April 22, 2010

Clarkson Concert News: Controversy!

Kelly Clarkson is stirring up anger in Indonesia and here at home, as she plans to do a major concert in Jakarta that is sponsored by a tobacco company.

The concert is sponsored by a company named LA Lights, and organizations in Jakarta, as well as American groups that try to educate youth about cigarettes, are up in arms about the pop star Clarkson promoting cigarettes to young people through her concert there.

Clarkson, on her blog, expressed regert about the whole situation, but said she doesn't want to let her fans down by backing out of the concert. She said it's "a lose-lose situation for me."

Concerts in America are never sponsored by cigarette companies anymore, but internationally it can still happen, though it's non-existence in America should perhaps make

Clarkson Concert News

An Indonesian Islamic organization is saying an upcoming concert by Kelly Clarkson in Jakarta is banned under Islamic law because it is being sponsored by a tobacco company, according to a report Wednesday in the Jakarta Globe. The U.S.-based campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids has also raised objections to the Clarkson's Jakarta concert, scheduled for April 29 and sponsored by L.A. Lights cigarettes. The organization is asking Clarkson to cancel the sponsorship. While many nations do not allow tobacco sponsorships of entertainment events, Indonesia has yet to sign on to such a ban, according to the campaign.

Clarkson Concert News

Posted at April 22, 2010 3:36 AM