May 21, 2010

Laura Ling Miracle Baby

Laura Ling, after her miracle return to America after the horrifying imprisonment she faced in North Korea, has another miracle to celebrate: a new baby!

Ling did not plan to have the child, and is delighted by the surprise as is her husband. The unexpected pregnancy was not discovered by early pregnancy test and at first caught them off guard when they did find out.

Said Laura about her belief in family "Just hearing from my sister (while in prison) gave me tremendous hope and strength because I knew she was doing everything in her power to get me home, We are so close; we have developed a really special bond and kind of almost a special language where we don't have to use a lot of words to understand what the other is trying to convey."

Laura Ling Miracle Baby

Journalist Laura Ling will soon be a mother - something she says was not planned and that she and her husband are calling a "miracle." Ling plans to name the baby Li in honor of her sister and fellow journalist Lisa Ling. The sisters grew even closer after Laura was imprisoned in a North Korean jail last year for six months after crossing the South Korean border while on assignment. With the help of President Clinton, Lisa helped secure her sister's release last August.

Laura Ling Miracle Baby

Posted at May 21, 2010 6:35 AM