October 23, 2009

Lifetime Free Flights for Baby Born on Plane

With all the extra fed Airlines are adding to the price of plane tickets, how do you make sure to get a good deal on your airfare? Now we know the answer: all you have to do is make sure to be born on an airplane!

A boy in Malaysia was unexpectedly born in the middle of a flight, as his mother went into labor after takeoff, and instead of charging her for an extra ticket or tacking on an extra carry-on luggage fee, as you might expect these days, the airline has announced that the boy will now have free flights for life in their airline.

So there you have it, try and book your vacation in the 9th month, everybody!

Lifetime Free Flights for Baby Born on Plane

A baby boy who made a surprise arrival on board an AirAsia flight this week will be given free flights for life with the budget carrier, as will his mother, the airline said Friday. AirAsia said 31-year-old passenger Liew Siaw Hsia went into labour on Wednesday's flight from the northern island of Penang to Kuching on Borneo island.

Lifetime Free Flights for Baby Born on Plane

Posted at October 23, 2009 3:19 PM

dude that rocks!! lucky baby. i'll remember that

Posted by: pebbles at October 23, 2009 9:38 PM


Posted by: manav at October 24, 2009 2:30 AM

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