December 9, 2009

Professional Athletes Who Cheat On Wives: Percentage is HIGH!

America is stricken with shock this month, as revelations of Tiger Woods' infidelity makes his perfect image plummet into shame. but should anyone, least of all their wives, be surprised to find that professional athletes cheat?

According to some statistics, the answer is no. According to the CNN report, famously quotes in a Daily Beast piee about Steve McNair, the percentage of professional athletes who cheat is in the range of 80% to 90% percent! It's not clear from the quotation what CNN's methodology was for reaching this conclusion. but given how often athletes get caught, and how much temptation we know is out there, it's hard to doubt it happens way too often. Does this mean wives should come into any such marriage with an "understanding"? Not my place to say, I suppose. Makes you wonder though...

Professional Athletes Who Cheat On Wives: Percentage is HIGH!

When former NFL star Steve McNair was shot to death by his 20-year-old mistress, his wife and mother of his four children claimed she knew nothing about his infidelity. But after reading "The Secret Code of Sports Mistresses", which quotes a CNN statistic that 80 to 90 percent of pro athletes cheat, we wonder if any woman could be totally ignorant of the possibility....

Professional Athletes Who Cheat On Wives: Percentage is HIGH!

Posted at December 9, 2009 4:44 AM

Of she [Steve Nair's wife] wasn't totally ignorant of the situation. I'm pretty sure shes had some doubts of his fidelity, but probably never had any evidence. Any women marrying a high profile celebrity, period, has the understanding that she will not be the only one. There is an even bigger power governing her actions, it's the color green and I'm not talking about jealousy. There is a secret code amongst the wives of not just athletes but anyone in the public eye, shut up and roll with it. As long as you and yours are taken care of it's all good. Not right but that's just the way it is.

Posted by: Anonymous at December 9, 2009 6:14 AM

it's not cheating unless you get caught

Posted by: John at December 9, 2009 6:22 AM

Their high profile and rich! So, its bound to happen.

Posted by: bill batross at December 9, 2009 7:11 AM

i think its ridiculous how its always about money. a cheater is a cheater and if hes cheating on u u should leave. thats why i wouldnt dare try to date someone famous especially an atlete. Its in their contract to cheat, duh.

Posted by: Candice at December 9, 2009 7:41 AM

Folks, please stop acting like this cheating behavior is confined only to famous, rich and powerful men. This is what men do--no matter how rich or how poor. Having litigated divorces, and from anecdotal information on people I know, every woman, no matter what station in life, should realize the question is not if, but rather when, she will be confronted with the same issue. Tiger was an idiot. He went to Stanford, but was he targeting women of his intellectual equal? No. He married a nanny and hooked up with waitresses and bar hostesses with fake tans, fake boobs, fake lips, fake hair. He chose women who are willing to stand up and be counted as shameless hoochies, willing to date the most widely recognized man worldwide, that everyone knows is married, and then blab about it to anyone willing to right a check. Willing to be identified as a jezebel in front of the world for 15 minutes of fame/infamy. If every woman whose husband screwed around got a divorce, no one would be married. Tiger's hoochies were working in local restaurants and bars--so they could have been with anybody, including every regular joe blow (no pun intended) walking through the door. They just got lucky that Tiger's standards are so low. Folks, get a life, and let Tiger and his wife sort out this mess. It's their business and no one elses. Have you heard--we have global warming, an economy on life support, N. Korea and Iran making weapons of mass destruction...those are issues of newsworthiness, not how many bimbos Tiger chased. Take care of your own glass house, and hope no one is throwing stones at you for your "transgressions". The hypocrisy of folks covering this "story" is just as ridiculous as Tiger's choices for his philandering fiasco. Yes, it's disappointing behavior for Tiger, but surprising...not in the least. A man will be as faithful as his options...end of story.

Posted by: Anonymous at December 9, 2009 9:44 AM

There is a movie based on the epic poem/story called Beowulf, where a Hero is one day visited by the sin of his past. At one point in the movie the Hero reconciles for this sin. In doing so he says to his queen, I have always loved you, but don't remember me as your King but as a man feral and flawed. This was very profound and really true. Only God through the precious blood of Jesus Christ can help mnakind in any situation. May God help us all.

Posted by: Ken at December 9, 2009 9:49 AM

Why the hell do these people get married. Single...have all the affairs you want. Given the risk of infidelity in high profile athletes why do they get married?

Posted by: Fred Pariseau at December 9, 2009 10:18 AM

Why the hell do these people get married. Single...have all the affairs you want. Given the risk of infidelity in high profile athletes why do they get married?

