hip hop music

February 17, 2004

International Relations

The Guardian publishes reactions to the war in Iraq from 25 prominent authors, including John Le Carre, Sara Paretsky and Studs Terkel. Jim Crace's quote is tight:

It was never likely that the violent overthrow of a regime with base standards by a couple of govern ments with double standards would add much to the gaiety of nations.

While DM Thomas sets a new standard for naivete:

I felt too that Blair's conviction was - for once - convincing; that a man of sincere Christian faith would not make himself responsible for death and destruction without good reason.

(via Eric Alterman)

Desmond Tutu also has 2 cents to put in.


Meanwhile Capundit is setting fools straight on gay marriage. (no pun intended)


Also, thanks to Aaron I finally get to see Triumph's scandalous visit to Quebec. Now I just need someone to post Dave Chappelle's Rick James episode.

Posted by jsmooth995 at February 17, 2004 4:38 AM

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