August 4, 2009

Reggie Bush: Infidelity With Model?

In America's continuing obsession with the personal lives of the marginally famous, rumors and speculation have abounded on why longtime couple Reggie Bush and Kim Kardashian have finally called it quits.

One story making the rounds is that NFL star Reggie Bush was cheating on Kim with a model form Miami named Carmen Ortega, apparently prodded along by Ortega herself, hoping to sell her story. But stories have always been around about Kim Kardashian being popular and social too, and after the breakup a popular story has involved Kim getting text messages from Kanye West, that were noticed by Reggie Bush and brought the house of cards tumbling down. May our noble search for the truth continue!

Reggie Bush: Infidelity With Model?

Now that it's over between Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush all that's left to do is sort out what went wrong. And while reps have officially said there was no cheating that led to the breakup, has learned that cheating charges are flying BOTH WAYS...

Reggie Bush: Infidelity With Model?

Posted at August 4, 2009 8:32 AM

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