November 30, 2009

Alice in Wonderland Silent Films (VIDEO)

You are probably familiar with the many movie versions of Alice in Wonderland, but have you ever seen the silent films based on Alice in Wonderland?

The most famous version of Alice in Wonderland came in 1951, and a new versions is expected in theaters soon. But there were older versions dating all the way back to a silent film version in 1903, that fit the story into a ten minute movie as you can see below.

Alice in Wonderland Silent Films (VIDEO)

Alice in Wonderland (1903) silent film directed by Cecil Hepworth and starring May Clark in this version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. There are special effects of Alice shrinking and growing in the doll house. Parts of the movie are lost but what remains is available as a bonus feature on the 1966 BBC DVD.

Alice in Wonderland Silent Films (VIDEO)

Posted at November 30, 2009 6:09 AM

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