada at August 31, 2009 3:38 PM

honestly this is bullsht the gov is just gunna harvest an sell it back on the streets if u really beleive there not gunna use the pot..just "burn it" then u must be high!!!

Posted by: james b smokin at August 31, 2009 3:39 PM

yes i was made ilegal since 1938 by one man and his lies from new york . now that we know about it and its good side of weed, it could increase appitite , ease stress ,help reduce presure behine youre eyes ask one of oure past presidet, wich he uses thc pill for. also reduces collen cancer, and many more. blame oure goverment and the biggest thives the PHARMACEUTICAL compannies that controls the goverment . Ive been to amsterdam were its legal so is protestution . you harly here any problems from this places , we ask to make it legal like the more distrutive problems like ciggerets and booz . place a age limet and the drug dealers start hurtting . SPARK UP !!!

Posted by: terry at August 31, 2009 3:40 PM

do a survay, non- weed smokers and see how many people have died in the last year from high driving to drunk driving, how many people have gotten scirosis of the liver from smoking weed, seriously do the math and figure out what is worse for our econemy,why doesn't the government try something new instead of sticking with the same thing that we have done for years,obviously it's not working,we need a change, leagalize it for everyone,get our country back in a better position and out of debt finally.

Posted by: earl at August 31, 2009 3:44 PM

do a survay, non- weed smokers and see how many people have died in the last year from high driving to drunk driving, how many people have gotten scirosis of the liver from smoking weed, seriously do the math and figure out what is worse for our econemy,why doesn't the government try something new instead of sticking with the same thing that we have done for years,obviously it's not working,we need a change, leagalize it for everyone,get our country back in a better position and out of debt finally.

Posted by: earl at August 31, 2009 3:44 PM

I don't think legalizing weed will get our country out of debt

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 3:47 PM

I suggest a vote of the American People to vote for the decrimalzation or legalization of marijuana. If the voting showed a majority wanted to vote for the legalization/decriminalzation then we could have a national ballot for marijuana. If we as a people can physically show the American government that we as a majority want the decriminalzation/legalization then the government will be more inclined to listen us.

Posted by: Legalize at August 31, 2009 3:50 PM

I suggest a vote of the American People to vote for the decrimalzation or legalization of marijuana. If the voting showed a majority wanted to vote for the legalization/decriminalzation then we could have a national ballot for marijuana. If we as a people can physically show the American government that we as a majority want the decriminalzation/legalization then the government will be more inclined to listen us.

Posted by: Legalize at August 31, 2009 3:51 PM

Let it BURN!!!! Then get a BIG fan and send it to the
right coast.! Take a pill! then get the BIG FAN out. ob-la- dee - oooob- la da-----

Posted by: Dave at August 31, 2009 3:52 PM


Posted by: ophelia kelley at August 31, 2009 3:53 PM

Look up "Hemp for Victory" and see what pops up. The government re-legalized pot during WWII when it suited their purposes, and then made it illegal again after the war was over, because the rich cotton growers didn't want the competition. Sounds like what's happening with our government today doesn't it? Not much has changed in a hundred years. You can make thousands of products from hemp, from shampoos to t-shirts to rope, and it's cheap to produce. Add that to the fact that it has many medical uses, with no side effects, other than "munchies" which is useful in and of itself, and it boggles the mind that it is still illegal. Well, except that the drug companies can't patent something that is "natural" so they wouldn't benefit from it being legal. I'm an intelligent, well educated woman, who just got a degree in nursing, and if I wouldn't lose my job, I'd be smoking myself. Not before work of course, but I can't go have a martini before work either, can I? What the government has been feeding us is nothing but propaganda to suit big money interests. It's not a gateway drug. There were 4 pages in my Substance Abuse chapter on alcohol, with the myriad of studies on the diseases it causes, and the consequences on alcoholism among other things. DUIs kill people all the time. Domestic violence is fueled by booze. Pot on the other hand, two pages, with one of them noting the positive medical benefits such as being "antibacterial, an anticonvulsant(helps with seizures), appetite stimulator, decreases pain, decreases intraocular pressure (helps glaucoma), treatment of asthma and multiple sclerosis, among other things. It was available in the US in the early 1900s in pharmacys, could be purchased without a prescription, and was as widely used then as ASPIRIN is today."

Posted by: Smoke It at August 31, 2009 3:58 PM

Posted by: Smoke It at August 31, 2009 3:59 PM

Posted by: Smoke It at August 31, 2009 4:01 PM

People are going to do what they want regardless of the risk. The government should realize that by the huge numbers of pot smokers that are in prison.

I smoke at least a pack of cigs a day and smoke weed every 4 to 6 months. Which one is more addictive?