Posted by: Alfredo at December 9, 2009 10:19 AM

Why do i keep reading Men all cheat ! That's what they do !!
Who are they cheating with ? Themselves !!
There is a woman involved in every man's cheating on their wives !!
Women need to take some of the blame also !!!!
U can't cheat by yourself !!!

Posted by: david at December 9, 2009 11:01 AM

Given the high percentage of cheating athletes, why did Tiger work so hard at his "I'm above it all because I'm too disciplined" image? He not only blew his image and brand, he's just another athlete.

Posted by: Crystal at December 9, 2009 11:22 AM

when you are surrounded by "yes men/women" who will do anything to make you happy it is easy to get seduced by the power; money is just the tool that brings about such popularity. And really Ken, trying to link cheating athletes to Beowulf and then christ is a bit of a stretch...I think there are other posts a little more appropriate fot your style.

Posted by: Chris at December 9, 2009 11:34 AM

when you are surrounded by "yes men/women" who will do anything to make you happy it is easy to get seduced by the power; money is just the tool that brings about such popularity. And really Ken, trying to link cheating athletes to Beowulf and then christ is a bit of a stretch...I think there are other posts a little more appropriate for your style.

Posted by: Chris at December 9, 2009 11:34 AM

It takes two to tangle! Most of the women know the man is married. They are either whores or prostitues or both. Come on be real with this nonsence.

Don't forget polititions, coaches, and excutives.

Posted by: So What at December 9, 2009 11:51 AM

Actually Chris I was linking mankind to the need of Christ, Beowulf was just the example I choose to identify with. Sorry you missed the point. Here is a revised version to the earlier message "MEN cheat because they don't have a relationship with CHRIST rather than because they have MONEY (the power)".

Posted by: Anonymous at December 9, 2009 12:20 PM

Not all men cheat. I have been absolutely faithful to my wife for our marriage of over 15 years. We have 4 children and one on the way. I am a wealthy, handsome man who CHOOSES to be faithful to his wife. She is wonderful to me and our relationship gets better each year. We actually waited to have sex until we were married and it made the honeymoon even better! I am a Christian and my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches sex within marriage only and total fidelity to your spouse. We are not perfect but through faith in Jesus Christ we can all become better. Fidelity is possible but I make a point of avoiding any situation where I would be tempted to stray. No cozy work relationships, no bars or drinking, and no spending time with other women alone. It works and it is worth it!

Posted by: Jason at December 9, 2009 12:28 PM

Thanks Jason, Great testimony. My point exactly. I am a Christian also and Christ if you allow Him to, will make a difference in your life.

Posted by: Ken at December 9, 2009 12:43 PM

Why just blame it on the athletes. There aren't many men period that don't cheat on their wives

Posted by: whatdoyaknow! at December 9, 2009 12:44 PM

Who cares how many women tiger slept with if he didnt have money who would care men do it everyday this is the only country were men are supposed to be civil and be loyal to one women bull crap its not happening we are animals .TIGER IF YOU READ THIS TELL EVERYBODY TO KISS WERE THE SUN DONT SHINE AND MAKE A CONDOM CALLED TIGER AND GIVE ME MY CUT.HOLLA

Posted by: who gives a --uk at December 9, 2009 2:00 PM

Chris Rock said it plain and clear..."A man is only as faithful as his options are." I'm still puzzled at to why Tiger continued to promote his "holier than thou" image while engaging with all those prostitues. Yes...that is what they still call women who take money for their sexual favors...and obviously all of these coming out of the woodwork are looking for a payday. Tiger sure didn't know how to pick partners...except for his beautiful wife.

Posted by: Anna at December 9, 2009 2:13 PM

I really don't care who people are sleeping with but let's keep it balance, people cheat because men don't do it alone. It takes two to cheat and most of the time women have there own partners. So, let’s hold the women who agreed to sleep with Tiger accountable. They put money ahead of their values because they knew right from wrong. All professionals are the same and that goes for women professionals...

Posted by: Know who you are marrying at December 9, 2009 2:26 PM

All I have been hearing is how men do the cheating and all, what about these women in high profile positions? Do not be fooled that they are innocent. The same women Tiger Woods was cheating with are sorry as HECK!

Posted by: Derek at December 9, 2009 2:52 PM

Cheating is a horrible experience to have a wife or husband to try to understand. The women and men that engage into such behavior with high profile athletes are the root cause of most of the problems! they know the men or women are married! they accept being a part time intimate experience, then they have the nerve to come forward and exploit the whole relationship!!! What true cowards!!!!!!!
Of course temptation is out there and it always will be!!!!! men and women in high profile positions are targets and nobody's target you by your high profile stauts to get on the map!!!
I just feel sorry for Tiger!! He just does not have the Gerber Baby image anymore!!!!

