July 17, 2009

Miyake Invites Obama to Hiroshima

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Here is a powerful call from Issey Miyake for President Barack Obama to visit Hiroshima, and honor and commemorate one of the pivotal moments in American and world history. No matter what you think about America's decision to drop the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it isa crucial turning point in our history that changed so many people's lives, I think it is a very good idea for President Obama to properly take notice of it as Miyake suggests.

Miyake was only a child when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima but you can see it still had a powerful effect on him, and his call on Obama to honor it and reaffirm that this should never have to happen again is a powerful message.

Miyake Invites Obama to Hiroshima

Japanese clothing designer Issey Miyake, a survivor of the World War II atomic bombing of Hiroshima, expressed hope in a New York Times article Tuesday that U.S. President Barack Obama will visit the Japanese city Aug. 6, the annual commemoration day of the bombing. Miyake said Obama's pledge to seek a nuclear-free world in an April speech in Prague awakened "something buried deeply within me, something about which I have until now been reluctant to discuss.I realized that I have, perhaps now more than ever, a personal and moral responsibility to speak out as one who survived what Mr. Obama called the 'flash of light,'" the designer said on the newspaper's Opinion page...

Miyake Invites Obama to Hiroshima

Posted at July 17, 2009 12:59 PM

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