July 17, 2009

Paul McCartney on Letterman, Historic Video 7/15/09

A great video! Really rocking version of the classic Beatles song. Honestly I've never thought Paul was the greatest live performer. But he's still a musical legend and I'd be excited just to watch him sit there balancing his checkbook. One of the greatest of all time. We have to appreciate these true musicians and rock stars like Sir Paul McCartney while we can.

Paul McCartney on Letterman, HISTORIC VIDEO 7/15/09

Paul McCartney returned on Wednesday to the Manhattan theater where it all began in the United States more than 45 years ago. This time, it was over the top - literally. After a taping of "The Late Show with David Letterman," McCartney performed atop the marquee of the Ed Sullivan Theater, the theater where on Feb. 9, 1964, The Beatles took the stage on "The Ed Sullivan Show" and launched the nation on a craze that would become "Beatlemania." Stunned fans packed the streets outside the theater Wednesday to see the star's return to his U.S. roots...

Paul McCartney on Letterman, HISTORIC VIDEO 7/15/09

Posted at July 17, 2009 1:21 PM

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