hip hop music

February 7, 2004

There is No Klingon Word for How Bad This Casting is!!

Beyonce, who will indeed be joining Prince onstage at the grammys, also confirms that contrary to reports she was out of the running, she is still up for the Lois Lane role. Comic book geeks across the world are once again shuddering with dismay.

Beyoncé on Grammy and Movie Plans

..Beyoncé has some top-secret plans for Sunday night. She says, "I have a couple of surprises. I can’t wait to do the performance."

We did learn, however, that Prince will open Sunday night’s Grammy Awards with Beyoncé.

Beyoncé also announced that she is kicking off a tour with R & B sisters Alicia Keys and Missy Elliott. And she is also about to step up her movie career.

The superstar is up for a big role in a superhero franchise—Lois Lane in "Superman." Beyoncé says, "I hope so. Everyone pray that happens for me."

Posted by jsmooth995 at February 7, 2004 5:11 PM

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