May 25, 2010

Etheridge, Ex Split: Ugly

When Melissa Etheridge broke up with her partner Tammy, she said it was an amicable split, but now her ex is saying it was anything but.

On her blog, which didn't say Melissa's name but referred to her "wife," Tammy said the marriage "didn't work out. You evolved. You needed to be happy -- but really you withdrew your hands from family and intimacy to pluck those strings more...Please stop telling the press it was mutual. I heard [the song 'Fearless Love'] and I got sick. 'That's your break up song with me' I said to you. You got so angry, with me, remember? And stomped off."

Etheridge ex, split?


Melissa Etheridge may have told Oprah Winfrey that her breakup with Tammy was "as mutual as those things can be," but the singer's former partner is now publicly disagreeing. "My birthday rolled around, the holidays. And me and the twins sat right there waiting," she writes. "I saw you with your new friends. You wear them so well. I still love that damn woman so much. I'm still trying to stop," she adds. "I had a dream where honey and I were fighting and going to get a divorce and I woke up sobbing then I realized, oh, it's true."

Etheridge ex, split?

Posted at May 25, 2010 4:13 AM