January 24, 2010

Gregory Smith: Nobel Peace Prize Kid?

Gregory Smith has already made lots of news in his childhood, as a child prodigy who went to college at an extremely young age, earning his master's degree when he was only 16 years old. Gregory has also devoted much of his young life to trying to be a voice for peace, and as an international activist for peace and justice, trying to make a difference on issues he cares about. And this devotion has has to doing good works has led to the young man being nominated several times for a Nobel peace prize before he's old enough to drive!

Among other things, Gregory Smith is a co-founder of something called the World Children Awards with Muhammad Ali. The World of Children Awards recognizes people who dedicate their lives to helping children all around the world. He also started an organization called the IYA, or International Youth Advocates, another group that is devoted to protecting young people from violent situations and to helping promote good educational services and living conditions for kids. He has received lots of praise and acclaim for his work, including the nominations for a Nobel peace prize, but he is not satisfied and he still continues working tirelessly to make the most of his gifts and the attention he gets for them. So bravo to Gregory Smith! I hope that prize does come his way one day.

Gregory Smith: Nobel Peace Prize?

Gregory Smith has spoken before the United Nations as a delegate for the very first children's summit. He's been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize - three times. The first nomination was in 2002, the second in 2003, and the third in 2004. Smith worked with many leaders and other political figures. Among those on the lengthy list are former U.S. President Bill Clinton, former Russian President Michel Gorbachev, 1984 Nobel Peace Prize Winner Desmond Tutu and 1976 Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams...

Gregory Smith: Nobel Peace Prize?

Posted at January 24, 2010 6:19 PM