There is a time and place for weed and booze. It just can't be all the time. There will always be addicts no matter what we do.

Cally is so far in debt I can definately see them legalizing for the money. It should just be a trickle down to the rest of us from there.

I would buy it. I don't have the time or patience to plant a garden. The Gov. doing that part would really be my tax dollars doing something positive.


Posted by: Big Time at August 31, 2009 4:14 PM

You know the drug companies won't let it be legalized. That might put a crimp in their profits and since they own the politicians......

Posted by: Juner at August 31, 2009 4:22 PM

I agree Marijuana should be legalized however I think it should be regulated no importing of marijuana. I don’t think we should have vast farms of marijuana throughout the country it’s should be up to the individual user to grow and harvest their personal stash. Other narcotics such as methamphetamines or cocaine should be completely illegal. I think our country should view any nation or individual smuggling or distributing these highly addictive drugs into the United States as an act of WAR! Military action should be taken on countries that turn a blind eye as drug cartels manufacture drugs for the American population. These drugs weaken our society, perverts our nation, destroys families, fosters violence, carelessness and mistrust. The sale of illegal drugs in the United States should be meet with swift and harsh punishment offenders should be treated as enemy combatants who act as guerilla warriors attacking the under fabric of our society and corrupting our nations youth.

Posted by: Kyle at August 31, 2009 4:27 PM

I use to smoke pot heavily since i was 16, i'm 38, and now i drink. Pot has the same mental effects as alcohol especially driving. I went from pot to cocain. All of them is a drug. They all effect the chemistry in your brain.
Plus the kids do pick up on your habits and they will start to go down this road.
I know people who commited crimes over pot also.

Posted by: Turtle at August 31, 2009 4:31 PM

You say legalize it and collect taxes on it. Who's to say people will pay taxes on it. Why wouldn't you just keep buying it from your supplier and skip the taxes.

Posted by: JOhn at August 31, 2009 4:35 PM

they dont want to leagalize it cause its not something they can control like alcohol and ciggs . someone gets a loose seed and they wont have to pay taxes on it .. everyone knows the government wants to control everything ..

Posted by: carl at August 31, 2009 4:43 PM

sell it tax it smoke

Posted by: *$$* at August 31, 2009 4:44 PM

JOhn, the awnser is simple the fact that marijuana is illegal increases the price tremendously. So why would you pay 60 for a bag from your dealer when you could pay 60 for say an ounce? you wouldnt, it cuts out the need for a dealer and that world that comes along with it completely.

Posted by: kennyg at August 31, 2009 4:47 PM


Posted by: 1800POTMEDS.COM at August 31, 2009 4:49 PM

carl, it is something that they can control like cigs and alcohol. The fact is the large majority of people that smoke pot dont want to grow it, it takes a lot of time effort and knowledge. you dont need to worry about someone growing it themselves because it would account for a small portion. and if you did do the work to grow it, why should you be taxed on it???? its no different then growing tomatoes in your garden and not getting taxed. kennyg

Posted by: kennyg at August 31, 2009 4:52 PM

Legalize it!

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 5:05 PM


Posted by: SAUL at August 31, 2009 5:11 PM

I had to stop the smoke so's I can get the pills for pain because I get tested me:(

Come to think of it Organic has it over on Synthetic so I'm going back to nature and leaving this Chemical life LOL...what has Man touched that his greed taken over?...can't we all get along and get outta debt?

Same store for alcohol and Ojays seems to fitting you think??? It is what it is and take the leverage from the gangsters/politicians like the other things (ie. Gambling, #'s, pootang, booze,)

Posted by: Legalize IT at August 31, 2009 5:27 PM

It should be legal. I think it's true about being a gateway drug, but time has pretty much taken care of that. When I was a kid back in the 60's I smoked pot and it didn't hurt me so why not LSD. We did not have the case histories then that we do now. POT is harmless it's the other shit will kill you quick. Just like alcohol.

Posted by: Doug Smith at August 31, 2009 6:15 PM are right! salvia is ridiculous and that shit is legal!! i have done it a couple times and it's insane...

it really irritates me when people think that those who smoke are dumb, when actually many people who do smoke all the time are very intelligent. reading some of these posts just makes me laugh at how ignorant people are about marijuana. I smoke quite often and have for quite some time now and have no plans on stopping antime soon. never once have i been angry or violent or emotional. it makes me happy and mellow. things seem brighter and more interesting. yes i'm sure in one way or another weed is bad for you yadda yadda yadda....but isn't everything. cigaretts? alcohol? driving? eating? hahahah c'mon, let people smoke and be happy. if you don't like it, dont rocket science, that is. maybe someday the world will open their eyes and see the plus side to legalizing weed, and then we can all smoke in peace and not have to be bothered by crazy closed minded people....