Posted by: Renee Smallhorne at December 9, 2009 3:07 PM

Cheating is a horrible experience to have a wife or husband to try to understand. The women and men that engage into such behavior with high profile athletes are the root cause of most of the problems! they know the men or women are married! they accept being a part time intimate experience, then they have the nerve to come forward and exploit the whole relationship!!! What true cowards!!!!!!!
Of course temptation is out there and it always will be!!!!! men and women in high profile positions are targets and nobody's target you by your high profile stauts to get on the map!!!
I just feel sorry for Tiger!! He just does not have the Gerber Baby image anymore!!!!

Posted by: Renee Smallhorne at December 9, 2009 3:08 PM

The women Tiger was cheating with are sure not acting like they are as sorry as heck Derek.

Posted by: Anna at December 9, 2009 3:26 PM

The problem is power, money, fame will destory your life if you are living only for yourself's the me me world what do I choose to do, it's my money , and I want it now...the do you know who I am syndrome....Hollywood sells this stuff 24/7 to the rest of the world, and we wonder why the USA has a problem with sex addiction....Our worst enemy is our flesh...we have become a nation of overweight, oversexed , power hungry people , control addicts, with the desire to kick someones butt....not caring who we hurt wife , kids , our nation....freedom unchecked welcome to America.

Posted by: Frank at December 9, 2009 3:45 PM

A prenup agreement is an agreement to cheat. Having all that money brings women out of the wood work to work that witch craft and suck you dry.

Posted by: don at December 9, 2009 3:48 PM

I don't care who Tiger sleeps with! This is a man that can't acknowledge that the world considers him BLACK. His father was a cheater, so what do you expect. These people should not hold these people up as idols and should go to church and get right with the Lord. My life won't change if Tiger and his wife divorce or stay together!! The only way not to cheat or do wrong is to believe in the Lord and try to follow the bible. You have to have morals - which the US has been absent about.

Posted by: Sandy at December 9, 2009 3:52 PM

Why get married? I wouldn't dream of marrying a professional athlete and especially not bearing his children. That should be the standard or women have to accept that money and the prestige of being married to an athlete is worth more than fidelity.

Posted by: Donna B. at December 9, 2009 3:54 PM

That is the key why get married ....if you want to be a player , stay a player ....why bring a wife , and kids into your sex addiction playground? The answer is because you think you can, until your transgressions , are revealed. Why not be proud of the fact that you will screw anything that is not nailed down , or that you don't care who you hurt to get what you want, your in control, you have the money the fame , the power to do anything ....right enjoy it while you can......time is not on your side your man made heaven , has become your hell enjoy it, you have earned it did your way.

Posted by: Frank at December 9, 2009 4:10 PM

Athletics has always been surrounded by a sex culture. There is nothing new about the escapades surrounding modern sports figures. Everyday we use sex to sell everything from candybars to cars. So we pretend to be shocked when someones TomCattin' becomes public knowledge. We are all guilty of allowing this to happen. We put athletes on a pedestal and then itch to kick it from beneath them. Shame on us all, not just Tiger.

Posted by: stella at December 9, 2009 4:12 PM

Elin knew what she was getting into. She married for money and the kids were just additional security in the form of child support. That's why all of these women throw themselves at these athletes. Oh well. Elin will walk away with a nice paycheck which is what she wanted.

Posted by: Chi-Girl at December 9, 2009 5:04 PM

In the general population, one study found, the infidelity rate among males to be 24% and 11% for females. Whether this is true or not who knows. Point being most men aren't unfaithful. You don't need God to live a moral life, just some self control. But being moral doesn't solve the main problem either.

Posted by: Todd at December 9, 2009 5:11 PM

In the general population, one study found, the infidelity rate among males to be 24% and 11% for females. This is probably close. Point being most men aren't unfaithful. You don't need God to live a moral life, just some self control. But being moral doesn't solve the main problem either, only God can do that.

Posted by: Todd at December 9, 2009 5:13 PM

In the general population, one study found, the infidelity rate among males to be 24% and 11% for females. These numbers are probably close. Point being most men aren't unfaithful. You don't need God to live a moral life, just some self control. But being moral doesn't solve the main problem either, only God can do that.

