April 9, 2010

Wiccan Sacrifice Murder?

Was a recent murder in New mexico part of a Wiccan sacrifice?

A woman there who describes herself as Wiccan, killed a man by stabbing him to death, after having him listed in her phone as "sacrifice". Her name is Angela Sanford, a 30 year old woman who claimed after killing him that he had tried to rape her.

Wicca is a popular earth-based religion, that comes from traditions older then Christianity, and promotes peaceful and balanced lifestyles. The Wiccan spring celebration is held at the end of April. Such a killing or "sacrifice" is not normally heard of as part of Wiccan practices. Local Wiccan groups there said they'd never heard of this woman, nor condoned anything she did.

Wiccan Sacrifice Murder?

A self-described Wiccan had a man's phone number programmed in her cell phone under the word "sacrifice" before she stabbed him to death, then claimed he had tried to rape her, authorities said Thursday. Angela Sanford, 30, is accused of killing 52-year-old Joel Leyba last month with a dagger after inviting him to join her in a Wiccan celebration of spring near a popular hiking trail east of Albuquerque.

Wiccan Sacrifice Murder?

Posted at April 9, 2010 2:23 AM