Posted by: Nichol at August 31, 2009 6:18 PM

share it with the people of new york...

Posted by: morris at August 31, 2009 8:06 PM

For those that claim that pot has no adverse affect on them isn't on the other side of the smoke. I've known people that were regular pot smokers. These people "were not firing on all cylinders" to put it politely. You don't know what your behavior is like while your stoned, exactly how impaired you are, or realize what you would be able to do or feel like if you were not a user. You are missing out on your potential.
Legalizing pot would make it more available to teens; teens that haven't finished growing up yet. The last thing to mature is the brain, and when you introduce habitual drug use (yes pot is a drug or it wouldn't alter your perceptions or change your behavior) the damage is irreversible. They never reach their full potential as their brain development has been halted. It’s not the only drug that does this, but since we are talking about pot, that’s the focus of my comments.
Take a look at how cigarette companies have modified tobacco from the original plant and increased the nicotine and added other substances to hook you and didn't care about its adverse affects on your life? How quickly do you think this "mild" form of pot that you currently use would be transformed into something just as addictive as our current tobacco is? I'm sure there are companies that are waiting to get another segment of America to become a permanent slave to their product. This is a Pandora’s box I do not want to see opened.

Posted by: Strong at August 31, 2009 8:07 PM

Smoking makes me creative, motivated and ambitous.A state of tranquility overcomes my mind. I want no harm for anyone, when I smoke. Lets just leave people alone to enjoy thier lives.

Posted by: Queen at August 31, 2009 8:11 PM

If pot makes you stupid. Our government must have the best smoke that ever lived.

Posted by: Shawn at August 31, 2009 8:25 PM

Prohibition of alcohol [now smoking] led to increased crime, and possibly alcohilism, than would have been the case otherwise, if only because of the glamor attached to the mild illegality of drinking in speakeasies. As for "wants": why shouldn't people attempt to satisfy their "wants"? Surely the freedom to satisfy your "wants" is part of living in a free society. Of course, there will always be people who will have a holier-than thou attitude, but they should not be permitted to interfere with the essentially harmless enjoyment of others.

Posted by: Sean at August 31, 2009 8:39 PM

I first started smoking cigarettes then alcohol then pot now all I do is smoke.because herb is the one for me.Looks like the cigarettes was my gateway.At least it led me to something made by god ,not man!!!who would you trust.

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 8:41 PM

Even our money tells you who to trust.I have been smoking for 35 years and I'm not stupid yet.but I will be in about 5 min.

Posted by: Anonymous at August 31, 2009 8:47 PM

Those Fucking idiots in congress that call themselves politions! lol right...They would rather sit back and watch 36 million dollars burn that could be taxed rather then legalize it and help get our country out of debt!!

Posted by: Matt Swartz at August 31, 2009 8:49 PM

Those Fucking idiots in congress that call themselves politions! lol right...They would rather sit back and watch 36 million dollars burn that could be taxed rather then legalize it and help get our country out of debt!!

Posted by: Matt Swartz at August 31, 2009 8:51 PM

i agree completely, just tax it and let by-gones be by-gones. there are worst things in life.

Posted by: howard at August 31, 2009 9:37 PM

i agree completely, just tax it and let by-gones be by-gones. there are worst things in life.

Posted by: howard at August 31, 2009 9:38 PM

I never smoke pot or ganja as the saying goes and have gone to Jamaica for the last 32 years. But all that weed should be sold, taxed, whatever or just have one big pot party. I am so disgusted by finding out everyday that one of our top represenstives is screwing someone else and I work like a dog I am just sick of it all and the lies. So you big fat money sucking men and I mean men!! go jump in a lake and burn the weed. You guys really are stupid

Posted by: top dogg berenjer at August 31, 2009 11:44 PM

Ahhh... indo smoke pass me the blunt, so i can take a toke... 1 puff.., 2 puff.. 3 puff.. now i am feeling real HIGH!!!... Leagalize it.. Ilove mary jane see make my heart sang..

Posted by: Tony at September 1, 2009 12:21 AM

I don't smoke or drink but i know what alcohol did to both sides of the family. I'd rather deal w/high people than drunks.
Legalize it, taxe it !!!!
God, we can boost are economy by growing pot and hemp for many industries.
We can have happy people growing their medicine in the back yard.
Government makes me sick.

