February 27, 2010

Tiger and Elin Apologize (Transcript)

Tiger Woods already did his big apology for the press, but now he and his wife Elin had to give another one: to the other parents in their daycare center.

Tiger and Elin penned a letter apologizing to the parents at their daughters daycare center, apologizing for bringing paparazzi around to the center and bothering the other parents and kids.

In the written statement Tiger and Elin said: "We truly understand how frustrating it can be. We hope that the paparazzi will find something better to do with their time in the near future. In the meantime, it is our goal to keep life as normal as possible for our children. We are sure that as parents you can appreciate that. For Sam, that normalcy means attending the school that she enjoys so much."

Tiger and Elin Apologize

A letter shared with Eyewitness News from Tiger Woods and his wife Elin (read it) apologizes to the parents whose children attend the same daycare facility as their daughter Sam. Members of the paparazzi could be seen staked outside the school in Windermere to snap photos of Elin Woods dropping off her daughter. In the letter, the Tiger and Elin apologize for the inconvenience and say they hope the paparazzi will soon find something better to do with their time. The letter is signed, Tiger and Elin Woods...

Tiger and Elin Apologize

Posted at February 27, 2010 2:45 AM