April 14, 2010

Dad Sues 'Dead Soldiers' Church

After years of the Phelps family "church" doing their deplorable protests and military family funerals, one father is finally fighting back, as he sues the "Dead Soldiers" church and takes them all the way to the Supreme Court to stop them from accosting any other grieving families with their hate.

The church, known as the Westboro Baptist church, is made up mostly of the head of the church Fred Phelps' family, They are known for protesting outside soldier's funerals with hateful signs taking pleasure in their deaths, with vulgar messages about homosexuality that don't even have anything to do with the person being mourned. They are not altogether sane, and clearly need to see therapists and psychiatrists for medication, but this is no excuse for such despicable behavior and it's good to see them held accountable.

Dad Sues 'Dead Soldiers' Church

Some nights Albert Snyder wakes up at 3 a.m. Other nights he doesn't sleep at all, tormented by thoughts of the hateful signs carried by a fundamentalist church outside his Marine son's funeral. "Thank God for Dead Soldiers." "You're Going to Hell." Hundreds of grieving families have been targeted by the Westboro Baptist Church, which believes military deaths are the work of a wrathful God who punishes the United States for tolerating homosexuality, and now Snyder is filing a lawsuit...

Dad Sues 'Dead Soldiers' Church

Posted at April 14, 2010 3:37 AM