Posted by: Todd at December 9, 2009 5:14 PM

You have all heard the phrase "you made your bed, now you have to lay in it"... I don't feel sorry for Tiger, he's wealthy, healthy, intelligent and talented and he knew that what he was doing was wrong...if he didn't know it was wrong, he wouldn't have tried to hide it. I don't feel sorry for the women he messed around with...they are the type of people who don't respect themselves and they are a dime a dozen. I do feel sorry for Elin not only for the dishonesty and infidelity but for the public humiliation she has to cope with. While I agree that people should be prepared for infidelity in any relationship...especially when marrying a famous, high profile individual (because they have so many star-struck people wanting a piece of them every day), it doesn't make it any less painful for the one who has been lied to and betrayed. It seems that there are some people who want to blame Elin for trusting a man she married and loved. You are supposed to trust the person you take time to exchange vows with. If anyone wants to have more than one sexual partner then they shouldn't get married until they are ready to be monogamous...COMMON SENSE! Unfortunately there is just too many people (men and women) suffering from the same problem...wantin’ their cake and eatin’ it too! That may be a good motivator in achieving financial success, etc. but it’s not an appropriate belief system or way to live your life if it means you are playing with the emotions of someone who you are supposed to love and is supposed to be on your team in this game called "LIFE". When there is someone in your life that treats you with disrespect or abuses you in any way...get away as fast as you can! Leopards rarely change their spots! It takes forgiveness, hard work, counseling and dedication to change! This can be done but is very hard to accomplish. Even if Tiger changes...will Elin REALLY be able to trust him again???? I don't think staying with Tiger or anyone that treats you this way would be the thing to do...even if it is for the sake of the children. all who think or feel that being unfaithful is natural for men and it should be accepted because this is just how men are and that all men will eventually be are basically saying that men have no brain, they lack self control and are no better than wild animals. We are all animals but we are also all supposed to be the most intelligent animals on this Earth! It would be very refreshing if people would quit making all of these shallow excuses on why they behave the way they do and be honest. If you want to live your life doin everyone in sight then be honest about it to yourself and anyone that gets involved with you! If you choose to be sneaky and dishonest…then don’t be surprised when you meet face to face with the consequences you justly deserve!

Posted by: Lisa at December 9, 2009 5:26 PM

I think that cheating is not a big deal in our society. Being married is a joke too!!! We have TV Joe Millionare, that has several women selling their souls trying to get with a man for his money. Marriage is a contract of broken/empty promises. However, if a person want's to be with more than one partner, he or she should stay single.

Posted by: Nate at December 9, 2009 5:32 PM

Regarding the post by anonymous (12/9 post at 9:44) I agree with Jason (12/9 post at 12:28) that not all men cheat. Granted the majority do but not all. A recent survey reported on TV said that 68% of women would cheat on their husbands if they knew they wouldn't get caught. The results for men, as I recall, was about 10% higher. Howevery, many men, like Jason, do take their vows seriously. I agree with anonymous that there are much more important issues in the world than Tiger's sexual escapades. As a society, we still seem to like to watch the mighty fall and we are Puritanically judgemental of our neighbors--rather than focusing on our own behavior.

Posted by: billybob at December 9, 2009 6:00 PM

the one who posted he's litigated on cheaters is right .Rich or poor men do cheat more,most get away with it.And like a lot of men say what they don't know won't hurt them.Until they get caught.

Posted by: lee at December 9, 2009 7:01 PM

Jason Whitlock has it right: no pro athlete should ever marry until he retires; i.e too much money, too many women, too much time.

Posted by: murfski at December 9, 2009 8:25 PM

It's interesting how women are always panted as the Jezebel, however the woman did not stand before God and say, "I will love honor and cherish my spouse, till death due us part". What is the point of marriage if you know you dont't have the character to stand in fidelity. In Tigers case he was dating his lover and his now wife at the same time he never had any intentions of keeping his vows.

Posted by: le at December 9, 2009 8:44 PM

Those are all right but what is the percantage of golf athlethes cheat on their wives.Probably a hand ful like Tiger, Don't know if Daly is also in the list.
Golf is nobel sport where the golfers embrace their family and kids on gthe 18th green after winning on 72nd hole.
As much as what Tiger did was disappointing it's his personal business and it's between him and his wife and his family to deal with it and there are a lot of problems in this world that needs some money/time/solution like medical care and Global warming and I would appreciate if all the clowns who critize Tiger can concentrate on this issue for the betterment of the world

Posted by: sachse2009 at December 9, 2009 9:22 PM

If you burn with lust, get married. The Apostle Paul. Any man who looks at a woman with lust in his heart has alredy committed adultry with her. Jesus Christ. Any man who sleeps with a woman who he is not married to is committing fornication. Moses. Any man who sleeps with a woman who he is not married to is committing adultry. Moses. God will not be mocked. You will reap what you sow and if you sow the sin of sex outside of marriage to one of the opposite sex you are taking them down,too. Whoever said it's only cheating if you get caught. Get real! Jesus knows everything anyone is going to say or do before they do it. It is no surprise to Him, either. God told Cain that sin was crouching at his door and not to kill Abel. Did he listen? NO!