Posted by: Helena at September 1, 2009 12:32 AM

I used to smoke pot in highschool and do not smoke anymore but I am pro legalization. I am a nurse practitioner and work in a neuroscience ICU. Simple Jack raises good debate. Worldwide there is a food shortage. Maybe we are not starving as they do in other countries but our prices are rising. It is something that needs to be addressed. Now strong also made decent comments about the potential "cons" of pot legalization. However to say that people never reach their potential if they smoke too young is not a fact. There are side effects to everything we do. Yes pot makes some people relaxed and less motivated to say run a 5k. However you don't drink jack daniels before you run a 5k either. I'm not motivated to do much after I drink a glass of wine. Pot just like cigarette's or alcohol is a form of reacreation for most user's. Just like most people drink coffee to wake up and start the day. Now as for the pharm companies lacing marijuana with all sorts of addictive drugs, yes that will probably happen. But if they government gives the FDA the ability to regulate what pharm companies lace pot with perhaps we can prevent that. It is easy to fear the unknown, but pot will not ruin us. Take a look at amsterdam, the city hasn't fallen into destruction and corruption. Americans, although we are an independent bunch, we are collectively an ingenius bunch of people.

Posted by: Anonymous at September 1, 2009 12:38 AM

I have smoked pot for 35 years. I have completed 5 years of college and two years in the military. I have a very successful electrical contracting business, and my son is 2 credit hours from receiving his bachelors degree in electrical engineering. I drive every day stoned on "kush"' and i have not been involved in an accident of any sort for 38 years. (Maybe I should have started smoking three years sooner.) To all the politicians that are against it, first get your head out of your ass, than smoke a fatty ("kush" of course) (you have to inhale) Than you might realize that we have much bigger problems to tackle such as obesity or alcohol. We are living in America 2009, a country founded on the idea of individual freedoms., you live your life how you want to, just keep your fat ass out of mine.

Posted by: Bill at September 1, 2009 12:51 AM

ex- pot head for 25 years about to retire in 5 years and I am a taxpaying functioning citizen of this stupid country. I make over 150k per year, am a proud high school dropout, because school sucked bad in the early days, 60's and 70's. I do not nor will I ever belive any of the anti- drug B.S. the man, or the white man's press corps tries to shove down our throats. I will always see a pot smoking hippie as a more valuable member of society than any overpaid lying politician, and am absolutely against wasting one more penny on this ridiculous drug war. Wake up people! The government is who is making the money off of illegal drugs not the people who just enjoy it or smoke it to get high. Because of the bad economy, some who pay taxes on it may be able to use the medicine for the ills of life, but it will never be legal. More power to anyone that grows such a wonderful plant for any reason...

Posted by: ledhed at September 1, 2009 1:41 AM

Well Hmmm...i have no business here. because i dont smoke or drink or do drugs....(asprin not included)

I just wanted more or less express a thought..

How can u Legalize something that can be grown by most anyone?

Cigarettes seem far more easy to do. primarily because the goverment and tabaco industry are able to control guess would be thru the use of chemicals put into the cigarettes, and possibly placing a tax on those chemicals, thus to keep people addicted to it (profit)....just a guess.

Maybe Just Maybe, if they did the same to Marijuana it would kill even faster than Cigarettes....Again i dont know..not an expert.

I would doubt they have had experiments on the use of Chemically Treat Marijuana.. and found the effects far more devastating...

Just A Thought

I Dunno

Posted by: I Dunno at September 1, 2009 2:15 AM

I dont need a nany state telling me I cant use a substance with no established lethal dose. Potatoes are more dangerous than pot (21 potatoes= L.D.%50)Of course big business dumps billions of tons of toxic waste into our earth, water, and air and thats legal. Thats real crime!! As is putting "FREE" Americans in cages w/ rapists murderers & child molesters for pot. Free or drug free america cannot be both. To get rid of pot in america the police would have to search every house again and again. They can't even keep pot out of jail & prison. I would rather die than live in that america. I could just cry. The war on pot is a war against americas CHILDREN & FREEDOM

Posted by: scared sh%*less at September 1, 2009 2:19 AM

Excuse the typo's spello's and missing wordo's

I Dunno

Posted by: I Dunno at September 1, 2009 2:19 AM

U really don't want the gov. having say on how much u can smoke how much u can buy and carry or ecspecialy how much a person would be able to grow w/ out having to inform the gov. so u can be taxed for something that grows in the ground. Farmers get money from the gov. to grow corn can I have so money to grow pot?

Posted by: timebom2 at September 1, 2009 2:25 AM

I used to smoke lots of it, problem was I needed more and more as time went by, or I had to change the variety and it made me lazy. nice thing other than being high, easy to sleep, easy to quit, no hangover. I can see countless benefits over alcohol, and in some states it's legal to grow for your own consumption. What we really need is a nationwide vote just like the homosexuals did a few months back, our politicians would actually speak up for it if there were a large enough group of individuals that would endorse them. some day it will eventually be legal throughout the USA so I say why not let us get over it, legalize it, and let the people that want to overuse it enough to destroy thier lives choose thier own path. there will still be plenty of people that know enough to use it conservatively and perform tremendous work. there will still be plenty of people that wouldn't even bother and still choose to be a constructive part of our society (or not).

