November 30, 2009

Cyber Monday News (VIDEO)

Shopping for the best deals on "Cyber Monday"? Check below for the latest Cyber Monday news.

Last year consumers spent $800 million on cyber monday holiday shopping, and this year's online deals are expected to bring even bigger returns. In addition to the usual sales on HDTVs, Blu Ray players and other electronics, there are many deals on new cars and even on vacations and hotel reservations, as many hotel chains (Starwood Affinia) are offering special one day bargains. Some deals are not all they appear though, so shop carefully, and see this video for more cyber monday info:

Cyber Monday News
nbc chicago

This year, there are more online bargains than ever on Cyber Monday-- with nearly nine out of ten retailers offering special online promotions for Monday, November 30th (according to the National Retail Federation). The day marks the traditional kick off to the online holiday shopping season...

Cyber Monday News

Posted at November 30, 2009 4:05 AM

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