Sex addiction, the wrong role model, lack of a good mentor, poor self-control, poor image, I have seen it all. It's all about SIN! That is missing the mark Almighty God set up for His followers to save them from themselves.

Anyone heard of STDs? They aren't just an alphabetical list in a book. They are real and they can kill. Obviously, these people think they are above it all, even the vows to forsake all others.

Jesus is coming back and it won't be as a little baby in a manger, which is a fancy word for a feed trough. He's coming back with a double-edged sword in His mouth and His robe dipped in the blood of those who were martyrded for following Him. As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord God Almighty through His son, Jesus Christ.

Posted by: Laura at December 9, 2009 9:49 PM

What I can't accept is that Tiger is not just cheating on his wife, he is cheating on his kids. When you enter into one affair (let alone multiple), you know you are playing with fire. If your get caught, you know you are going to destroy your family. There is no "happily ever after" in this situation.

Pretty morally bankrupt if you ask me.

Posted by: Peteski at December 9, 2009 10:32 PM

Any women who thinks men cheat more than women is insane... many more women marry for money that is worse than cheating... its just like never being faithful, a pure lie... not to mention men who work hard get shafted to cause the selfish women he is working to support only thinks of herself and begins to feel "lonely" WHICH IS COMPLETE CRAP!!!!!!!

Posted by: Bob at December 9, 2009 10:38 PM

Get right with the lord!....HOLY poop..
tiger is a stud...

Posted by: kdubb at December 9, 2009 11:53 PM

"America is Stricken with Shock."
They are kidding, right?

Posted by: Sherri at December 10, 2009 12:47 AM

Every man cheats..speak for your self!!

It does hurt anyone? Let them sort it out (the couple) ever heard of the court system.. Ever heard of juvinal crime, childhood sex, drop out rates,VD, welfare....and more. Where do you think it starts. Single parent homes, vows unkept, anythings goes and sex is no big thing.
oh I'm sorry. Stay out of my bedroom...well at least till I need the governments help. Oh the government that means taxpayer right. Hummm or Police force, oh that means taxpayer right. Who does this affect ALL OF US!!!!

Posted by: steve at December 18, 2009 3:49 AM

AIDS,AIDS,AIDS.... All these people are engaging in dangerous behavior. If not a sexually transmitted disease, then you will be a proud parent of a baby boy or girl. For those actually using condoms, I hope they don't break and you didn't brag about size and got the wrong fit. I just watched the Oprah show where all those women got infected with AIDS by the same man. This sorry excuse for a man had nerve to have been with over 27 women in five states that have been broadcasted. Only five women came forward. What about the rest and how many partners have they each had since? Sex isn't worth dying for.
Not all women depend on a man or will not lower themselves to marry a man because of his money. I wouldn't and I work and I love my independence. I will marry for the right and relevant reasons like love and family.

Posted by: 1S at December 18, 2009 4:39 AM

Women like this make me sick!! They give the rest of us a bad name. There are alot of single men out there. GET ONE!!!! Stop hooking up with the married ones. They(Men) outnumber us. Get one that isn't taken. DAMN!!!

Posted by: 1S at December 18, 2009 4:42 AM

I can't believe in this day and age that Mr Woods does not practice safe sex.Does he believe that the HGH and testosterone pushing MD from Canada also holds some sort of secret AIDS cure?Elin is lucky(I hope anyway)that she has not caught some sort of STD from the sexual deviant God of the Golfing world.

Posted by: Monica at December 18, 2009 4:56 AM

Thou shalt not commit adultery-----------------NOR ANYTHING LIKE IT! For whoso looks on a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart.

Posted by: James at December 18, 2009 4:59 AM

Thou shalt not commit adultery-----------------NOR ANYTHING LIKE IT! For whoso looks on a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart.

