July 3, 2009

Michael Jackson Funeral Tickets

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Interesting point, that foreign fans cannot bid for these tickets.. certainly many of his most faithful supporters are outside of our borders. This setup probably ensures that the "no scalping" pleas will fall upon deaf ears. Morals disappear when there's money to be made, and this'll be shown in how people treat Michael's death just as it was in how people treated his life.

Michael Jackson Funeral Tickets

Details for Michael Jackson's public memorial service are shaping up right now at a press conference. What's important: it's going to be broadcast live on TV and streamed, and tickets can be applied for online right now.

The ticket system is already down at the official site for the Staples Center, where those who want to attend can apply for tickets now, and the window for applying closes at 6PM (PDT) tomorrow. It looks like the system's already crashing for those who want to get in. The drawing, it appears, is only for citizens of the United States, which is sure to be pretty hot-button topic; Jackson's foreign fans were far more forgiving of the absolute strangeness that was the story of the end of his life than his American fans were...

Michael Jackson Funeral Tickets

Posted at July 3, 2009 3:06 PM

Are you for reals!!!! why the hell would they so that!!! it should be free

Posted by: nancy at July 3, 2009 9:08 PM

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