Posted by: win at September 1, 2009 2:26 AM

would you pay 10-20% more in order to buy it legally off the state run liquor/herb store shelf?
Good selection, right qty, predictable quality..

Posted by: Dave at September 1, 2009 3:09 AM

would you pay 10-20% more in order to buy it legally off the state run liquor/herb store shelf?
Good selection, right qty, predictable quality..

Posted by: Anonymous at September 1, 2009 3:10 AM

would you pay 10-20% more in order to buy it legally off the state run liquor/herb store shelf?
Good selection, right qty, predictable quality..

Posted by: David at September 1, 2009 3:10 AM

What a load of BS!!!!

There is no way the crop was worth 36 million dollars..... As always the police/DEA weigh the entire plant wet and count that as total weight of the harvest. So two plants that may produce a ounce each of dry manicured weed is now 4 pounds of weed.
Then they exagerate the street value to 2x-4x the actually price so they can say a farm that may produce $20,000 dollars is really worth $36 million.

Lets do the math:

Lets say the going rate for 1 lb of dried manicured weed is $3000 (its probably closer to $2000)

So $36000000 total value divided by $3000 per lb = 12000 pounds of weed.

Now chances are these guys were growing a short indica variety of weed because sativa generally grow 6ft or taller and would be easily spotted.

A conservative estimate for a indica plant grown outside is maybe 1 ounce per plant.

So 12000 lbs of weed x 16 oz per pound equals 192,000 plants.

Now lets say each plant takes up 1 sq ft of ground area(once again a very very conservative estimate... each plant probably takes up 2-3 sq feet.) So that is 192,000 sq feet. An american football field from goal post to goal post is 57,600 sq feet. So this fictional pot plantation would be 3.33 football fields if the plants were grown right on top of each other.

Now do you think a pot farmer would be able to grow 192,000 plants with a surface area of 3.33 football fields in a national park without noone noticing? Of course not! The logistics of clearing and preparing that much land by hand would take an army and chances are all these plants were started elsewhere (probably indoors) and carried to the site and planted. So a small army of guys cleared 3.33 football fields of land... prepared the ground and carried in and planted 192,000 plants... all without being seen or noticed? BULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSHLIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!

This is a prime example of DEA math.... it is done to ensure that pot growers get the maximum amount of jail time possible.... its drug war economics at its finest and the reason why non-violent criminals like pot farmers routinely get longer jail sentences then rapists or child molesters.

Posted by: Bruno at September 1, 2009 3:11 AM

What a load of BS!!!!

There is no way the crop was worth 36 million dollars..... As always the police/DEA weigh the entire plant wet and count that as total weight of the harvest. So two plants that may produce a ounce each of dry manicured weed is now 4 pounds of weed.
Then they exagerate the street value to 2x-4x the actually price so they can say a farm that may produce $20,000 dollars is really worth $36 million.

Lets do the math:

Lets say the going rate for 1 lb of dried manicured weed is $3000 (its probably closer to $2000)

So $36000000 total value divided by $3000 per lb = 12000 pounds of weed.

Now chances are these guys were growing a short indica variety of weed because sativa generally grow 6ft or taller and would be easily spotted.

A conservative estimate for a indica plant grown outside is maybe 1 ounce per plant.

So 12000 lbs of weed x 16 oz per pound equals 192,000 plants.

Now lets say each plant takes up 1 sq ft of ground area(once again a very very conservative estimate... each plant probably takes up 2-3 sq feet.) So that is 192,000 sq feet. An american football field from goal post to goal post is 57,600 sq feet. So this fictional pot plantation would be 3.33 football fields if the plants were grown right on top of each other.

Now do you think a pot farmer would be able to grow 192,000 plants with a surface area of 3.33 football fields in a national park without noone noticing? Of course not! The logistics of clearing and preparing that much land by hand would take an army and chances are all these plants were started elsewhere (probably indoors) and carried to the site and planted. So a small army of guys cleared 3.33 football fields of land... prepared the ground and carried in and planted 192,000 plants... all without being seen or noticed? BULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSHLIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!

This is a prime example of DEA math.... it is done to ensure that pot growers get the maximum amount of jail time possible.... its drug war economics at its finest and the reason why non-violent criminals like pot farmers routinely get longer jail sentences then rapists or child molesters.