Posted by: James at December 18, 2009 5:00 AM

One thing that I have learned in my adult life is that men in general are soooooo insecure about REAL MEN!!! By that I mean men who do not cheat. They will go to extremes just to be with other guys, not because they enjoy their company , but to prove their manhood. Hence the reason why they have to have their buddy meetups in bars, clubs etc just to say they are macho. !!!!.....yes guys you may be cringing, that this is posted , but I just wanted to let you know thay are some smart women that see through this whole childish, selfish and insecure act. USA takes the cup. While you criticize other men from foreign nations not treating women have the highest rate of divorce, mudering women and children,domestic violence, avoid child support, think its OK to cheat and leave your wives when they are pregnant or with very young degradation is what this country is going through. You're a bunch of emotionally disconnected humans who don't realize that women and children are HUMANS with feelings. Everthing is about me me me me me me me WAAAAAAAAAAH!!! cry babies that cant grow up and be responsble. Children in this country are growing up without fathers, not because they died but because of CHEATING......Shame on you guys. Look at other foreign ountries and see how stable their families are...C'mon America!what is going on? Don't get married or produce another human being,if you know you will treat them like Tiger Woodstreated his wife and have to be emotionally detached to sleep with all those women,come home to your wife and kids and think it isOK to cheat. The one that gets me,is the manager who would arrange for Tiger's escapades. How is he getting away with all this?he has ruined Tiger's career. Men !!!Men!!!Men!!! before you go on hating this letter, think for moment..Is this a lie?

Posted by: Jennifer at December 18, 2009 5:01 AM

Thou shalt not commit adultery-----------------NOR ANYTHING LIKE IT! For whoso looks on a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart.

Posted by: James at December 18, 2009 5:02 AM

Thou shalt not commit adultery-----------------NOR ANYTHING LIKE IT! For whoso looks on a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart.

Posted by: James at December 18, 2009 5:02 AM

I am not a Christian, just a decent person. I won't cheat on my wife because I love her and would never hurt her. If you cheat you shouldn't be married.

Posted by: Ed at December 18, 2009 5:43 AM

Ever wonder why Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines?I was not sinful.Almost every great man of god had more than one wife.COuld it be because men and women are biologically and emotionally different and have different needs?Maybe our monogamous laws are man made.Cheating is wrong.But multiple partners for men may not be considered a sin if it is openly done and the other is in agreement.Now go ahead and explode.

Posted by: bb at December 18, 2009 6:07 AM

Cheating has NOTHING to do with status. People who cheat do it for many other reasons besides who they are and the size of their bank account. Coming from someone who has experienced the situation first hand...NOT ONLY MEN CHEAT...sorry to all the feminists(and Christians) who get a hard-on over such events. Tiger is are all of us. Not saying it is right, but people do wrong. It's in our nature. It's not your place to judge ANYONE. EVER. So anyone ready to pass judgement...please...piss off, and save your opinion for someone who gives a damn.

F**k you all,
Yours truly,

Posted by: Kyle at December 18, 2009 6:09 AM

Why is everyone just talking about men being cheaters? Women cheat just as much as men do but only better.

Men cheat for pleasure. Women cheat for emotional reasons.

I always say when it comes to the human heart it's a simple analogy. With men it's like a swimming pool you can see right through them but when it comes to a womans heart it's like a deep ocean; dark, hard to see through, mysterious, amazing to look at but difficult to understand at times.

So let's not keep putting down men because there are plenty of good ones out there. There are plenty of women who are losers and many good men end up hurt. The problem is women always seem to seek out the bad boy first.

Posted by: Say What! at December 18, 2009 6:12 AM

Tiger's situation is just a case of "The disease that kills the strongest Bulldog starts by blocking its nose". Tiger should have known better the precurious position he's in as the most famous and successful sportsman and the number of hungry lioness out there wanting to have a piece of him. Sadly, he has given in to the temptation of this world and opened door for the Gold diggers to take their chances to the dertrament of his family, image and career. My be after coming out of the wood he will become more careful and wiser next time.

Posted by: Jocky at December 18, 2009 7:10 AM

Thou shalt not commit adultery--NOR ANYTHING LIKE IT!!--for whoso LOOKS on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery already in his heart. whats worse still like the injuried chicken, all in the coop must peck at its bloody head.

Posted by: james at December 18, 2009 8:08 AM

Tiger isn't putting food on anyones table. Why do we even care what goes on in his life. It was the public and media that gave him that good guy image. Did they forget that he grew up? People should pay more attention to their on lives. The media is out of control in this world today! That is the real problem. Everybody seems to have an opinion when really none of us are perfect. Role models and values should come from within your own house. The world has lost that view.

Posted by: EL at December 18, 2009 8:26 AM

People want to say that men don't have a relationship with Christ and that's why they cheat. First of all men need a relationship with someone far above christ and that would be the The Almighty christ was just a servant like everyone one else is.

