December 19, 2009

Volleyball Star Pregnant

A bundle of joy is coming for beach volleyball star Kerri Walsh, as she announces she is pregnant for the second time. The volleyball MVP, known also for a famously playful meeting on the beach with George W Bush, says she is due at the end of May, and according to her agent she hopes to be back on the beach spiking balls before the end of the year.

Kerri Walsh is among the most famous to ever play in beach volleyball, along with her partner, mand have been dominant for years. Here's hoping she'll continue to rock for years to come, and have a healthy and happy baby to inherit the throne.

Volleyball Star Pregnant

Two-time Olympic beach volleyball gold medalist Kerri Walsh of the United States is pregnant for a second time. Walsh is due at the end of May and her agent says she could be back as early as the end of the 2010 season. Walsh and her husband, fellow beach volleyball pro Casey Jennings, gave birth to a son last May. After planning to take the whole year off, Walsh returned to the AVP tour in August...

Volleyball Star Pregnant

Posted at December 19, 2009 8:38 PM

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