Posted by: Bruno at September 1, 2009 3:12 AM

What a load of BS!!!!

There is no way the crop was worth 36 million dollars..... As always the police/DEA weigh the entire plant wet and count that as total weight of the harvest. So two plants that may produce a ounce each of dry manicured weed is now 4 pounds of weed.
Then they exagerate the street value to 2x-4x the actually price so they can say a farm that may produce $20,000 dollars is really worth $36 million.

Lets do the math:

Lets say the going rate for 1 lb of dried manicured weed is $3000 (its probably closer to $2000)

So $36000000 total value divided by $3000 per lb = 12000 pounds of weed.

Now chances are these guys were growing a short indica variety of weed because sativa generally grow 6ft or taller and would be easily spotted.

A conservative estimate for a indica plant grown outside is maybe 1 ounce per plant.

So 12000 lbs of weed x 16 oz per pound equals 192,000 plants.

Now lets say each plant takes up 1 sq ft of ground area(once again a very very conservative estimate... each plant probably takes up 2-3 sq feet.) So that is 192,000 sq feet. An american football field from goal post to goal post is 57,600 sq feet. So this fictional pot plantation would be 3.33 football fields if the plants were grown right on top of each other.

Now do you think a pot farmer would be able to grow 192,000 plants with a surface area of 3.33 football fields in a national park without noone noticing? Of course not! The logistics of clearing and preparing that much land by hand would take an army and chances are all these plants were started elsewhere (probably indoors) and carried to the site and planted. So a small army of guys cleared 3.33 football fields of land... prepared the ground and carried in and planted 192,000 plants... all without being seen or noticed? BULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSHLIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!

This is a prime example of DEA math.... it is done to ensure that pot growers get the maximum amount of jail time possible.... its drug war economics at its finest and the reason why non-violent criminals like pot farmers routinely get longer jail sentences then rapists or child molesters.

Posted by: Bruno at September 1, 2009 3:13 AM

What a load of BS!!!!

There is no way the crop was worth 36 million dollars..... As always the police/DEA weigh the entire plant wet and count that as total weight of the harvest. So two plants that may produce a ounce each of dry manicured weed is now 4 pounds of weed.
Then they exagerate the street value to 2x-4x the actually price so they can say a farm that may produce $20,000 dollars is really worth $36 million.

Lets do the math:

Lets say the going rate for 1 lb of dried manicured weed is $3000 (its probably closer to $2000)

So $36000000 total value divided by $3000 per lb = 12000 pounds of weed.

Now chances are these guys were growing a short indica variety of weed because sativa generally grow 6ft or taller and would be easily spotted.

A conservative estimate for a indica plant grown outside is maybe 1 ounce per plant.

So 12000 lbs of weed x 16 oz per pound equals 192,000 plants.

Now lets say each plant takes up 1 sq ft of ground area(once again a very very conservative estimate... each plant probably takes up 2-3 sq feet.) So that is 192,000 sq feet. An american football field from goal post to goal post is 57,600 sq feet. So this fictional pot plantation would be 3.33 football fields if the plants were grown right on top of each other.

Now do you think a pot farmer would be able to grow 192,000 plants with a surface area of 3.33 football fields in a national park without noone noticing? Of course not! The logistics of clearing and preparing that much land by hand would take an army and chances are all these plants were started elsewhere (probably indoors) and carried to the site and planted. So a small army of guys cleared 3.33 football fields of land... prepared the ground and carried in and planted 192,000 plants... all without being seen or noticed? BULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSHLIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!

This is a prime example of DEA math.... it is done to ensure that pot growers get the maximum amount of jail time possible.... its drug war economics at its finest and the reason why non-violent criminals like pot farmers routinely get longer jail sentences then rapists or child molesters.

Posted by: bruno at September 1, 2009 3:21 AM

Stay wasted people...pot is the mass drug of choice...bring back the truth will be known. I'd rather live in poverty with plenty of pot than to live in prosperity without no pot. Without pot I would be but another 60 year old asswipe Obama hater. But pot has made me tolerant to all things and all smoke filled universe is a happy

Sept 1 national pot legalization day:

Ok here's the plan people...On Sept 1, we all hold our breaths collectively until they legalize. come on..all join in now...big breath...and no exhaling until it's a done deal....yeah man..ahaaaaaaaa ...stay wasted my man...stay wasted ....