Posted by: Me Me at December 18, 2009 8:57 AM

People want to say that men don't have a relationship with Christ and that's why they cheat. First of all men need a relationship with someone far above christ and that would be the The Almighty. Christ was just a servant like everyone one else is.

Posted by: Me Me at December 18, 2009 8:58 AM

This entire saga has been occurring since the beginning of time. It's called 'The Lure Of Pussy!!'

Posted by: OHYEAH at December 18, 2009 9:07 AM

tired of this story, please move on.....................

Posted by: tiredofthisstory at December 18, 2009 9:10 AM

First of all, the law to be faithful to your spouse is NOT MAN-MADE. It is in the Bible for those who believe the laws from the beginning. For those who don't, look at it this way, infidelity is totally self-fulfilling (and self-preserving too) when it is done in secrecy while one is also married...and does not promote integrity and selflessness-which are at the root of true love (something that most people seem to be "clueless" of the meaning of anymore). It's the "me me" attitude that invokes this kind of behavior, and doesn't seem to see the true longlasting benefits of monogamous true love. I have been on both sides of the fence, and believe me, when you have the fortune of being in a truly monogamous loving relationship, NOTHING else will measure up - ever! The comfort and security and trust it provides is like nothing else!

Also, cheating comes in many forms, and it starts with a simple thought that once turns into a thought that dwells, you have already begun to open the door....Recognize that, and stop it there...

I do unfortunately believe that most men (some women) do cheat; some only haven't yet because the right "opportunity" has yet to come, and then there are the precious few that don't because they have learned to control their carnal instincts, thus seeing the importance of avoiding pain toward those they love. That's the ONLY kind of man that even begins to appeal to me.....Men need to communicate their needs openly honestly to their mates, especially if they are even TEMPTED to stray, and women need to do all they can to accommodate them, and vice versa.

And as far as what other countries do, I could care LESS about what anyone else does...Those same countries also allow prostitution and other liberal behaviors....None of which inspire anything GOOD, other than this selfish behavior. And the uncleanliness and deterioration in some of their cities and culture, is a consequence of some of this sort of liberal behavior.

For anyone who doubts this, I would say reverse the roll on yourself, and imagine for once, having the ONE true love of your life (if you are fortunate enough to find someone who truly loves YOU), and finding out they are having sexual experiences with others...Is that okay with you then??? NOW----who's being selfish?

Posted by: SC at December 18, 2009 9:29 AM

I am tired of men cheating. No one care about AIDS. These guys are evil poker, they just don't care who they poke. So girls let us fix up ourselves and screw our men like there is no tomorrow...Damn iI hate cheaters.

Posted by: Patricia at December 18, 2009 10:10 AM


Posted by: MICHAEL at December 18, 2009 10:17 AM

All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, "Brother let me take the speck out of your eye, when you yourself fail to see the plank in your won eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then maybe you will see clearly enough to remove the speck from your brothers's eye. We as people are so worried about the obvious sins like adultery but what about the sins that we can't see like envy, jealousy and especially covetousness. we are so preoccupied with the dirty dozen, the nasty nine and the filthy five that we are totally oblivious to us that Jesus says that even unrighteous anger is a sin. Wake up America! It not our SINS that will ultimately send us to hell. Jesus Christ died for all our sins (past, present and futur) on the cross over 2,00 years ago. And yes He even paid the price for Tiger's infidelity and for his wife's unforgiveness. The plain truth of the matter is we will go to hell not because of our SINS(Plural) but because of our SIN(Singular)
Jesus said the world's SIN is UNBELIEF in Him. Not in He is was and is but in what he has done and what He commands us to do (Repent and be baptized). Well I better stop now because I could write on this subject all day. Bottom line what Tiger Woods did is inexcusable and wrong and my prayers go up to God for him and Rin and their children that God would bring them into a true saving knowledge resulting in their new birth in the name our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Posted by: Glenn Rogers at December 18, 2009 10:22 AM

All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, "Brother let me take the speck out of your eye, when you yourself fail to see the plank in your won eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then maybe you will see clearly enough to remove the speck from your brothers's eye. We as people are so worried about the obvious sins like adultery but what about the sins that we can't see like envy, jealousy and especially covetousness. we are so preoccupied with the dirty dozen, the nasty nine and the filthy five that we are totally oblivious to us that Jesus says that even unrighteous anger is a sin. Wake up America! It not our SINS that will ultimately send us to hell. Jesus Christ died for all our sins (past, present and futur) on the cross over 2,00 years ago. And yes He even paid the price for Tiger's infidelity and for his wife's unforgiveness. The plain truth of the matter is we will go to hell not because of our SINS(Plural) but because of our SIN(Singular)
Jesus said the world's SIN is UNBELIEF in Him. Not in He is was and is but in what he has done and what He commands us to do (Repent and be baptized). Well I better stop now because I could write on this subject all day. Bottom line what Tiger Woods did is inexcusable and wrong and my prayers go up to God for him and Rin and their children that God would bring them into a true saving knowledge resulting in their new birth in the name our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Posted by: Glenn Rogers at December 18, 2009 10:23 AM


Posted by: RAY at December 18, 2009 10:29 AM


Posted by: RAY at December 18, 2009 10:30 AM


Posted by: RAY at December 18, 2009 10:30 AM

I agree with RAY
Everyone--get over it and move on...If it were a regular "joe smoe" would anyone really care who's cheating on who? But Becasue it's Tiger it really makes a difference....When JLo became Jhoe people cared, when Brittney....well Brittney is Brittney and when she went and shaved her head--people thought she was cRaZy---- she was already people! And the story goes on with all celebs.....really get over it and move one----

Posted by: Liz at December 18, 2009 11:26 AM

who freeakien cares, are they still taken care of there children and are they still winning games!!!! if so stfu it is there private business!!! bcuz regardless they are still makin money and if there wive like it we should loved itd

Posted by: ole skool at December 18, 2009 11:32 AM

Why are we having a hard time getting over it? Well let's see:
1)Woods portraited himself as a family first athlete.
2)Sadly athletes are seen as role models by children in our society. Would you like your children to see Woods behavior as ok? Especially your daughters?
3)It's plain wrong or are you so demoralized that you don't see someone cheating on their spouse as wrong. Maybe your special someone or spouse should cheat on you and see how you like it. I guarantee you would change your song. It's really sick, that some people care more about sports and money than about good morals. It does not surprise me, after all character is not being thought in our schools today. That's why this country is in the mess it is. I pray people wake up and smell the roses before it is too late.

Merry CHRISTmas and God Bless America!

Posted by: Carlos at December 18, 2009 11:50 AM

Yes thanks who cares if Tiger Cheated. He is not the first and will not be the last. Let's talk about global warming or the Senator from the Carolines who ran off with his mistress and tax payers money. Thats news

Posted by: SYLVIA at December 18, 2009 11:54 AM

A good measure for discerning whether something is considered cheating is, would you say or do this in the presence of your significant other??? If not,you SHOULD NOT be doing it. If you find that impossible, be mature enough to GET OUT of the committed relationship out of respect for the other person. Committed relationships are inclusive of each other on such matters.

For a relationship to be built on a solid foundation, TRUST must be based on COMPLETE honesty and total transparency. That doesn't mean you blurt out condescending statements unprovoked, but there should be NO secrets-This means you should feel comfortable in sharing even your passwords and email addresses. There should be no reason to "hide" anything. This BUILDS more trust. And in the RIGHT relationship, you should not feel you must always take defense if someone questions your integrity over something they genuinely are anxious about...(that instills more distrust) Simply be willing to SHOW you are trustworthy. It is really NOT that complicated. And if you think they can't handle the truth, you are mistaken.....Any "mature" person would rather take the "painful truth" and work through it, then be misled by a lie...indefinitely.

Posted by: SC at December 18, 2009 12:59 PM

Shouldn't Tiger wife be locked up for domestic violence? If it was the other way around, wouldn't he be locked up?

Posted by: Happy at December 18, 2009 1:01 PM

yes- lock her a-- up, if he hit her he would be lock up with no question ask. tiger ego won't let him charge her with dv, a male being beat up by his wife.( lol )the police know what happen and her mom know and tiger mom know. she can be charge she use a 9 iron and whup his a-- for cheaing on her.

Posted by: r r b at December 18, 2009 1:51 PM

Any women that goes out with a married man knows what she's getting herself in for and deserves no pity. The man took a oath before God to be faithful to his wife thus making him responsible for his actions. Tiger's ability to play golf has NOTHING to do with his situation and I'd buy any product if he was in the commercial because I like the product, plain and simple. I like to watch the commercials because he's easy to look at not because I'd fool myself to think that he uses it every day or that he's some squeekie clean person, no one is for that matter. He's a good golfer and should be treated as such, as for marriage, he's not a perfect husband but not for us to decide. If Elin loves him and wants to keep her family together and give it another try, more power to her. I wish her the best and hopefully he can live up to his wedding vowels.

Posted by: hollywood 5 at December 18, 2009 2:03 PM

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