Posted by: LF at September 1, 2009 5:23 AM

If most of the people who posted comments are any indication, maybe smoking pot does cause stupidity. With all the typos, mispelled words and downright atrocious sentence structure, I do not want these folks speaking for me. I am pro-legalization. The only reason I am not smoking pot is that I grew up and decided to respect the laws, even those that are as inane as MJ laws. The minute its legalized, I'll be in that long line at the local MJ store to purchase my package of highly taxed herb. But it won't be legalized any time soon because the PTB (Powers That Be) are making astronomical amounts of money while its illegal in their so-called "war on drugs". Since it can be grown almost anywhere, the government can not easily come up with a way to profit from its legalization. I look forward to the day it is legal because legal vendors will need to follow the regulations, so will not sell to minors. Illegal vendors do not care who they sell to as long as they have the cash to buy. MJ does NOT kill. Please do not use the argument that people die in the smuggling of it. That is not the fault of the plant, but is the fault of PTB making it illegal, thus creating the harmful criminal world of MJ smuggling. If it was made legal, the profit would largely dry up and the criminal element will quit smuggling it and go where the real money is, wherever that is. Smugglers are in it for the profits. As for the silly gateway to more harmful drugs argument, logic tells us that mother's milk leads to more harmful drugs if we go back far enough. The reason people try the harmful drugs when they first try MJ, (which is an herb, not a drug), is because the illegal vendors of MJ often have connections to the harmful drugs since they are both illegal substances. Make it legal to purchase at the MJ store, and kids can't buy it, and adults won't have to deal with the criminal element. Recreationally, MJ is safer than any other legal vice. I've seen people get so addicted to soda it caused major health problems for them. Don't get me started on alcohol and cigarettes! Medically, MJ has been studied for thousands of years on its medical benefits. The results are that it has a multitude of uses for the medical community, and ZERO side effects other than an unhealthy urge for oreos and funyuns. The FDA allows drugs to go on market with barely any studies, and the results are often deadly. You have all seen the commercials. As for the hemp plant and its uses, the benefit if the hemp plant is too numerous to go into here. Since all of you have access to the internet, look up Industrialized Hemp. What you learn will blow your mind. Remember, MJ and IH are two different things. MJ gets you high, and should be legalized. IH could potentially save our planet in both an economical and ecological standpoint, but won't get you high even if you smoked an acre of it, and MUST be legalized. In fact, IH should have more priority in getting legalized because it will leave us a world in which to enjoy MJ. If you are too stoned to understand my fairly long commentary, keep the most important thing in mind. Look up INDUSTRIALIZED HEMP on the internet. We need it legalized immediately before its too late.

Posted by: Lew at September 1, 2009 7:39 PM

Tell me again that Pot is harmless:
Charges: Man Used Pot, Phone Sex Line As Baby Died
Twenty-three-year-old Willie Ervin Franklin III of Golden Valley has been charged with leaving his infant son face-down on a pillow on Aug. 28, 2009, killing him.
Police now say a father killed his baby when he left the infant face-down on a pillow, then smoked marijuana and called a sex chat line.

Investigators said Willie Franklin III told them he was "pissed" because his son, Willie Franklin IV, wouldn't stop crying.

According to court papers, Franklin threw a baby bottle at his son's head inside their apartment in Golden Valley. When the 4-month-old continued crying, he allegedly put the child on a pillow and covered his entire body with a blanket.

Franklin came back a half hour later. The boy wasn't breathing, according to the charges. A neighbor tried CPR, but it was too late.

Posted by: Strong at September 1, 2009 10:20 PM

The man who neglected his child and caused his death [above] seems to have had numerous problems, known and unknown, which could have all contributed to his behavior - why single out marijuana? Some marginal people do irresponsible things whatever their recreational habits might be.

Posted by: Sean at September 2, 2009 8:17 AM

Let's hope the Gov't sells it and helps the economy out. :-)

Posted by: Jason at September 2, 2009 10:09 AM

I knew there would be excuses for this man. If so many here say that pot is harmless, it mellows you out, nobody gets hurt, how do you explain this man? The argument presented here is that pot users are better off as it makes them happy and creative. Shouldn't this man have been mellowed out? All happy and compassionate towards this helpless child that can't tell you what's wrong?
Pot is just as bad as any other substance that alters your perceptions.

Posted by: Strong at September 2, 2009 1:41 PM

Lessons in logic seem to be required: where are "excuses for this man" posited? Killing of a child is obviously inexcusable - the question is whether marijuana was a contributing factor and you offer no proof that it was. Your assertions would only make sense if you could show that in all such cases marijuana was a major factor and that is clearly impossible to do. Consider that Hitler was a non-smoking, non-drinking vegetarian and he killed millions!

Posted by: Sean at September 2, 2009 7:59 PM

My point is that pot usage has it's consequences, something that the majority of these posts seem to ignore. You are kidding yourself if you think this is the first time this man has used pot. Rather than choose being responsible, he chose to ignore the needs of this child and escape into his drug of choice. Most people that turn to alcohol or drugs do just that, avoid the realities of life by grabbing a six pack, taking a toke, or whatever else they use and excuse the behavior by saying it isn't hurting anyone.
My brother and sister-in-law are smokers. Even after their youngest child kept getting ear infections, they didn't take it outside. My nephew went thru 2 operations to put tubes in his ears for drainage, and his language skills were not developing. When this child started living in a smoke free environment, the ear infections never recurred, and we were able to catch him up on his language skills.
My point in sharing that story is to this day, his parents do not admit the cause and effect relationship between their smoking and the actual harm being done to their child. People tend to kid themselves as to the actual effects their behavior creates if it means having to give something up they enjoy so much.
For a significant portion of the population, one hit, one drink, one toke is all it takes to get addicted. Leave it out of reach for the majority of the population. I don't need to use any more of my tax money to support the effects of someone elses pleasure trips.

Posted by: Strong at September 2, 2009 11:35 PM

Sorry about your nephew. Obviously living in smoke-filled rooms is not the best thing in the world for your health. If you are over a certain age you would have found it hard not to have been in smoke-filled rooms [transportation, restaurants etc] in your youth, as a majority of men and many women smoked up until roughly the '70s. I don't recall that any of my contemporaries had health problems as a consequence, although, as I said, it is not the best environment one could imagine.
You seem to be saying that people attempt to evade their resposibilities by escaping into drugs and alcohol etc. However, people who are predisposed to evasion of responsibility will find one way or another whatever laws are brought in. Perhaps it would be a lot easier to suggest that your relatives should have smoked outside or in a spare room than to use it as an argument for an on-going massive anti-drug operation. Moreover, if the problem is escapism in general, then there are no end to the things you would need to make illegal and "1984" would become a reality.

Posted by: Sean at September 3, 2009 9:51 PM

yes tax it, tax it ,tax it!!!

its all about he money right , oh yeah and feelling goooood!

those of you who think it has no effect on the body should probably think about taking your head out of your hash , and do some research. It has more harmful effects than most figured. and this information is going on those that smoke occasionally not the so called "addicts".
And you keep comparing it with cigs and alcohol,,,, how about comparing to something that is actually good for you, not the alternate, if your gonna make your case comparing it to something that has been proven to kill and harm is definately not the way to go. (but that stuff is legal, and pot is not legal.) Once again you reasoning skills seemed to be crippled by your hemp. I mean hey, I could justify killing someone just because they get on my nerves,,,, it lowers my stress level, which helps me live longer, and not to mention doesn't get in my way when i am driving, and one more person that doesn't get a social security check .. more for us right!!! think, think!!

Posted by: sarcastic me at September 5, 2009 4:25 AM


Posted by: weeds at September 5, 2009 4:34 AM

"Sarcastic" would seem to be a misnomer - how about "disjointed" [no pun intended].It does not seem to be the hash that is the main problem, that is if the anti-legalization post [above] is anything to go by. Perhaps, the education system is at fault. The analogy of the murderer justifying hinself by saying it was good for his health to commit murder, would make a better fit with the logic of the overly health conscious, rather than the person resigned to the unhealthiness of his habit. I am sure that the majority of pot smokers realize that inhaling smoke into lungs is not a healthy thing to do; but they choose to do it despite this. This then becomes entirely their own business and nothing to do with anybody else, unless of course, you want even more of a police state than you already have.
Finally, to satisfy the peurile: it is healthier [and these days more fashionable] to eat almonds, apples, fibrous cereals, cranberries, brown rice and whatever the health police come up with next - and may you live forever and a day.
By-the-way, was your posting a spoof? I hope it was.

Posted by: Sean at September 7, 2009 3:40 AM

People who smoke it can and do outwork straight people. Why should they lose their job? I don't drink whiskey, cause I don't like it and can't handle it. It can make anyone into an asshole. And with all the kids in school who smoke cigarettes and are not of age, is this legal? No one ever noticed this? And why is there no action taken on that? If you can't be a productive citizen, whether or not you do drugs, then you don't deserve the right to work. And should suffer the consequences. Maybe they should not allow cigarette smokers smoke at work. It is a drug. Let us make our own choices on what to or not to put into our bodies. People should be safe at work and be under no influences of any drugs. Face it, people who are against the legalization obviously must not want their rights to freedom either! You don't ever see potheads out to stop anyone from being drug-free. And why haven't there been a billion driving deaths recorded from pot smokers, it was legal up till 1968, right? Where is all this evidence? They didn't make it up yet? Come on, there are far more important issues, as a nation to be concentrating on. What happened to "united we stand?"

Posted by: highguy at September 11, 2009 1:42 AM

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